Papers by Bohdana Ostrovska

New Ukrainian Law, 2023
Ostrovska Bohdana. Children of war: unlawful deportation, forcible transfer,
and repatriation
T... more Ostrovska Bohdana. Children of war: unlawful deportation, forcible transfer,
and repatriation
The article analyzes the evidence of the Russian Federation's commission of international
crimes related to the unlawful deportation, forcible transfer of Ukrainian children, and their
transfer to custody, change of citizenship and adoption in the Russian Federation. This constitutes
a crime of genocide against the Ukrainian people, along with crimes of aggression, war crimes
and crimes against humanity.
The real motives of the so-called humanitarian evacuations were investigated. Various methods
of unlawful deportation forced displacement and forced assimilation of Ukrainian children within
the framework of the systematic state program of the Russian Federation are considered.
Violations of Russian norms of international law are analyzed in detail.
The role of international organizations, in particular the UN, the Council of Europe, the EU,
and the International Criminal Court in gathering evidence and bringing the perpetrators
of the above-mentioned crimes to international responsibility, is considered. Attention is
focused on the need for Ukraine to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
The importance of cooperation between national and international bodies and organizations,
with the help of non-governmental public organizations, is emphasised in the context of creating
a mechanism for the international search and repatriation of Ukrainian children.
It is essential that the State provides long-term psychosocial support for children (foremost
orphans, children deprived of parental care and children with disabilities) upon return to Ukraine
in order to restore their mental health resulting from mental injuries and to introduce children's
rehabilitation programs based on international experience the countries that were at war.
Key words: children's rights, unlawful deportation, forced displacement, change of citizenship,
adoption, genocide, repatriation.

Нове українське право, 2024
Ostrovska Bohdana. Rights of Citizens of Ukraine and Foreigners in the Field
of Reproductive Heal... more Ostrovska Bohdana. Rights of Citizens of Ukraine and Foreigners in the Field
of Reproductive Health During the Martial State in Ukraine
The article examines Ukrainian citizens’ and foreigners’ reproductive health rights during
martial law in Ukraine.
An analysis of the national legislation and the official interpretation of the provisions
of the Constitution of Ukraine was conducted based on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine’s
decisions in the context of determining the scope of the rights and freedoms of a person
and a citizen in the field of health care and access to medical services.
A comparative analysis of the legal status of citizens of Ukraine and foreigners temporarily
staying in Ukraine was undertaken in terms of their use of rights in the field of (reproductive)
health protection. Namely concerning the equality of their rights to receive services of assisted
reproductive technologies, to determine sub-entities providing such assistance and the procedure
for delivering it at the expense of the state budget.
It is emphasized the need to ensure the rights of citizens of Ukraine in access to services in
the field of assisted reproductive technologies to preserve the gene pool of the Ukrainian people.
The importance of taking into account the domestic law of the country of residence of foreign
citizens when providing them with assisted reproductive technology services is highlighted to
prevent legal conflicts between different national legal systems.
Key words: right to reproductive health, assisted reproductive technologies, reproductive
cells, biological parentage (motherhood), gene pool.

Medicine and Law ; 40(1):3-13, 2021., 2021
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has actualized many bioethical issues related to medicine a... more The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has actualized many bioethical issues related to medicine and human rights. In particular, they concern the rights and responsibilities not only of a doctor and a patient but of a state and a citizen, which is reflected in the need to study the decisions of state bodies on the validity of restrictions on human rights in time of emergency or the state of emergency and their compliance with international law. In general, the spread of SARS-CoV-2 has been a challenge for each state to respect human rights in a pandemic, especially the right to life and health of citizens under their jurisdiction, as the obligation to protect them is a positive obligation of each state. Against the background of the escalation of the pandemic, there was a significant derogation - the exemption of states from their obligations to respect human rights and freedoms in time of emergency or the state of emergency, defined in international documents. International organizations such as the United Nations, WHO, UNESCO, UNDP, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Council of Europe and others play an important role in the field of human rights protection in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue of global biosafety currently requires a fundamental revision. At present, coordinated action by the international community to prophylaxis, prevention of spreading and treatment of diseases and their consequences must play an important role. International legal regulation of these issues, taking into account bioethical aspects, should remain on the agenda of the international community for early prediction and prevention of new future threats to humanity and biological threats in particular.

The article examines the proof showing that the Russian Federation committed international crimes... more The article examines the proof showing that the Russian Federation committed international crimes in connection with the illegal deportation, forceful transfer, custody change, and adoption of Ukrainian children in the Russian Federation. Along with crimes of aggression, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, this amounts to a crime of genocide against the Ukrainian people. The true motivations behind the pseudo-humanitarian evacuations were probed. Various techniques of unlawful deportation, forced displacement, and forced assimilation of Ukrainian children are considered within the scope of the Russian Federation's systematic state program. Violations of international law by Russia are thoroughly examined. The role of international institutions, particularly the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union, and the International Criminal Court, in gathering evidence and holding perpetrators of the aforementioned crimes accountable on an international level is discussed. The importance of Ukraine ratifying the International Criminal Court's Rome Statute has been emphasized. In the framework of developing a mechanism for the international search and repatriation of Ukrainian children, the importance of collaboration among national as well as international bodies and organizations, with the assistance of nongovernmental organizations, is stressed. It is vital that the State provides long-term psychosocial support for children (particularly orphans, children deprived of parental care, and children with disabilities) upon their arrival back to Ukraine for the purpose of restoring their mental health as well as providing children's rehabilitation services based on international experience in war-affected countries.

New Ukrainian Law, 2022
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of commercial surrogacy as a component
of ass... more The article is devoted to the study of the problems of commercial surrogacy as a component
of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine. Its regulation by the current national legislation
of Ukraine is analyzed in detail, as well as the provisions of draft laws that are under consideration in
the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerning certain aspects of surrogacy.
During the martial law, even more than during the quarantine restrictions, all the pitfalls
of the provision of surrogacy services by Ukrainian women to foreigners were revealed. As a result,a number of problems have arisen, including the fulfillment of obligations under the surrogacy
agreement, which have proved extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to resolve in these
The lack of proper legal regulation of surrogacy creates conditions for abuse, which increases
the likelihood of uncontrolled movement of newborns, reproductive cells, reproductive tissues
and human embryos outside Ukraine, in particular to remove embryonic stem cells and etc. Such
actions may, under certain conditions, qualify as a form of trafficking.
In the context of the forced mass migration of Ukrainian women and children, and even
more so their forced deportation, the issue of protection and restoration of reproductive health
is especially important. Currently, in order to protect the rights and best interests of children,
as well as Ukrainian surrogate mothers, there is a need to review the entire policy of surrogacy
at the state level.
Given the significant demographic losses brought to Ukraine first by the pandemic and now
by the war, the main conceptual basis of the bill on the settlement of surrogacy should be
the requirement of Art. 16 of the Constitution of Ukraine in the part «preservation of the gene
pool of the Ukrainian people”. And it is this duty of the state that should be the main emphasis
in the development of legislative regulation in this area.
The main directions of improvement and development of normative-legal acts in the field
of auxiliary reproductive technologies concerning surrogacy are determined. It is concluded that
special legal regulation of surrogacy at the legislative level is necessary.
Key words: human rights, reproductive rights, assisted reproductive technologies,
reproductive tourism, commercial surrogacy, paternity right, maternity right.

New Ukrainian Law, 2022
The article is devoted to the study of private law regulation problems of assisted reproductive
t... more The article is devoted to the study of private law regulation problems of assisted reproductive
technologies, in particular in vitro fertilization, by the national legislation of Ukraine, and its
relationship with the provisions of international legal acts in this area. The bills currently submitted
to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, concerning the use of assisted reproductive technologies,
are analyzed in detail. The bioethical approach to the problem suggests the ways to solve it
based on respect for the rights and dignity of every human being in accordance with the norms
of international law. The importance of ensuring the protection of embryo life in vitro, including
by developing the legal status of human embryos and its enshrinement in national legislation
was emphasized. It is also very important to develop special programs in order to create state
cryobanks of stem cells and embryos, and taking into account clearly defined exceptional
circumstances, to introduce state control over the movement of human embryos outside Ukraine,
primarily by imposing a ban on their export.
The adoption of special legislation on the use of assisted reproductive technologies will regulate
legal relations in this area. In drafting legal acts of national legislation, foremost, it is necessary
to take into account the norms of international law concerning human rights and biomedicine.
Since reproductive rights are directly related to fundamental human rights, such as the right tolife and health, the issue of the human right to life at the prenatal stage of its development is
an integral bioethical aspect of these rights.
Key words: human rights, right to life, reproductive rights, international law, national
legislation, assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro embryo, destruction of embryos, embryo
donation, bioethics.
European Political and Law Discourse, 2020
The legal and bioethical problem of embryos destruction in the assisted reproductive technologies... more The legal and bioethical problem of embryos destruction in the assisted reproductive technologies application on the example of the case Evans v. the United Kingdom of the European Court of Human Rights is explored in this article. Issues of legal and biological status of human embryos are considered. The important role of the dissenting opinion of the judge of the European Court of Human Rights in the protection of the human right to life before birth is emphasized. It is concluded that the content of the right to life must also be expanded to take into account the bioethical aspects of human rights. The proposals for the basic provisions of the draft Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine for the Protection of Human Embryos and Fetuses are made.
Scientific Papers of the Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2017
У статті досліджується актуальна проблема захисту прав і гідності людини у зв’язку із науково-тех... more У статті досліджується актуальна проблема захисту прав і гідності людини у зв’язку із науково-технічним прогресом у галузі біології та медицини на основі Конвенції Ов’єдо. На міжнародному рівні визначається необхідність внесення змін до Конвенції Ов’єдо, зокрема уніфікація біомедичної термінології. На національному рівні – її ратифікація з метою укріплення міжнародного співробітництва країн Ради Європи у сфері прав людини.
Scientific Papers of the Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2017
У статті досліджується евтаназія як комплексна біоетична (медична, етична, правова, релігійна) пр... more У статті досліджується евтаназія як комплексна біоетична (медична, етична, правова, релігійна) проблема. Розглядаються різні форми евтаназії та аналізується правомірність їх застосування в контексті прав людини. Обґрунтовується неправомірність виділення права на смерть як зі змісту права на життя, так і як окремого права людини у міжнародному праві. Визначається необхідність розвитку державою паліативної допомоги як альтернативи евтаназії.

Nauka ta innovacii, 2018
Introduction. The development of innovative biomedical technologies and the dissemination of biom... more Introduction. The development of innovative biomedical technologies and the dissemination of biomedical services, as well as the differences in national legislations of the world countries, aggravate the problems in the field of fundamental human rights. The study of international legal regulations for human right to life protection in the context of applying innovative biomedical technologies defines the existence of important and fundamental issues in this sphere, which determines the necessity of their solution based on the international law. Problem statement. The actual bioethical problems that arise in connection with development of biomedical technologies for human cloning, cryopreservation of cells, tissues, organs, embryos, and human body, human embryonic stem cells, genetic diagnostics, genetic engineering and so on have been considered. Purpose. The purpose of this research is to define the modern threats and challenges to human life in the context of applying the innovative biomedical technologies and their solution based on the international law. materials and methods. Based on the dialectical and systematic method, the international legal regulations for innovative application of biomedical technologies in the context to the human right to life have been studied. results. The analysis of international legal acts and resolutions of the international organizations (the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union) has shown their high effectiveness in terms of solution of the abovementioned problems and further prevention of violations of human right to life, given the development of science and technology. conclusions. Currently, there is an objective necessity to harmonize the national legislation of different states in the area of human rights and bioethics, as well as to develop general rules of international law of binding character. К e y w o r d s : international law, human right to life, innovations, and biomedical technologies.
Scientific Papers of the Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2018
У статті відображено ключові положення щодо міжнародно-правового регулювання клонування людини. Д... more У статті відображено ключові положення щодо міжнародно-правового регулювання клонування людини. Досліджуються актуальні біоетичні проблеми сучасного міжнародного права, пов’язані з правом на життя, що виникають з огляду на загрози, які несе клонування людини. Наголошується на важливості захисту життя та гідності людини на ембріональній стадії її розвитку, а також на необхідності розвитку терапії за допомогою власних стовбурових клітин та стовбурових клітин пуповинної крові

Actual Problems of International Relations, 2019
The legal and bioethical problem of legalizing involuntary passive euthanasia as a practice of en... more The legal and bioethical problem of legalizing involuntary passive euthanasia as a practice of ending a person’s life, which in particular is in a minimal conscious state and with disabilities, on the example of the case Lambert and Others v. France of the European Court of Human Rights, is explored in this article. Due to the differences between the national legislation of the states on the regulation of euthanasia and given the lack of the international consensus on this issue, as well as the unified position of the judges on the legality of its application in the context of protecting the right to life on the basis of Art. 2 and 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950, the need to ensure adequate medical care and treatment guaranteed by the state in order to maintain/prolong a person’s life (first of all, artificial hydration and nutrition, mechanical ventilation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, blood transfusions, dialysis, etc.), a...

АВТОРИ: науковці ДТЕУ доц. Мельниченко Н.О., доц. Невара Л.М., доц. Кортукова Т.О., проф. Кресін ... more АВТОРИ: науковці ДТЕУ доц. Мельниченко Н.О., доц. Невара Л.М., доц. Кортукова Т.О., проф. Кресін О.В., проф. Островська Б.В., завідувач відділу правових проблем політології Інституту держави і права ім. В.М. Корецького проф. Кресіна І.О. СЕРГІЙ ОСИКА Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол України, народний депутат України трьох скликань, перший представник України у Світовій організації торгівлі ВОЛОДИМИР ХАНДОГІЙ Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол України, Президент Української асоціації зовнішньої політики ОЛЕКСАНДР КУПЧИШИН Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол України, Віце-президент Української асоціації зовнішньої політики ЮРІЙ СЕРГЄЄВ Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол України, Постійний представник України при ООН (2007-2015) «…весь цивілізований світ поважає та дотримується фундаментальних цінностей міжнародного права, демократії та прав людини. Новий агресивний виток агресії російської федерації в Україні, повномасштабні військові дії у тому числі проти цивільного населення та інфраструктури є кричущим порушенням норм міжнародного права. На захист нашої Вітчизни стали Збройні сили України, всі гілки влади, громадське суспільство, зокрема, науковці. Саме науковці повинні роз'яснювати та поширювати достовірну інформацію та оцінку дій агресора, що і було зроблено викладачами Державного торговельно-економічного університету. Це перший крок великої роботи, що очікує на науковців…» Російська Федерація систематично порушує та не виконує взяті на себе міжнародні зобов'язання. 21 лютого 2022 року президент Російської Федерації підписав укази про визнання Російською Федерацією «незалежності» «ДНР» та «ЛНР». 22 лютого 2022 були прийняті два закони, а
Матеріали IX Матеріали міжнародного симпозіуму з біоетики, 2021
Ìàòåð³ëè ñèìïîç³óìó ì³ñòÿòü òåçè àâòîð³â, ùî ïðåäñòàâëÿþòü ð³çí³ íàóêîâî-äîñë³äí³ óñòàíîâè òà çàê... more Ìàòåð³ëè ñèìïîç³óìó ì³ñòÿòü òåçè àâòîð³â, ùî ïðåäñòàâëÿþòü ð³çí³ íàóêîâî-äîñë³äí³ óñòàíîâè òà çàêëàäè âèùî¿ îñâ³òè Óêðà¿íè é çàðóá³aeaeÿ. Âîíè ïðèñâÿ÷åí³ ô³ëîñîôñüêèì çàñàäàì ìåäè÷íî¿ òåî𳿠òà ïðàêòèêè; ô³ëîñîôñüêî-ìåòîäîëîã³÷íèì òà á³îåòè÷íèì àñïåêòàì ñó÷àñíèõ êîíöåïö³é çäîðîâ'ÿ; á³îåòè÷íèì, åòèêî-ïðàâîâèì òà àêñ³îëîã³÷íèì âèì³ðàì ìåäèöèíè; ô³ëîñîôñüêèì, åòèêî-ïðàâîâèì òà á³îåòè÷íèì ïèòàííÿì ìåäè÷íî¿ ðåôîðìè; ðîë³ ô³ëîñîô³¿ òà á³îåòèêè â åïîõó ïàíäå쳿; ñòðàòåã³ÿì âèaeèâàííÿ â êîíòåêñò³ ñó÷àñíèõ á³îìåäè÷íèõ òåõíîëîã³é, ô³ëîñîô³¿ òà á³îåòèêè; àêòóàëüíèì ïèòàííÿì âèêëàäàííÿ ô³ëîñîô³¿ òà á³îåòèêè ó ìåäè÷íèõ çàêëàäàõ âèùî¿ îñâ³òè.
Організація юридичної науки та освіти в Україні й світі: історичний досвід, сучасний стан та майбутні перспективи., 2021
Зб. наук. праць. Матеріали ХІ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (Київ,
22 грудня 2020 року). До 85-ліття... more Зб. наук. праць. Матеріали ХІ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (Київ,
22 грудня 2020 року). До 85-ліття від дня народження та 55-ліття від
початку наукової діяльності академіка НАН України
Ю. С.Шемшученка / Ред. колегія: Н. М. Пархоменко (співголова),
І. Б. Усенко (співголова), О. О. Малишев (відповідальний
секретар), А. М. Гурова, А. Ю. Іванова, Є. В. Ромінський,
П. С. Демченко. Київ: Ін-т держави і права імені
В. М. Корецького НАН України, 2021. 224 с.
International Online Confer... more INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION
International Online Conference
20th of August, 2021
Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференіції "Україна і світ: діалог мов і культур", 2016
Papers by Bohdana Ostrovska
and repatriation
The article analyzes the evidence of the Russian Federation's commission of international
crimes related to the unlawful deportation, forcible transfer of Ukrainian children, and their
transfer to custody, change of citizenship and adoption in the Russian Federation. This constitutes
a crime of genocide against the Ukrainian people, along with crimes of aggression, war crimes
and crimes against humanity.
The real motives of the so-called humanitarian evacuations were investigated. Various methods
of unlawful deportation forced displacement and forced assimilation of Ukrainian children within
the framework of the systematic state program of the Russian Federation are considered.
Violations of Russian norms of international law are analyzed in detail.
The role of international organizations, in particular the UN, the Council of Europe, the EU,
and the International Criminal Court in gathering evidence and bringing the perpetrators
of the above-mentioned crimes to international responsibility, is considered. Attention is
focused on the need for Ukraine to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
The importance of cooperation between national and international bodies and organizations,
with the help of non-governmental public organizations, is emphasised in the context of creating
a mechanism for the international search and repatriation of Ukrainian children.
It is essential that the State provides long-term psychosocial support for children (foremost
orphans, children deprived of parental care and children with disabilities) upon return to Ukraine
in order to restore their mental health resulting from mental injuries and to introduce children's
rehabilitation programs based on international experience the countries that were at war.
Key words: children's rights, unlawful deportation, forced displacement, change of citizenship,
adoption, genocide, repatriation.
of Reproductive Health During the Martial State in Ukraine
The article examines Ukrainian citizens’ and foreigners’ reproductive health rights during
martial law in Ukraine.
An analysis of the national legislation and the official interpretation of the provisions
of the Constitution of Ukraine was conducted based on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine’s
decisions in the context of determining the scope of the rights and freedoms of a person
and a citizen in the field of health care and access to medical services.
A comparative analysis of the legal status of citizens of Ukraine and foreigners temporarily
staying in Ukraine was undertaken in terms of their use of rights in the field of (reproductive)
health protection. Namely concerning the equality of their rights to receive services of assisted
reproductive technologies, to determine sub-entities providing such assistance and the procedure
for delivering it at the expense of the state budget.
It is emphasized the need to ensure the rights of citizens of Ukraine in access to services in
the field of assisted reproductive technologies to preserve the gene pool of the Ukrainian people.
The importance of taking into account the domestic law of the country of residence of foreign
citizens when providing them with assisted reproductive technology services is highlighted to
prevent legal conflicts between different national legal systems.
Key words: right to reproductive health, assisted reproductive technologies, reproductive
cells, biological parentage (motherhood), gene pool.
of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine. Its regulation by the current national legislation
of Ukraine is analyzed in detail, as well as the provisions of draft laws that are under consideration in
the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerning certain aspects of surrogacy.
During the martial law, even more than during the quarantine restrictions, all the pitfalls
of the provision of surrogacy services by Ukrainian women to foreigners were revealed. As a result,a number of problems have arisen, including the fulfillment of obligations under the surrogacy
agreement, which have proved extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to resolve in these
The lack of proper legal regulation of surrogacy creates conditions for abuse, which increases
the likelihood of uncontrolled movement of newborns, reproductive cells, reproductive tissues
and human embryos outside Ukraine, in particular to remove embryonic stem cells and etc. Such
actions may, under certain conditions, qualify as a form of trafficking.
In the context of the forced mass migration of Ukrainian women and children, and even
more so their forced deportation, the issue of protection and restoration of reproductive health
is especially important. Currently, in order to protect the rights and best interests of children,
as well as Ukrainian surrogate mothers, there is a need to review the entire policy of surrogacy
at the state level.
Given the significant demographic losses brought to Ukraine first by the pandemic and now
by the war, the main conceptual basis of the bill on the settlement of surrogacy should be
the requirement of Art. 16 of the Constitution of Ukraine in the part «preservation of the gene
pool of the Ukrainian people”. And it is this duty of the state that should be the main emphasis
in the development of legislative regulation in this area.
The main directions of improvement and development of normative-legal acts in the field
of auxiliary reproductive technologies concerning surrogacy are determined. It is concluded that
special legal regulation of surrogacy at the legislative level is necessary.
Key words: human rights, reproductive rights, assisted reproductive technologies,
reproductive tourism, commercial surrogacy, paternity right, maternity right.
technologies, in particular in vitro fertilization, by the national legislation of Ukraine, and its
relationship with the provisions of international legal acts in this area. The bills currently submitted
to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, concerning the use of assisted reproductive technologies,
are analyzed in detail. The bioethical approach to the problem suggests the ways to solve it
based on respect for the rights and dignity of every human being in accordance with the norms
of international law. The importance of ensuring the protection of embryo life in vitro, including
by developing the legal status of human embryos and its enshrinement in national legislation
was emphasized. It is also very important to develop special programs in order to create state
cryobanks of stem cells and embryos, and taking into account clearly defined exceptional
circumstances, to introduce state control over the movement of human embryos outside Ukraine,
primarily by imposing a ban on their export.
The adoption of special legislation on the use of assisted reproductive technologies will regulate
legal relations in this area. In drafting legal acts of national legislation, foremost, it is necessary
to take into account the norms of international law concerning human rights and biomedicine.
Since reproductive rights are directly related to fundamental human rights, such as the right tolife and health, the issue of the human right to life at the prenatal stage of its development is
an integral bioethical aspect of these rights.
Key words: human rights, right to life, reproductive rights, international law, national
legislation, assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro embryo, destruction of embryos, embryo
donation, bioethics.
22 грудня 2020 року). До 85-ліття від дня народження та 55-ліття від
початку наукової діяльності академіка НАН України
Ю. С.Шемшученка / Ред. колегія: Н. М. Пархоменко (співголова),
І. Б. Усенко (співголова), О. О. Малишев (відповідальний
секретар), А. М. Гурова, А. Ю. Іванова, Є. В. Ромінський,
П. С. Демченко. Київ: Ін-т держави і права імені
В. М. Корецького НАН України, 2021. 224 с.
International Online Conference
20th of August, 2021
and repatriation
The article analyzes the evidence of the Russian Federation's commission of international
crimes related to the unlawful deportation, forcible transfer of Ukrainian children, and their
transfer to custody, change of citizenship and adoption in the Russian Federation. This constitutes
a crime of genocide against the Ukrainian people, along with crimes of aggression, war crimes
and crimes against humanity.
The real motives of the so-called humanitarian evacuations were investigated. Various methods
of unlawful deportation forced displacement and forced assimilation of Ukrainian children within
the framework of the systematic state program of the Russian Federation are considered.
Violations of Russian norms of international law are analyzed in detail.
The role of international organizations, in particular the UN, the Council of Europe, the EU,
and the International Criminal Court in gathering evidence and bringing the perpetrators
of the above-mentioned crimes to international responsibility, is considered. Attention is
focused on the need for Ukraine to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
The importance of cooperation between national and international bodies and organizations,
with the help of non-governmental public organizations, is emphasised in the context of creating
a mechanism for the international search and repatriation of Ukrainian children.
It is essential that the State provides long-term psychosocial support for children (foremost
orphans, children deprived of parental care and children with disabilities) upon return to Ukraine
in order to restore their mental health resulting from mental injuries and to introduce children's
rehabilitation programs based on international experience the countries that were at war.
Key words: children's rights, unlawful deportation, forced displacement, change of citizenship,
adoption, genocide, repatriation.
of Reproductive Health During the Martial State in Ukraine
The article examines Ukrainian citizens’ and foreigners’ reproductive health rights during
martial law in Ukraine.
An analysis of the national legislation and the official interpretation of the provisions
of the Constitution of Ukraine was conducted based on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine’s
decisions in the context of determining the scope of the rights and freedoms of a person
and a citizen in the field of health care and access to medical services.
A comparative analysis of the legal status of citizens of Ukraine and foreigners temporarily
staying in Ukraine was undertaken in terms of their use of rights in the field of (reproductive)
health protection. Namely concerning the equality of their rights to receive services of assisted
reproductive technologies, to determine sub-entities providing such assistance and the procedure
for delivering it at the expense of the state budget.
It is emphasized the need to ensure the rights of citizens of Ukraine in access to services in
the field of assisted reproductive technologies to preserve the gene pool of the Ukrainian people.
The importance of taking into account the domestic law of the country of residence of foreign
citizens when providing them with assisted reproductive technology services is highlighted to
prevent legal conflicts between different national legal systems.
Key words: right to reproductive health, assisted reproductive technologies, reproductive
cells, biological parentage (motherhood), gene pool.
of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine. Its regulation by the current national legislation
of Ukraine is analyzed in detail, as well as the provisions of draft laws that are under consideration in
the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerning certain aspects of surrogacy.
During the martial law, even more than during the quarantine restrictions, all the pitfalls
of the provision of surrogacy services by Ukrainian women to foreigners were revealed. As a result,a number of problems have arisen, including the fulfillment of obligations under the surrogacy
agreement, which have proved extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to resolve in these
The lack of proper legal regulation of surrogacy creates conditions for abuse, which increases
the likelihood of uncontrolled movement of newborns, reproductive cells, reproductive tissues
and human embryos outside Ukraine, in particular to remove embryonic stem cells and etc. Such
actions may, under certain conditions, qualify as a form of trafficking.
In the context of the forced mass migration of Ukrainian women and children, and even
more so their forced deportation, the issue of protection and restoration of reproductive health
is especially important. Currently, in order to protect the rights and best interests of children,
as well as Ukrainian surrogate mothers, there is a need to review the entire policy of surrogacy
at the state level.
Given the significant demographic losses brought to Ukraine first by the pandemic and now
by the war, the main conceptual basis of the bill on the settlement of surrogacy should be
the requirement of Art. 16 of the Constitution of Ukraine in the part «preservation of the gene
pool of the Ukrainian people”. And it is this duty of the state that should be the main emphasis
in the development of legislative regulation in this area.
The main directions of improvement and development of normative-legal acts in the field
of auxiliary reproductive technologies concerning surrogacy are determined. It is concluded that
special legal regulation of surrogacy at the legislative level is necessary.
Key words: human rights, reproductive rights, assisted reproductive technologies,
reproductive tourism, commercial surrogacy, paternity right, maternity right.
technologies, in particular in vitro fertilization, by the national legislation of Ukraine, and its
relationship with the provisions of international legal acts in this area. The bills currently submitted
to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, concerning the use of assisted reproductive technologies,
are analyzed in detail. The bioethical approach to the problem suggests the ways to solve it
based on respect for the rights and dignity of every human being in accordance with the norms
of international law. The importance of ensuring the protection of embryo life in vitro, including
by developing the legal status of human embryos and its enshrinement in national legislation
was emphasized. It is also very important to develop special programs in order to create state
cryobanks of stem cells and embryos, and taking into account clearly defined exceptional
circumstances, to introduce state control over the movement of human embryos outside Ukraine,
primarily by imposing a ban on their export.
The adoption of special legislation on the use of assisted reproductive technologies will regulate
legal relations in this area. In drafting legal acts of national legislation, foremost, it is necessary
to take into account the norms of international law concerning human rights and biomedicine.
Since reproductive rights are directly related to fundamental human rights, such as the right tolife and health, the issue of the human right to life at the prenatal stage of its development is
an integral bioethical aspect of these rights.
Key words: human rights, right to life, reproductive rights, international law, national
legislation, assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro embryo, destruction of embryos, embryo
donation, bioethics.
22 грудня 2020 року). До 85-ліття від дня народження та 55-ліття від
початку наукової діяльності академіка НАН України
Ю. С.Шемшученка / Ред. колегія: Н. М. Пархоменко (співголова),
І. Б. Усенко (співголова), О. О. Малишев (відповідальний
секретар), А. М. Гурова, А. Ю. Іванова, Є. В. Ромінський,
П. С. Демченко. Київ: Ін-т держави і права імені
В. М. Корецького НАН України, 2021. 224 с.
International Online Conference
20th of August, 2021
Говорячи про практичне значення роботи, автор справедливо наголошує на тому, що у міжнародному праві існують прогалини, які не дають можливість адекватно врегулювати баланс між науково-технічними досягненнями та правом людини на гідність та життя, з чим не можна не погодитись.
Прочитання даної праці, на думку автора рецензії, залишає такі міркування. Є роботи актуальні, є непересічні з точки зору теорії, а є пророчі. У чомусь дана праця стала саме пророчою. Публікація даної монографії відбулась у рік, який назавжди залишиться в назві одного з найбільших викликів людству і міжнародному праву-пандемії COVІD-19. Не менш актуальною є й тема рецензованої мо-нографії, адже сучасні досягнення науки, стрімкий розвиток технологій, як і нехтування потребами довкілля, часто ставлять під загрозу не лише гідність та життя людини, а й існування людства у цілому, підтвердженням чого стала пандемія коронавірусу.
Тому без сумніву можна стверджувати, що рецензована монографія стала не тільки першим дослідженням у вітчизняній (та, великою мірою, й у європейській) науці проблематики захисту життя людини у контексті розвитку біомедицини, але й суттєво заповнила прогалини та дала відповіді на
виклики науково-технічного прогресу гуманітарній сфері
Досліджено вплив інституційних систем Організації Об’єднаних Націй, Ради Європи та Європейського Союзу на становлення міжнародного біоправа на основі узагальнення та систематизації актів цих міжнародних організацій, а також прецедентної практики Європейського суду з прав людини стосовно права на життя в контексті біоетики. Запропоновано шляхи досягнення міжнародного консенсусу для вирішення цих проблем на основі міжнародного права та подальшого запобігання порушенням права людини на життя з урахуванням розвитку інноваційних досягнень у біомедицині.
Висвітлена роль християнських цінностей як визначальних чинників європейської правової культури у захисті життя та гідності людини в світлі розвитку біоетики, а також їх вплив на становлення та розвиток права людини на життя в міжнародному праві.
Монографія є міждисциплінарним дослідженням, розрахованим на науковців різних галузей знань, насамперед юристів, медиків, філософів та інших фахівців, викладачів, студентів та всіх, хто цікавиться захистом життя людини в умовах науково-технічного прогресу.
Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова. – Київ, 2011.
У дисертації сформовано концепцію впливу становлення і розвитку православного канонічного права на правову культуру, науку та освіту в Україні.
На основі широкого кола джерел досліджено основні етапи та особливості розвитку православного канонічного права в різні історичні періоди. Проаналізовано чинники, які вплинули на зародження та генезис православного канонічного права, періоди його занепаду і відродження. Виявлено вплив канонічного права на формування та розвиток національної правової системи, на процеси правотворчості та правозастосування.
Висвітлено авторський підхід до комплексного дослідження канонічного права як джерела правової культури, правової науки, галузі права, що формується, та навчальної дисципліни.
Обґрунтовано доцільність вивчення канонічного права для юристів, а також відновлення традиції викладання канонічного права як навчальної дисципліни на юридичних факультетах.
Ключові слова: православне канонічне право, канонічне право, церковне право, канон, церковно-правова норма, Церква, держава.
The candidate’s of law thesis on specialty 12.00.01 – the theory and history of state and law; the history of political and legal studies. – National pedagogical University n.a. M.P. Dragomanov. – Kyiv, 2011.
The concept of influence formation and development of the Orthodox canon law on legal culture, science and education in Ukraine is formed in the dissertation.
The main stages and specifics of Orthodox canon law at different historic periods have been studied on the basis of wide range of sources. The factors that influenced the origin and genesis of the Orthodox canon law, its periods of decline and revival have been analysed. The influence of the canon law on the formation and development of national legal system, the processes of lawmaking and law enforcement have been estimated.
The author’s approach to the complex research of canon law as the source of legal culture, a legal science, the branch of law, that forms, and learning subject is represented. The necessity of canon law study for lawyers and revival of traditions of canon law teaching as a learning subject on the law faculties is determined.
Key words: Orthodox canon law, canon law, ecclesiastical law, canon, church legal norm, church, state.
Совенко Б.В. Становление и развитие православного канонического права в Украине. – Рукопись.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук по специальности 12.00.01 – теория и история государства и права; история политических и правовых учений. – Национальный педагогический университет имени М.П. Драгоманова. – Киев, 2011.
В диссертации сформирована концепция влияния становления и развития православного канонического права на правовую культуру, науку и образование в Украине.
На основании широкого круга источников проведена классификация периодов развития канонического права от начала его зарождения – до современного этапа. Исследованы факторы, которые повлияли на генезис православного канонического права, периоды его упадка и возрождения.
Проанализированы обстоятельства и процессы, которые оказали влияние на распространение канонического права на Руси. Определено влияние канонического права на формирование и развитие национальной правовой системы, на процессы правотворчества и правоприменения.
На основании проведенного в диссертации исследования православного канонического права сделан вывод о том, что эта область знаний остаётся малоисследованной в современной отечественной правовой науке.
Представлен авторский подход к комплексному исследованию канонического права как источника правовой культуры, правовой науки, отрасли права, которая формируется, и учебной дисциплине.
Сформулировано авторское определение православного канонического права как исторически сформированной системы церковно-правовых принципов и норм, которые регламентируют правовое положение Православной Церкви в обществе, её устройство и взаимоотношения с другими общественными организациями и государством.
Определено, что становление национальной правовой системы произошло на основе взаимодействия светской и церковной правовых систем за счет частичной правовой рецепции (принятия) принципов и норм канонического права светским законодательством. Сделан вывод о том, что учреждение на Руси канонического права заложило фундамент для формирования собственной системы национального права, которое стало основой для развития современных отраслей права (гражданского, семейного, уголовного, процессуального).
Установлена роль канонического права в формировании национальной правовой культуры. Исследовано, что каноническое право повлияло на изменение правосознания и на утверждение духовных ценностей в праве. Выявлено, что каноническое право основано на своей двойной природе религиозной и правовой. Определено историческое и юридическое взаимодействие светской и церковной правовых систем. Исследованы разграничения юридической компетенции между светской и церковной ветвями власти.
В диссертации обосновано утверждение, что каноническое право является наукой, имеющей свой предмет изучения, методы правового регулирования, собственную систему. Определено место канонического права в системе права и проанализировано его соответствие основным требованиям, предъявляемым к позитивному праву. Исследована связь науки канонического права с другими науками. Рассмотрено его соответствие характеристикам отрасли права в общей теории права.
В результате проведенной работы исследована роль и определены перспективы взаимодействия православного канонического права с современным правовым образованием в Украине. Обоснована целесообразность изучения канонического права для юристов, а также возобновления традиции преподавания канонического права как учебной дисциплины на юридических факультетах.
Ключевые слова: православное каноническое право, каноническое право, церковное право, канон, церковно-правовая норма, Церковь, государство.