Papers by Tsimafei Avilin

New researches on the religion and mythology of the Pagan Slavs 2, 2023
The werewolf image is widely known across the different cultures
all over the world and times. Th... more The werewolf image is widely known across the different cultures
all over the world and times. The paper presents the Belarusian beliefs
about werewolves in historical and folklore sources, especially based on the Belarusian folklore-ethnolinguistic atlas (BFELA) data. The Neuri tribe (VIIII centuries BC), associated with the cult of the wolf, probably were located on the Southern part of the current territory of Belarus. It’s also very popular legend about Vseslav the Sorcerer (died in 1101), the Prince of Polotsk, who was believed to have magical power to turn to a wolf. As a reflection of these archaic believes about the werewolves it can be found a variety of corresponding motives in Belarusian folklore. The BFELA data represents the following most popular Belarusian folklore motives about werewolves among them werewolves are the mythical creatures, is a metaphorical nomination, the wizards, the victims, and a quite popular motif of a ‘cursed wedding’. There are known and described even the different variants who and how can turn to werewolf and back. Important part of the research are results of performed areal studies which show the diversity of motives and their distribution across the Belarus region, e.g., ‘cursed wedding’ motif forms a clear Southwestern areal - Western Polesie part of Ponemonne and over-Dnepr izadox.
Живая старина, 2023
В статье представлены результаты анализа различных письменных источников, содержащих словенские н... more В статье представлены результаты анализа различных письменных источников, содержащих словенские народные названия звездного скопления Плеяды, а также названия, зафиксированные в соседних традициях. Впервые публикуется карта, отражающая ареальное распределение основных групп номинаций Плеяд в словенской традиции: gostosevci, lastovice, lesteni, vlašiči, kvočka.
Palaeoslavica , 2022
Palaeoslavica XXX, vol. 1-2 (2022)
Слово и человек: к 100-летию со дня рождения академика Никиты Ильича Толстого, 2023
О языковой и этнокультурной проблематике народной астрономии Верхней и Нижней Лужицы и, в частнос... more О языковой и этнокультурной проблематике народной астрономии Верхней и Нижней Лужицы и, в частности, об астронимии лужицких языков и диалектов написано немного. Пока не составлен даже относительно полный список астронимов верхне- и нижнелужицкого языков, зафиксированных словарями и иными источниками. Как правило, данные этого западнославянского региона используются в качестве сравнительного материала при описании других регионов. Это относится и к астронимической лексике лужицких языков.
Уже с начала XIX в. лужицкие астронимы упоминаются в сравнительной
Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2018
This paper presents an analysis of Belarusian names for the Pleiades and their distribution in th... more This paper presents an analysis of Belarusian names for the Pleiades and their distribution in the territory of Belarus. Based on areal and ethnolinguistic studies, the author proposes the division of astronyms with the volos, vis, and stažar bases into two separate groups. Such an approach helps to understand parallels in astronyms of different groups and to provide another way of reconstructing the Old Slavonic astronym vłasiežjełišči.
Живая старина, 2019
В публикации содержится подборка текстов, связаных с небесными объектами и феноменами: лингвистич... more В публикации содержится подборка текстов, связаных с небесными объектами и феноменами: лингвистический материал (астронимия), фольклорный материал (представления о пятнах на луне, упавших облаках, кометах и т. п.), а также материал по народной метеорологии (рассказы об определении времени по звездам и небесным объектам, предсказания по звездам, отражающие народные практические знания). Это лишь малая часть материалов «русской» коллекции. В архиве можно найти также, например, рассказы об огненных змеях, о предсказании погоды по внешнему виду солнца или луны, приметы, частушки, песни, материалы по народной медицине и демонологии, описания святых источников и камней, исторические воспоминания и пр.

В публикации содержится подборка текстов, связанных с легендами о священных камнях, но, нужно отм... more В публикации содержится подборка текстов, связанных с легендами о священных камнях, но, нужно отметить, что это лишь малая часть материалов «русской» коллекции. В архиве можно найти также, например, рассказы об огненных змеях, о предсказании погоды по внешнему виду солнца или луны, астронимический материал2, тексты о народной метеорологии, приметы, частушки, песни, материалы по народной медицине и демонологии, описания святых источников, исторические воспоминания и др. Интересно, что «русская» часть архива мало представлена в русскоязычном научном сообществе. Хотя тексты и описывают некоторые хорошо известные сакральные объекты на территории современной Псковской обл. и эстонско-псковского пограничья3, приведенный материал позволяет пронаблюдать вариативность передачи информации об одном и том же культовом памятнике разными информантами. Таким образом отражая динамичность «народной памяти» через субъективное восприятие информанта. В тоже время в пересказах информантов остаются некоторые ключевые мотивы, менее подверженные временным изменениям. Например, как про камень в деревне Мегузицы: вариативность субъектов, которые разрушали камень: барин, помещик, лютеранин, крестьянин, эстонец, т. е. социальный, религиозный, этнический аспекты. В то же время, сохраняются основные мотивы: с каким святым связан камень, разрушение камня, использование камня для строительства хлева и сопутствующие последствия и пр. Кстати, отметим, что подобная легенда про камень зафиксирована и на территории Беларуси около г. п. Смиловичи.

A B STRACT. The paper presents for the first time the results of mapping of some popular on the territory of Russia astronyms against the background of other East Slavic astronymical material. The astronyms used in the work are taken from the Astronymical file cabinet of the toponymic expedition of the Ural Federal University, as well as from the personal database of the author, based both on the results of field expeditions across the territory of Belarus and astronyms found in regional dictionaries, individual monographs, and articles. The following astronyms were selected: Kichiga/i, Volosozhar/y, Visozhar/y, Kurochka (the Hen), Resheto (the Sieve), Volosyni, Utinoe gnezdo (the Duck nest), Koromyslo (the Yoke), Krest (the Cross), Los’ (the Elk), Voz (the Cart), Semizvezdie (the Seven Stars), Kovsh (the Dipper). With the same semantic-motivational model of many astronyms, expressive areal distributions of their specific onyms are observed. Thus, the presence of astronyms, typical simultaneously for the territory of the Baltic States, the western and southwestern part of the Russian Federation, as well as Belarus, Ukraine and Poland clearly reflects complex multi-stage migration processes. The opposition areas of Kichiga-Kichigi,
Volosozhar-Volosozhary, Visozhar-Visozhary are defined and previously not presented in the works of other authors and requiring subsequent analysis using linguistic and ethnographic data. It should be especially noted that the methodological approach of mapping linguistic material over large areas, when the maximum geographical unit referenced to an onym is the district (geographic coordinates of the district center) and
the minimum is the inhabited locality, give fundamentally new results of areal distribution. The paper presents the results of mapping some popular astronyms on the territory of Russia. In particular, various astronomical systems have been identified for the Urals, Siberia, parts of North-West Russia on the one hand, and the western part of North-West and Central Russia, together with the Central Black Earth Region
on the other.
The paper was presented during the 16th International Congress of Slavists (Beograd, August 2018)... more The paper was presented during the 16th International Congress of Slavists (Beograd, August 2018)
Белорусско-инославянские изодоксы в картографической проекции. (часть про пятна на Луне и часть про Плеяды).
Даклад на XVI з'езд славістаў (Белград, жніўня 2018 г.)
abstract: This paper presents an analysis of Belarusian names for the Pleiades and their distribu... more abstract: This paper presents an analysis of Belarusian names for the Pleiades and their distribution in the territory of Belarus. Based on areal and ethnolin-guistic studies, the author proposes the division of astronyms with the volos, vis, and stažar bases into two separate groups. Such an approach helps to understand parallels in astronyms of different groups and to provide another way of reconstructing the Old Slavonic astronym vłasiežjełišči.
The article presents the results of research of some German
astronyms in written sources of the 1... more The article presents the results of research of some German
astronyms in written sources of the 16th-19th centuries. Analysis
of the material shows that the German and Slavic astronymical
systems have obvious parallels. In addition, the original written
fixation of the German astronym associated with Freyja is not fixed, the
cited astronyms of the ‘Friggjar rockr’ type are late reconstructions. The
ancient Icelandic astronym ulfs kiopt, indicated in Rimtöl II, appears to
be a metaphor. Further studies in this field allow us to reveal genesis and
parallelism in astronymical systems on a common European background.
In this article authors present the results of analysis of Belarusian folk recording about werewolves based on some basic culture codes (actional, temparary, attributive etc.), classification of motives of lycanthropy and areal studies of certain motives.
Palaeoslavica. Slavic Medieval Literature, History, Language.Volume XXV, no. 2. 2017
Тимофей Насе... more Palaeoslavica. Slavic Medieval Literature, History, Language.Volume XXV, no. 2. 2017
Тимофей Насенник (Минск) К истории этимологии лексемы волынка, pp. 271-287
Александр Б. Страхов (Бостон) О глаголе волынить(ся), его семантических и словообразовательных связях (замечания редактора), pp. 288-291а
Astronymical vocabulary of the Belarusian-Polish borderland
The paper presents results of areal s... more Astronymical vocabulary of the Belarusian-Polish borderland
The paper presents results of areal studies of astronymical data collected by the author during his expeditions and other published sources. Main area of investigation is analyzing of distribution over the Belarusian-Polish borderland folk star-names of Pleiades, Orion's belt, The Big Dipper and the Milky way. Important part of the paper is maps presenting distribution of astronyms.
Авілін Ц.В. Астранімічная лексіка польска-беларускага пагранічча // Беларуска-польскія культурны-моўныя ўзаемадачыненні: ад гісторыі да сучаснасці: зб.навук. арт./Нац.акад.навук Беларусі, Мінск 2016

У фальклорна-этнаграфічнай літаратуры XIX–XXI ст. фік-
суецца шэраг дзеянняў, якія выконваюцца ка... more У фальклорна-этнаграфічнай літаратуры XIX–XXI ст. фік-
суецца шэраг дзеянняў, якія выконваюцца каля сакраль-
ных камянёў. Падрабязна этнаграфічны бок апісаны ў працах
Э. А. Ляўкова, В. Ф. Вінакурава, Л. У. Дучыц, Э. М. Зайкоўска-
га і інш. Паводле этнаграфічных запісаў, сакральным валунам
рознага тыпу прыносілі ахвяраванні ў выглядзе грошай, ткані-
ны, ягад, цукерак і іншага, перад камянямі маглі маліцца, а вада
з ямак-«слядкоў» лічылася гаючай, асабліва для вачэй. Некаль-
кі раней ненадрукаваных палявых запісаў аўтара з апісаннямі
падобных дзеянняў прадстаўлены ў дадатках. Асобна варта
адзначыць працу Э. Усачовайтэ, зробленую на аснове балц-
кага матэрыялу, пра абрад лібацыі – ахвяраванне ў выглядзе
ўзлівання [6: 353–360].
Дзеянні, скіраваныя на камяні, якія апісваюцца ў казкавых
тэкстах і народных легендах, пераважна разглядаліся ў кантэксце
этыялагічных легендаў пра паходжанне слядкоў. Падрабязна бе-
ларускія фальклорныя тэксты з матывамі дзеяння над камянямі
не аналізаваліся. Мэтай дадзенай працы з’яўляецца ўводны бе-
глы агляд некаторых матываў гэтай групы.
About the History of the ‘volynka’ Lexeme Etymology
A b s t r a c t
This paper presents new data ... more About the History of the ‘volynka’ Lexeme Etymology
A b s t r a c t
This paper presents new data on the history of the etymology of the
‘volynka’ (волынка) lexeme. Based on the analysis of specific East
Slavic texts and original sources of translated literature of the period
between the 16th and 19th centuries, it was possible to determine the
approximate chronology and main semantic models of the ‘volynka’
lexeme. The basic etymologies of the lexeme are also discussed in the
paper from a diachronic aspect, which suggests certain additions to
existing well-known etymologies.

Рассматриваются основные ... more ЕЛЕНА БОГАНЕВА, ТИМОФЕЙ АВИЛИН
Рассматриваются основные мотивы этиологических легенд о пятнах на Луне, которые
встречаются на территории Беларуси. Картографирование материала позволило выявить
отдельные ареалы различных мотивов.
Ключевые слова: легенды о пятнах на луне, картографирование фольклорных мотивов,
Каин и Авель, чернокнижник Твардовский, народнобиблийные сюжеты.
The paper presents analysis results of Belarusian etiological legends about the Moon’s spots,
on which based the important methodological and typological conclusions. The most popular plot
is a killing one and especially – fratricide. Biblical genesis of actions and characters happens often,
it might me explained by influences of apocryphal literature. The separate group includes motifs
of predictions. Areal studies of these motifs show a fundamentally new data for analysis of Belarusian
and adjoining traditions. The paper shows that it’s methodologically acceptable to use sources from
XIX–XXI c., while working on areal studies.
Keywords: the legends about the Moon’s spot, areal studies of folklore motifs, Cain and Abel,
a warlock Twardowski, the plots of ‘Folk Bible’.
INTEL ISEF conference 2002, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
A regularity in distribution of Delta-Ceph... more INTEL ISEF conference 2002, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
A regularity in distribution of Delta-Cepheides with different metal content across the Galaxy was found. Towards the Galaxy nucleus mostly Delta-Cepheides with [M/H]>0 can be found. This fact provides certain grounds to assume, that at a certain stage of the galactic nucleus formation, very active processes of enrichment of interstellar space with metals were taking place in this zone due to high intensity of stellar
A b s t r a c t The problem of presence of parallels between traditional astronomic and floral co... more A b s t r a c t The problem of presence of parallels between traditional astronomic and floral codes is discussed in the article on the basis of Belarusian material. Some new points to be investigated in the future were identified in traditional folk-riddles. Four contingent groups of phytonyms nomination with astral motivation were proposed by the author.
Papers by Tsimafei Avilin
all over the world and times. The paper presents the Belarusian beliefs
about werewolves in historical and folklore sources, especially based on the Belarusian folklore-ethnolinguistic atlas (BFELA) data. The Neuri tribe (VIIII centuries BC), associated with the cult of the wolf, probably were located on the Southern part of the current territory of Belarus. It’s also very popular legend about Vseslav the Sorcerer (died in 1101), the Prince of Polotsk, who was believed to have magical power to turn to a wolf. As a reflection of these archaic believes about the werewolves it can be found a variety of corresponding motives in Belarusian folklore. The BFELA data represents the following most popular Belarusian folklore motives about werewolves among them werewolves are the mythical creatures, is a metaphorical nomination, the wizards, the victims, and a quite popular motif of a ‘cursed wedding’. There are known and described even the different variants who and how can turn to werewolf and back. Important part of the research are results of performed areal studies which show the diversity of motives and their distribution across the Belarus region, e.g., ‘cursed wedding’ motif forms a clear Southwestern areal - Western Polesie part of Ponemonne and over-Dnepr izadox.
Уже с начала XIX в. лужицкие астронимы упоминаются в сравнительной
A B STRACT. The paper presents for the first time the results of mapping of some popular on the territory of Russia astronyms against the background of other East Slavic astronymical material. The astronyms used in the work are taken from the Astronymical file cabinet of the toponymic expedition of the Ural Federal University, as well as from the personal database of the author, based both on the results of field expeditions across the territory of Belarus and astronyms found in regional dictionaries, individual monographs, and articles. The following astronyms were selected: Kichiga/i, Volosozhar/y, Visozhar/y, Kurochka (the Hen), Resheto (the Sieve), Volosyni, Utinoe gnezdo (the Duck nest), Koromyslo (the Yoke), Krest (the Cross), Los’ (the Elk), Voz (the Cart), Semizvezdie (the Seven Stars), Kovsh (the Dipper). With the same semantic-motivational model of many astronyms, expressive areal distributions of their specific onyms are observed. Thus, the presence of astronyms, typical simultaneously for the territory of the Baltic States, the western and southwestern part of the Russian Federation, as well as Belarus, Ukraine and Poland clearly reflects complex multi-stage migration processes. The opposition areas of Kichiga-Kichigi,
Volosozhar-Volosozhary, Visozhar-Visozhary are defined and previously not presented in the works of other authors and requiring subsequent analysis using linguistic and ethnographic data. It should be especially noted that the methodological approach of mapping linguistic material over large areas, when the maximum geographical unit referenced to an onym is the district (geographic coordinates of the district center) and
the minimum is the inhabited locality, give fundamentally new results of areal distribution. The paper presents the results of mapping some popular astronyms on the territory of Russia. In particular, various astronomical systems have been identified for the Urals, Siberia, parts of North-West Russia on the one hand, and the western part of North-West and Central Russia, together with the Central Black Earth Region
on the other.
Белорусско-инославянские изодоксы в картографической проекции. (часть про пятна на Луне и часть про Плеяды).
Даклад на XVI з'езд славістаў (Белград, жніўня 2018 г.)
astronyms in written sources of the 16th-19th centuries. Analysis
of the material shows that the German and Slavic astronymical
systems have obvious parallels. In addition, the original written
fixation of the German astronym associated with Freyja is not fixed, the
cited astronyms of the ‘Friggjar rockr’ type are late reconstructions. The
ancient Icelandic astronym ulfs kiopt, indicated in Rimtöl II, appears to
be a metaphor. Further studies in this field allow us to reveal genesis and
parallelism in astronymical systems on a common European background.
In this article authors present the results of analysis of Belarusian folk recording about werewolves based on some basic culture codes (actional, temparary, attributive etc.), classification of motives of lycanthropy and areal studies of certain motives.
Тимофей Насенник (Минск) К истории этимологии лексемы волынка, pp. 271-287
Александр Б. Страхов (Бостон) О глаголе волынить(ся), его семантических и словообразовательных связях (замечания редактора), pp. 288-291а
The paper presents results of areal studies of astronymical data collected by the author during his expeditions and other published sources. Main area of investigation is analyzing of distribution over the Belarusian-Polish borderland folk star-names of Pleiades, Orion's belt, The Big Dipper and the Milky way. Important part of the paper is maps presenting distribution of astronyms.
Авілін Ц.В. Астранімічная лексіка польска-беларускага пагранічча // Беларуска-польскія культурны-моўныя ўзаемадачыненні: ад гісторыі да сучаснасці: зб.навук. арт./Нац.акад.навук Беларусі, Мінск 2016
суецца шэраг дзеянняў, якія выконваюцца каля сакраль-
ных камянёў. Падрабязна этнаграфічны бок апісаны ў працах
Э. А. Ляўкова, В. Ф. Вінакурава, Л. У. Дучыц, Э. М. Зайкоўска-
га і інш. Паводле этнаграфічных запісаў, сакральным валунам
рознага тыпу прыносілі ахвяраванні ў выглядзе грошай, ткані-
ны, ягад, цукерак і іншага, перад камянямі маглі маліцца, а вада
з ямак-«слядкоў» лічылася гаючай, асабліва для вачэй. Некаль-
кі раней ненадрукаваных палявых запісаў аўтара з апісаннямі
падобных дзеянняў прадстаўлены ў дадатках. Асобна варта
адзначыць працу Э. Усачовайтэ, зробленую на аснове балц-
кага матэрыялу, пра абрад лібацыі – ахвяраванне ў выглядзе
ўзлівання [6: 353–360].
Дзеянні, скіраваныя на камяні, якія апісваюцца ў казкавых
тэкстах і народных легендах, пераважна разглядаліся ў кантэксце
этыялагічных легендаў пра паходжанне слядкоў. Падрабязна бе-
ларускія фальклорныя тэксты з матывамі дзеяння над камянямі
не аналізаваліся. Мэтай дадзенай працы з’яўляецца ўводны бе-
глы агляд некаторых матываў гэтай групы.
A b s t r a c t
This paper presents new data on the history of the etymology of the
‘volynka’ (волынка) lexeme. Based on the analysis of specific East
Slavic texts and original sources of translated literature of the period
between the 16th and 19th centuries, it was possible to determine the
approximate chronology and main semantic models of the ‘volynka’
lexeme. The basic etymologies of the lexeme are also discussed in the
paper from a diachronic aspect, which suggests certain additions to
existing well-known etymologies.
Рассматриваются основные мотивы этиологических легенд о пятнах на Луне, которые
встречаются на территории Беларуси. Картографирование материала позволило выявить
отдельные ареалы различных мотивов.
Ключевые слова: легенды о пятнах на луне, картографирование фольклорных мотивов,
Каин и Авель, чернокнижник Твардовский, народнобиблийные сюжеты.
The paper presents analysis results of Belarusian etiological legends about the Moon’s spots,
on which based the important methodological and typological conclusions. The most popular plot
is a killing one and especially – fratricide. Biblical genesis of actions and characters happens often,
it might me explained by influences of apocryphal literature. The separate group includes motifs
of predictions. Areal studies of these motifs show a fundamentally new data for analysis of Belarusian
and adjoining traditions. The paper shows that it’s methodologically acceptable to use sources from
XIX–XXI c., while working on areal studies.
Keywords: the legends about the Moon’s spot, areal studies of folklore motifs, Cain and Abel,
a warlock Twardowski, the plots of ‘Folk Bible’.
A regularity in distribution of Delta-Cepheides with different metal content across the Galaxy was found. Towards the Galaxy nucleus mostly Delta-Cepheides with [M/H]>0 can be found. This fact provides certain grounds to assume, that at a certain stage of the galactic nucleus formation, very active processes of enrichment of interstellar space with metals were taking place in this zone due to high intensity of stellar
all over the world and times. The paper presents the Belarusian beliefs
about werewolves in historical and folklore sources, especially based on the Belarusian folklore-ethnolinguistic atlas (BFELA) data. The Neuri tribe (VIIII centuries BC), associated with the cult of the wolf, probably were located on the Southern part of the current territory of Belarus. It’s also very popular legend about Vseslav the Sorcerer (died in 1101), the Prince of Polotsk, who was believed to have magical power to turn to a wolf. As a reflection of these archaic believes about the werewolves it can be found a variety of corresponding motives in Belarusian folklore. The BFELA data represents the following most popular Belarusian folklore motives about werewolves among them werewolves are the mythical creatures, is a metaphorical nomination, the wizards, the victims, and a quite popular motif of a ‘cursed wedding’. There are known and described even the different variants who and how can turn to werewolf and back. Important part of the research are results of performed areal studies which show the diversity of motives and their distribution across the Belarus region, e.g., ‘cursed wedding’ motif forms a clear Southwestern areal - Western Polesie part of Ponemonne and over-Dnepr izadox.
Уже с начала XIX в. лужицкие астронимы упоминаются в сравнительной
A B STRACT. The paper presents for the first time the results of mapping of some popular on the territory of Russia astronyms against the background of other East Slavic astronymical material. The astronyms used in the work are taken from the Astronymical file cabinet of the toponymic expedition of the Ural Federal University, as well as from the personal database of the author, based both on the results of field expeditions across the territory of Belarus and astronyms found in regional dictionaries, individual monographs, and articles. The following astronyms were selected: Kichiga/i, Volosozhar/y, Visozhar/y, Kurochka (the Hen), Resheto (the Sieve), Volosyni, Utinoe gnezdo (the Duck nest), Koromyslo (the Yoke), Krest (the Cross), Los’ (the Elk), Voz (the Cart), Semizvezdie (the Seven Stars), Kovsh (the Dipper). With the same semantic-motivational model of many astronyms, expressive areal distributions of their specific onyms are observed. Thus, the presence of astronyms, typical simultaneously for the territory of the Baltic States, the western and southwestern part of the Russian Federation, as well as Belarus, Ukraine and Poland clearly reflects complex multi-stage migration processes. The opposition areas of Kichiga-Kichigi,
Volosozhar-Volosozhary, Visozhar-Visozhary are defined and previously not presented in the works of other authors and requiring subsequent analysis using linguistic and ethnographic data. It should be especially noted that the methodological approach of mapping linguistic material over large areas, when the maximum geographical unit referenced to an onym is the district (geographic coordinates of the district center) and
the minimum is the inhabited locality, give fundamentally new results of areal distribution. The paper presents the results of mapping some popular astronyms on the territory of Russia. In particular, various astronomical systems have been identified for the Urals, Siberia, parts of North-West Russia on the one hand, and the western part of North-West and Central Russia, together with the Central Black Earth Region
on the other.
Белорусско-инославянские изодоксы в картографической проекции. (часть про пятна на Луне и часть про Плеяды).
Даклад на XVI з'езд славістаў (Белград, жніўня 2018 г.)
astronyms in written sources of the 16th-19th centuries. Analysis
of the material shows that the German and Slavic astronymical
systems have obvious parallels. In addition, the original written
fixation of the German astronym associated with Freyja is not fixed, the
cited astronyms of the ‘Friggjar rockr’ type are late reconstructions. The
ancient Icelandic astronym ulfs kiopt, indicated in Rimtöl II, appears to
be a metaphor. Further studies in this field allow us to reveal genesis and
parallelism in astronymical systems on a common European background.
In this article authors present the results of analysis of Belarusian folk recording about werewolves based on some basic culture codes (actional, temparary, attributive etc.), classification of motives of lycanthropy and areal studies of certain motives.
Тимофей Насенник (Минск) К истории этимологии лексемы волынка, pp. 271-287
Александр Б. Страхов (Бостон) О глаголе волынить(ся), его семантических и словообразовательных связях (замечания редактора), pp. 288-291а
The paper presents results of areal studies of astronymical data collected by the author during his expeditions and other published sources. Main area of investigation is analyzing of distribution over the Belarusian-Polish borderland folk star-names of Pleiades, Orion's belt, The Big Dipper and the Milky way. Important part of the paper is maps presenting distribution of astronyms.
Авілін Ц.В. Астранімічная лексіка польска-беларускага пагранічча // Беларуска-польскія культурны-моўныя ўзаемадачыненні: ад гісторыі да сучаснасці: зб.навук. арт./Нац.акад.навук Беларусі, Мінск 2016
суецца шэраг дзеянняў, якія выконваюцца каля сакраль-
ных камянёў. Падрабязна этнаграфічны бок апісаны ў працах
Э. А. Ляўкова, В. Ф. Вінакурава, Л. У. Дучыц, Э. М. Зайкоўска-
га і інш. Паводле этнаграфічных запісаў, сакральным валунам
рознага тыпу прыносілі ахвяраванні ў выглядзе грошай, ткані-
ны, ягад, цукерак і іншага, перад камянямі маглі маліцца, а вада
з ямак-«слядкоў» лічылася гаючай, асабліва для вачэй. Некаль-
кі раней ненадрукаваных палявых запісаў аўтара з апісаннямі
падобных дзеянняў прадстаўлены ў дадатках. Асобна варта
адзначыць працу Э. Усачовайтэ, зробленую на аснове балц-
кага матэрыялу, пра абрад лібацыі – ахвяраванне ў выглядзе
ўзлівання [6: 353–360].
Дзеянні, скіраваныя на камяні, якія апісваюцца ў казкавых
тэкстах і народных легендах, пераважна разглядаліся ў кантэксце
этыялагічных легендаў пра паходжанне слядкоў. Падрабязна бе-
ларускія фальклорныя тэксты з матывамі дзеяння над камянямі
не аналізаваліся. Мэтай дадзенай працы з’яўляецца ўводны бе-
глы агляд некаторых матываў гэтай групы.
A b s t r a c t
This paper presents new data on the history of the etymology of the
‘volynka’ (волынка) lexeme. Based on the analysis of specific East
Slavic texts and original sources of translated literature of the period
between the 16th and 19th centuries, it was possible to determine the
approximate chronology and main semantic models of the ‘volynka’
lexeme. The basic etymologies of the lexeme are also discussed in the
paper from a diachronic aspect, which suggests certain additions to
existing well-known etymologies.
Рассматриваются основные мотивы этиологических легенд о пятнах на Луне, которые
встречаются на территории Беларуси. Картографирование материала позволило выявить
отдельные ареалы различных мотивов.
Ключевые слова: легенды о пятнах на луне, картографирование фольклорных мотивов,
Каин и Авель, чернокнижник Твардовский, народнобиблийные сюжеты.
The paper presents analysis results of Belarusian etiological legends about the Moon’s spots,
on which based the important methodological and typological conclusions. The most popular plot
is a killing one and especially – fratricide. Biblical genesis of actions and characters happens often,
it might me explained by influences of apocryphal literature. The separate group includes motifs
of predictions. Areal studies of these motifs show a fundamentally new data for analysis of Belarusian
and adjoining traditions. The paper shows that it’s methodologically acceptable to use sources from
XIX–XXI c., while working on areal studies.
Keywords: the legends about the Moon’s spot, areal studies of folklore motifs, Cain and Abel,
a warlock Twardowski, the plots of ‘Folk Bible’.
A regularity in distribution of Delta-Cepheides with different metal content across the Galaxy was found. Towards the Galaxy nucleus mostly Delta-Cepheides with [M/H]>0 can be found. This fact provides certain grounds to assume, that at a certain stage of the galactic nucleus formation, very active processes of enrichment of interstellar space with metals were taking place in this zone due to high intensity of stellar
Mythologem shapeshift-human turning into an animal (bird, plant, object, etc.) is the most developed in the Belarusian tradition motif represented in wolf/werewolves transformation / shifter. And some motives have parallels in the Belarusian traditional interpretation of dreams: to see the wolf is prognostic of the coming guests, matchmakers, wedding. The most popular nominations of werewolf fixed by the Belarusian folklore-ethnolinguistic atlas (hereinafter BFELA) are (volkolak volkolaka, vovkolaka, vavkulak, avkalaka and under.), at least-a vauchar, voukun (vavkun), even less fixations of type known as volkolatniki, voukulay. A separate group of verbal nominations is formed on the basis of motive transformation: piarevaratsen, vyvoroten, obaratsen, vyvyritsin, peravertsen, perakrutsen. As a characteristic of avoidant person, it was found determining the metaphorical nature of the type of vaukavaty and vavkachecha. Analysis of BFELA records about werewolves (about 324 records from 203 villages) shows that mythologem werewolve (Bel. vaukalak) is considered by the locals, on the one hand, in the meaning of mythical creatures (human-werewolf, evil spirit); on the other-as the metaphorical name (people with definition of quality and features, wolves / dogs). Fig. 1 Werewolves are mythical creatures
Вынікі арэальных даследаванняў ўкраінскіх астронімаў
На прыкладзе аналіза першакрыніц толькі па тэме астраніміі бачна, што часта фантомныя лексемы або цэлыя ўяўленні трапляюць у навуковы зварот, а далей у слоўнікавыя артыкулы і іншую літаратуру.
Статыстычныя і арэальныя даследаванні дазваляюць выявіць рэальныя ядра астранімічных сістэм і ў прыватнасці ўкраінскай астранімічнай сістэмы.
На жаль, узровень даследаваннасці ўкраінскай астраніміі ўсё яшчэ застаецца на невысокім узроўні, але ёсць спадзяванні, што будуць апрацаваныя як архіўныя запісы, гэтак і праведзены палявыя экспедыцыі па збору астранімічнага матэрыяла.
I Międzynarodowy Kongres Etnolingwistyczny
«Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum: Tartu, 2016»
available material reveals some obvious swing nominations various popular constellations which are sufficiently confident in the possibility of localized habitats is spoken of as the Belarusian and Polish sides. In both cases, the obvious interference on the morphological level; fikstsuyutstsa well preserved lituanizmy. The territory of the Bialystok region in the context of a continuation of lingvaastranimichnym astronimy array of areas, which are generally characteristic of the territory of Belarus.
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Падчас сустрэчы дакладчык распавядзе, як ствараць карты "з нуля". Якія тыпы слаёў бываюць і як з імі працаваць. Як зрабіць або падгрузіць свае маркеры. Дзе знайсці слаі, бланкоўкі для карт. Як можна зрабіць сваю карту/слой ГІС на аснове існуючага карты-малюнка, праца з картамі для друку ў часопісах і інш.
Карты - гэта лёгка, а для навукі - палёгка!
We know the ancient myths and legends of various folks about the stars. And whether their Belarusians the legend of the inhabitants of heaven? How people perceive traditional culture and objects in the sky it? On these and other questions the reader will find the answers in this book. Considered here folk representations associated with stars, constellations, meteors and the Moon. Resources collected during author ‘field’ expeditions working and other researchers also, from works of Belarusian folklore, and "book" folk astronomy of the ancient Eastern Slavic literature.
This is the first attempt to summarize the Belarusian ethnoastronomy resources, and generally astronymy traditional knowledge relevant to the heavenly bodies.
Addressed to folklorists, ethnologists, ethnolinguists and a wide range of readers who are interested in traditional spiritual culture.
Мы ведаем старажытныя міфы і легенды розных народаў пра зоркі. А ці былі ў беларусаў свае
легенды пра нябёсных жыхароў? Як чалавек традыцыйнай культуры ўспрымаў неба і аб’екты на
ім? На гэтыя ды іншыя пытанні чытач знойдзе адказы ў прапанаванай кнізе. Тут разглядаюцца
народныя ўяўленні, звязаныя з зоркамі, сузор’ямі, метэорамі і Месяцам. Крыніцамі матэрыялу
паслужылі экспедыцыйныя запісы аўтара і іншых даследнікаў, творы беларускага фальклору,
а таксама “кніжная” народная астраномія з старажытнай усходнеславянскай
Гэта першая спроба абагульнення беларускага матэрыялу з этнаастраноміі, астраніміі і ўвогуле
традыцыйных ведаў, датычных нябёсных
Адрасуецца фалькларыстам, этнолагам, этналінгвістам і шырокаму колу чытачоў, якія
цікавяцца традыцыйнай духоўнай культурай.
Language: Belarusian.
34 maps with areal differences of stars naming.
Data: field collections + books from 19-21centuries.
Countries data: Belarus - mostly, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc. - partly.
5 chapters: about Moon spots, astronomy in folklore, meteors, star-names in old books, folk star names