Academic-Community EPINET (AC-EPINET)

Principal Investigator:
Alan Breier, MD
The Academic-Community EPINET (AC-EPINET) is addressing the challenges associated with the utilization of health care data to improve clinical decision making and services delivery in early psychosis programs for young people in the initial phases of psychotic disorder. The network is implementing a Learning Healthcare System (LHS) to identify performance gaps, drive continuous quality improvement and enable practice-based research. Dashboard displays of outcomes will allow for real-time comparisons within and across early intervention (“spoke”) clinics.

See the full list of AC-EPINET clinics


A network of six early intervention clinics are connected to a Regional Hub through advanced informatics. The Regional Hub will:
- Implement a LHS to identify performance gaps, drive continuous quality improvement, and enable practice-based research.
- Utilize the EPINET Common Assessment Battery (CAB) and Coordinated Specialty Care Outcomes Network Education (CSC-ONE) informatics platform.
- Provide governance, oversight, data management, training, and data transfer to the EPINET National Data Coordinating Center.
Additionally, AC-EPINET is conducting a practice-based pilot research study to assess the effectiveness of CSC treatment delivered through telehealth (CSC-TH) compared to standard, clinic-based CSC.
Contact Information
Alan Breier
Principal Investigator
[email protected]
(317) 880-8495
Prevention and Recovery Center for Early Psychosis (PARC)Opens a new tab
Indianapolis, IN
Early Psychosis Intervention Center (EPICENTER)- The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Early Psychosis Intervention Clinic-New Orleans (EPIC-NOLA)- Tulane UniversityOpens a new tab
New Orleans, LA
Program for Risk Evaluation and Prevention (PREP)- University of MichiganOpens a new tab
Ann Arbor, MI
New York
Strong Ties Young Adults Program- University of Rochester Medical CenterOpens a new tab
Rochester, NY
Vanderbilt’s Early Psychosis Program- Vanderbilt UniversityOpens a new tab
Nashville, TN
AC-EPINET is supported by the National Institute of Mental Health under award number R01MH120588.