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Bely P., 2012: Absconditella lignicola (Stictidaceae) -lichen species new to Belarus [Absconditella lignicola (Stictidaceae) -nauja kerpių rūšis Baltarusijoje]. -Bot. Lith., 18(2): 164-165. Absconditella lignicola Vězda et Pišút is... more
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Two hundred and ten specimens of Cetrelia collected in Belarus in 1954–2012 were examined based on morp- hological and chemical characters. Three closely related species of Cetrelia (C. cetrarioides, C. monachorum and C. olivetorum) were... more
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    • Lichenology
Bely P., 2016: New data on distribution and ecology of lichen Parmotrema stuppeum (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Belarus [Nauji duomenys apie kerpės Parmotrema stuppeum (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Asco-mycota) paplitimą ir... more
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Based on an examination of 360 herbarium specimens of the genus Lepraria, this study deals with their morphology, secondary chemistry, habitat requirements and distribution in Belarus. Nine taxa have been accepted, of which L. ecorticata,... more
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The genus of Lepraria Ach., (Stereocaulaceae Chevall.) includes c. 60 widely distributed species. To date there is no data about the true species diversity within the genus of Lepraria in Belarus, and there is no key for their... more
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In the territory of NP the Białowieża Forest no special research on specific structure of lichens of the Cetrelia has been carried out, and there are only single instructions in publications (GolubkoV 1986, 1987 and others) whose... more
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    • Biology
Two hundred six specimens of Xanthoparmelia collected in Belarus in 1905–2017 were examined based on morphological and chemical characters. Six species (X. angustiphylla, X. conspersa, X. delisei, X. loxodes, X. pulla and X.... more
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2020. № 3 (35) 85 УДК 582.29(476) А. Г. Цуриков П. Н. Белый Распространение разновидностей лишайника Pseudevernia furfuracea (Parmeliaceae) в Беларуси 256 коллекционных образцов лишайника Pseudevernia furfuracea, собранных различными... more
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    • Biology
Molecular analyses of the recently described Xanthoria polessica collected fromthe type locality and of the Australian species X. coomae were used to determine whether these taxa are distinct species or fall within the wide phenotypic... more
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    • Biology
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The paper presents information about new localities ofParmotrema stuppeum, rare foliose lichen in Belarus. Both earlier known and new localities of the species are discussed. New data on the ecology ofP. stuppeumin Belarus are provided.
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Bely P., 2012: Absconditella lignicola (Stictidaceae) - lichen species new to Belarus [Absconditella lignicola (Stictidaceae) - nauja kerpių rūšis Baltarusijoje]. - Bot. Lith., 18(2): 164-165. Absconditella lignicola Vězda et Pišút is... more
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Two hundred and ten specimens of Cetrelia collected in Belarus in 1954-2012 were examined based on morphological and chemical characters. Three closely related species of Cetrelia (C. cetrarioides, C. monachorum and C. olivetorum) were... more
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Based on an examination of 360 herbarium specimens of the genus Lepraria, this study deals with their morphology, secondary chemistry, habitat requirements and distribution in Belarus. Nine taxa have been accepted, of which L. ecorticata,... more
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The results of a comparative study of the influence of mineral and organic fertilizers - N16P16K16, Nanoplant, Hydrohumate, and Ecosil - on the state of the antioxidant complex of early-ripening (Northcountry, Croaton) and mid-ripening... more
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