About Me
hello~! welcome to my ~website~
I like programming, fun music, video games, animation, movies, and taking photos! I love picking up new hobbies every few months, maybe I’ll post about some of them in my blog?? I love sharing things I’m into, which you can find in my recommendations section!
Feel free to email me or talk to me on twitter/mastodon! Follow updates on this site with RSS: posts & recommendations.
Things I Like
music檻、子供達。 by yeti let you noticereally nice japanese mathy emo!!!
webita toysthe PEAK of web design, wonderful site about j-fashion
webDarius Kazemi's twitter self archive searchnice little tool to help search through an exported twitter archive, great for when leaving twitter
The Spear Cuts Through Water
a wonderful piece of fantasy, enthralling throughout, has rekindled my desire to read novels. thank you caleb zane huett for the recommendation!
webwhat's happening onlinean archive of twitter trending topics by brian feldman, an unintentional memorial to twitter and the trending curators
Top Music
My most played artists in the last seven days
Recent Anime
Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction
NegaPosi Angler
BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!

beautiful day for some bike errands n_n
1d -
@SimonNovak @nathanwentworth lmao
3d -
oh this looks incredible https://youtu.be/glIY7aowcPU
3d -
someone stole my blue lug bike bag and cargo net off my bike out of my basement????? why???? 😭😭😭
6d -
yay new pedals!!
8d -
$160 on my first bike tune up in like, 5 years, not bad for something i use almost every day!!!
8d -
heck yes next shinji higuchi movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxj6UfRH-Eg
11d -
omg i knew it, this song in the dead dead demons soundtrack IS by miyauchi yuri, i'd recognize that style anywhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rXRYglOV8A
21d - 25d
- 39d
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Recent Bookmarks
- Kendrick Lamar is the rap main character America deserves — Media Events
Kendrick is the perfect rapper to appeal to this art-as-puzzlebox perspective, which is sort of the amoral cousin of what the artist and video essayist Brad Troemel refers to as literalism, that strain of 2010s criticism in which an artist’s morality, as well as the values depicted in their work, served as the primary lenses through which the quality of the art itself was determined. The redditization of art rewards a work simply for making references and hiding Easter Eggs within its text. It mistakes “depth,” as in something requiring a bit of work to understand what’s actually going on, for the sort of revelations about life and the world, or challenges to our long-held assumptions, that makes depth itself a worthwhile quality. Ironically, the one true and direct political statement contained in the performance wasn’t planned by Kendrick and his team at all: One of his 400 backup dancers unveiled a Palestinian and Sudanese flag during “tv off,” after which the man was forcibly removed from the stadium and banned from NFL events for life. The protester later said that he found the courage to go through with his plan because of Kendrick’s use of flags in his own performance, but Roc Nation, which produced the halftime show, had already issued a statement distancing itself from the gesture. So much for Kendrick the revolutionary.
Thu, Feb 27, 2025 - msx | blog
i am more keen to work within technical limitations rather than smash my head against them. i am more understanding of how to configure hardware to give it the best chance it can have. i am laser-focused on converting waste into opportunity. all of this has to be cultivated from a place of patience and appreciation. you must understand the value and capabilities of the things around you. your willingness to be behind the curve in this field will be a virtue.
Thu, Feb 20, 2025 - How to Create Dynamic Wallpapers for macOS That Support Automatic Light and Dark Mode
Sun, Jan 26, 2025 - Willem Dafoe on His Acting Career, ‘Spider-Man,’ ‘Nosferatu’
Does the word realism have any meaning to you as an actor? > No. When you say realism, I think of naturalism, and I think about natural acting. And when I think about natural acting, I think about natural behavior. And I think sometimes that destroys movies, you know? Because we don’t just want to see imitations of life. We want to see something that is beyond that. Cinema is not just about telling stories. Everybody clings to this. Telling stories, telling stories, telling stories! It’s about light. It’s about space. It’s about tone. It’s about color. It’s about people having experiences in front of you, where, if it’s transparent enough, they can experience it with you. You become them. They become you. That’s the communion. That’s the experience. Wow. You’ve just summarized my entire philosophy of what cinema is. I don’t really care much about plot. > I don’t either! But we’re all different. My wife is always going, “Don’t tell me what happens.” I couldn’t care less. Tell me the whole story! When I watch it, I’m going to forget about where it goes anyway. It’s not about what happens. It’s about how things happen. Because there’s nothing new under the sun.
Thu, Dec 05, 2024 - HTML for People
HTML isn’t only for people working in the tech field. It’s for anybody, the way documents are for anybody. HTML is just another type of document. A very special one—the one the web is built on.
Wed, Dec 04, 2024 - view more on pinboard →