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The impact of lighting, heating and people in re-using historical buildings are discussed for the case study concerning the ceremony room (i.e. the Giant Hall) of a mediaeval palace in Padova. The Hall has substantially four major... more
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    • Physics
The impact of lighting, heating and people in re-using historical buildings are discussed for the case study concerning the ceremony room (i.e. the Giant Hall) of a mediaeval palace in Padova. The Hall has substantially four major... more
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    • Physics
The impact of lighting, heating and people in re-using historical buildings are discussed for the case study concerning the ceremony room (i.e. the Giant Hall) of a mediaeval palace in Padova. The Hall has substantially four major... more
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    • Heritage Conservation
Archeological excavations beside the Baptistery of the Dome of Padua (northeastern Italy) unearthed anthropic deposits formed between the seventh-and tenth-century AD. These were analyzed using soil micromorphology, soil chemical analyses... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryGeoarchaeologyArchaeological Soil Micromorphology
Archeological excavations beside the Baptistery of the Dome of Padua (north-eastern Italy) unearthed anthropic deposits formed betweenthe seventh-and tenth-century AD . These wereanalyzedusing soilmicromorphology, soilchemical analyses... more
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      GeomorphologyUrban HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyUrban archaeology
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      GeographyArchaeologyHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
Two of the seven prehistoric Megalithic Temples of the Maltese Islands inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List were covered by a temporary opensided shelter in 2009. This was to protect the Temples from environmental factors,... more
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      ArchaeologyEarth and Environmental SciencesEnvironmental Science and Engineering
This Quality Project Plan for the InnoWEE consortium specifies quality assurance requirements and applicable standards and procedures during the four year European project InnoWEE.
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The use of phase change materials (PCMs) in civil buildings as an effective thermal energy storage solution has been well documented in literature and proven in the field. When applied to Cultural Heritage, PCMs' technology needs to be... more
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      EngineeringArchaeologyMaterials ScienceThermal Energy Storage
The methodology of protecting the European stained glass windows against environmental risk (e.g. meteorological factors, air pollution, microorganisms) by means of an external glazing is not new. In spite of many scientific studies... more
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      EngineeringArchaeologyCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
We have measured the surface scattering efficiency of a new ceramic composite, based on boron carbide, that was recently proposed for use as a shielding material for pulsed neutron scattering instrumentation. The results show that, due to... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceNeutron Scattering
The impact of climate on cultural heritage surfaces leads to several damage processes and the protection and the preservation of works of art is a challenge for conservation scientists and restorers. Traditional and innovative products... more
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      Materials ScienceHeritage Science
An innovative, cost-effective, user-friendly and portable device (dew sensor) to directly detect condensation on glass surfaces was developed within the EC-VIDRIO project (contract No. EVK4-CT-2001-00045), aimed at finding sustainable... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringStained GlassChristian Ministry
In the framework of the Santiago of Compostela Cathedral program, a multidisciplinary investigation of the porch of the glory was carried out between 2009 and 2011 to identify the main environmental risks and to develop a preventive... more
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      HistoryEnvironmental Science and Engineering
Research and development of cost-effective, high-performance thermal insulation materials for the construction sector has to be focused on their final application. In particular, solutions for refurbishing historic buildings, which... more
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      EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringArchitectureThermal comfort
Wall paintings and architectural surfaces in outdoor environments are exposed to several physical, chemical and biological agents, hence they are often treated with different products to prevent or slow down their deterioration. Among the... more
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      ChemistryMedicineConservation of wall paintingsAmmonium Compounds
In the field of cultural heritage conservation, wall paintings treatment is a particularly complex issue, which requires a suitable choice of materials. In this paper, two innovative calcium alkoxides, calcium tetrahydrofurfuryl oxide... more
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The measurement of wood thermal expansion at fixed values of moisture content (MC) between the dry state and the cell wall saturation point is a very difficult task, as MC varies with temperature. Being hygroscopic deformations much... more
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      Materials ScienceWood ScienceForestry SciencesEquilibrium Moisture Content
Two infrared reflective coatings recently developed as part of the EFFESUS European 26 research project are characterized and evaluated in this paper. Thermal performance, 27 durability, compatibility with historic fabric, and... more
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      Materials ScienceArchitectureHistoric BuildingsThermal Performance
The present work was carried out in the Ria de Aveiro Lagoon (Portugal) to better understand the dynamics driving the bioaccumulation processes in edible bivalves, namely in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. For the first time, a... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceBiodiversityTrophic Level