Papers by Laxmi Prasad Prasad

Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences. Fish, 2017
Based on shell morphology alone, it was difficult to differentiate the species belonging to genus... more Based on shell morphology alone, it was difficult to differentiate the species belonging to genus Thais because of large amount of plasticity, observed in the shell characters. The colour of the shells was poorly defined as species identifying character in Thais species. The morphometric and meristic characters of the shell along with radular characters can solve the taxonomic ambiguities in Thais species (Thais lacera; T. blanfordi; T. tissoti; T. rudolphi; T. bufo and T. subnodulosa). The radular morphology was found to be different in each species except in T. rudolphi and T. blanfordi and hence these two species were differentiated based on radular morphology where the first denticle on outer base of the lateral cusp was smaller than other five denticles in T. rudolphi but in T. blanfordi, all were same in size. A deep 'V' shaped notch was present between inner denticle base of lateral cusp and central cusp in T. blanfordi, which was found to be a species specific character.

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2018
The present study aims to illustrate the morphometric relationships and meristic characteristics ... more The present study aims to illustrate the morphometric relationships and meristic characteristics of ticto barb, Pethia ticto from Gomti River, Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. A total of 90 specimens ranging from 37-90 mm in total length and 0.82-10.37g body weight were used for morphometric and meristic studies. The sampling was done on monthly basis from June 2015 to May 2016 using different fishing gears as cast net, gill net and drag net having mesh size of about 1.0-2.0 cm. A total of 15 morphometric measurements and 8 meristic characters were considered for the present study. The standard length and fork length was found to be 77.98% and 89.27% of the total length, respectively. The head length, dorsal fin length, pectoral fin length, anal fin length and snout length were calculated as 24.17%, 20.96%, 16.64%, 13.76% and 7.04% of the total length respectively. The pre-orbital length and post orbital length was calculated as 7.07% and 11.78% of the total length, respectively. The fin formulae of P. ticto was found to be as dorsal, D III, 8; pectoral, P1 I, 12-14; pelvic, P2 III, 5; anal, A II-III, 5 and caudal, C X, 9-10. The present study will be helpful in identification of the species and linear measurements can be used to determine population dynamics and health status of P. ticto in its natural habitat.

Indian Journal of Fisheries , 2020
Morphological variations among distinctly distributed populations of Channa gachua (Hamilton, 182... more Morphological variations among distinctly distributed populations of Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822) from three different geographical locations in India, viz., Gangetic Plains (GP), Western Hills and Plateau (WHP) and Eastern Himalaya (EH), were studied based on 200 specimens collected from these regions. The average total length of C. gachua was recorded as 128.5±4.0 mm, 126.3±5.5 mm and 123.1±6.9 mm from GP, WHP and EH, respectively. The analysis revealed variations in sixteen morphometric variables out of twenty measured variables among the GP and other two populations (p<0.05), except eye diameter, head width, anal fin base length and caudal fin length. However, WHP and EH populations did not show any significant difference among the measured characters. Principal component analysis analysis (PCA) indicated that first three PCs explained 90.12% of the total variance. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) revealed that 108 out of 200 fish samples (54.0%) were correctly classified to the actual sampling locations whereas remaining samples (46.0%) showed overlapping spatial distribution. The corrected classification rate of each population ranged from 24% to 67%. It is concluded that despite morphometric variability in head and jaws, features among GP and other two populations studied, the three must still be considered to be of the same species. The study indicates the existence of two distinct stocks of C. gachua;-one in the Gangetic Plains and another in Western Hills and Plateau and Eastern Himalayan regions.

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
A feeding trial was conducted for 75 days to study the effects of live brewer's yeast (Saccha... more A feeding trial was conducted for 75 days to study the effects of live brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on growth and body composition in post larvae of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). Five diets were formulated containing optimum protein level of 35.24 +/- 0.04. These experimental feeds were supplemented with 0.0% (control diet), 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5% and 1.0% live cells of S. cerevisiae. Weight gain, specific growth rate and protein efficiency ratio tended to increase in the postlarvae fed with either of the live yeast supplemented diets. The significant higher growth (P<0.05) performance, tissue protein, ether extract, improved specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR) was obtained in post larvae fed 0.5% of S. cerevisiae supplemented diets, suggesting that brewers yeast is an appropriate growth promoting feed additives in M.rosenbergii post larval feed.

Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2020
The fish biodiversity and diversity indices were studied in the Himalayan River Ghaghara, a princ... more The fish biodiversity and diversity indices were studied in the Himalayan River Ghaghara, a principal tributary of the mighty River Ganga for a period of one year (August 2016 to July 2017) based on data collected from three locations representing the upper, middle and lower reaches of the river. A total of 71 fish species belonging to 25 families and 49 genera were recorded and the catch composition showed predominance of fishes of the family Cyprinidae contributing 35% followed by Bagridae (10%) and Channidae (6%). The IUCN status of the fishes showed the golden mahseer (Tor putitora) as endangered (EN) while 2 species are vulnerable (VU) and 5 are nearly threatened (NT). The Shannon-Weiner Index (H) and the Simpson's index of diversity (D) were found to have highest values for the site A-2 (values 3.786 and 0.974 respectively). The Evenness index varied from 0.754 to 0.847 and calculated maximum also for site A-2 while Margalef index was calculated maximum for Site A-1 as 8.198. The major threats to fishes in this river is attributed to overexploitation of fishery resources, invasion of exotic species in the aquatic ecosystem and pollution. Stringent management measures should be adopted for sustainable exploitation and conservation of fish resources of River Ghaghara.
Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, 2012

Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2020
The present study was conducted during 2016-17 to assess the adoption of aquaculture practices an... more The present study was conducted during 2016-17 to assess the adoption of aquaculture practices and status of fish productivity in the Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. The total number of 51 fish farmers of eight different districts was selected for studying various pond management practices. It was found that annual average fish production in Eastern Uttar Pradesh significantly varies from 1570 to 2873 kg/ha/year based on different management practice and different combination of species. The highest annual average fish production was obtained 2873 kg/ha/year from the ponds in which combination six fish species (group c) were cultured together and fed with mustard oil cake, rice bran, grasses along with regular pond management practices including organic and inorganic fertilization. The education level of the owners of the fish farms was varied from graduate to illiterate and maximum owners (35.3 %) had educated only up to school level. There were 66.7 % fish farm owners having 6 to 10 members in their family.

Indian Journal of Fisheries, 2020
Morphological variations among distinctly distributed populations of Channa gachua (Hamilton, 182... more Morphological variations among distinctly distributed populations of Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822) from three different geographical locations in India, viz., Gangetic Plains (GP), Western Hills and Plateau (WHP) and Eastern Himalaya (EH), were studied based on 200 specimens collected from these regions. The average total length of C. gachua was recorded as 128.5±4.0 mm, 126.3±5.5 mm and 123.1±6.9 mm from GP, WHP and EH, respectively. The analysis revealed variations in sixteen morphometric variables out of twenty measured variables among the GP and other two populations (p<0.05), except eye diameter, head width, anal fin base length and caudal fin length. However, WHP and EH populations did not show any significant difference among the measured characters. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that first three PCs explained 90.12% of the total variance. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) revealed that 108 out of 200 fish samples (54.0%) were correctly classified to the a...

Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 2008
Purpose-In an initial study of prism-induced exodeviation, degraded stereoacuity was not associat... more Purpose-In an initial study of prism-induced exodeviation, degraded stereoacuity was not associated with decreased binocular visual acuity, suggesting that accommodative convergence was not recruited. Distance stereoacuity degraded earlier when measured with the Frisby Davis Distance (FD2), than when measured with the Distance Randot (DR). We now describe a follow-up study in which we reversed the prism order and also addressed potential biases of testing order and different measurable levels of stereoacuity to clarify the relationship between exodeviation, distance stereoacuity, and binocular visual acuity. Methods-Convergence stress was induced with base-out prism in 20 adults and increased stepwise. Stereoacuity and binocular visual acuity were measured at each step. Disparities tested were 200, 100, and 60 seconds of arc, and testing was repeated at each prism step. Results-Most subjects showed degraded stereoacuity with the FD2 in contrast to the DR (80% vs 45%, P = 0.02). Reduction of stereoacuity occurred earlier on the FD2 than on the DR (median 18 Δ vs. 40 Δ , P = 0.001). Degradation of stereoacuity was associated with minimal change in binocular visual acuity from baseline to maximal convergence stress (median 20/15 to 20/20). stress is associated with decreased distance stereoacuity that does not appear to be due to accommodative convergence. Performance on real world stereotests (FD2) is affected more than random dot tests (DR), in contrast to previous findings in intermittent exotropia. There appear to be different mechanisms for decreased stereoacuity in intermittent exotropia and under conditions of convergence stress in nonstrabismic subjects.

Various fish traps made of natural construction materials using indigenous knowledge system are t... more Various fish traps made of natural construction materials using indigenous knowledge system are traditionally employed to catch the fishes in inland water bodies eastern Uttar Pradesh. Modern fishing devices like motorized fishing gears, nets of smaller mesh size, dynamite fishing pose a threat to increase the pollution, destroy the natural environment and affect fish biodiversity. But the ancient tradition of fishing by using the traditional devices like Taap, Gaanj, Parha, Gadia, Dugla and Pachki, Sarhas, Fhekua jal, Fasla have become sustainable way of harvesting inland fisheries resources without causing any damage to the aquatic environment. These indigenous fishing methods have been practiced by the local fishing communities. A study was attempted in Faizabad district of eastern Uttar Pradesh to document the indigenous fishing methods employed to catch the fishes from inland water bodies. The data was collected through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Prior Informed Consent (PIC) technique. It was found that most of these indigenous fish catching devices made of locally available biodegradable material and have less construction cost making them readily acceptable among small scale fishermen.

Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2018
The aim of the present study was to assess the length-weight relationship as well as condition fa... more The aim of the present study was to assess the length-weight relationship as well as condition factor of a small sized freshwater cat fish Mystus bleekeri from Rudrasagar Lake, a Ramsar site of Tripura. A total of 337 fish specimens were collected from June 2015 to May 2016 following random sampling approach using different types of fishing gears as gill net, cast net and drag net of various mesh sizes for the aforesaid purpose. The results revealed intercept ‘a’ and slope ‘b’ value as -4.310 and 2.816, respectively with R2= 0.99 at 95% confidence limit. A negative allometric growth has been observed in the present study as the growth coefficient value is less than 3 indicating the population of fish to be less rotund. The calculated Fulton’s condition factor value ranged from 1.76 to 2.60 with an average K value of 2.07 indicating a very healthy condition of the fish. This study is useful in providing relevant information in understanding the biology of the fish, estimation of fish...

The present study was carried out from March 2014 to February 2016 at Bareilly district, Uttar Pr... more The present study was carried out from March 2014 to February 2016 at Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh to explore the ichthyofaunal diversity of the middle stretch of the Ramganga River. A total of 58 fish species belonging to 9 families and 7 orders. According to the IUCN status, 5 species are endangered, 15 vulnerable, 16 low risk, 6 least concern, 10 not evaluated and 6 exotic. The Cyprinidae family with 21 representative species was found to be dominant (36%) in the present study followed by Bagridae with 6 species (10%) and Siluridae with 4 species (7%). Our study result reveals that the river supports considerable diversity of the fishes and is important for conservation as some fish fauna is threatened being either vulnerable or endangered. However strategies such as sustainable harvesting, control of growth of exotic species, check on water pollution and regulation of destructive fishing methods are suggested for conservation of the native and endemic fish species of the river.

Various fish traps made of natural construction materials using indigenous knowledge system are t... more Various fish traps made of natural construction materials using indigenous knowledge system are traditionally employed to catch the fishes in inland water bodies eastern Uttar Pradesh. Modern fishing devices like motorized fishing gears, nets of smaller mesh size, dynamite fishing pose a threat to increase the pollution, destroy the natural environment and affect fish biodiversity. But the ancient tradition of fishing by using the traditional devices like Taap, Gaanj, Parha, Gadia, Dugla and Pachki, Sarhas, Fhekua jal, Fasla have become sustainable way of harvesting inland fisheries resources without causing any damage to the aquatic environment. These indigenous fishing methods have been practiced by the local fishing communities. A study was attempted in Faizabad district of eastern Uttar Pradesh to document the indigenous fishing methods employed to catch the fishes from inland water bodies. The data was collected through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Prior Informed Con...

Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2018
The present study aims to illustrate the morphometric relationships and meristic characteristics ... more The present study aims to illustrate the morphometric relationships and meristic characteristics of ticto barb, Pethia ticto from Gomti River, Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. A total of 90 specimens ranging from 3790 mm in total length and 0.82-10.37g body weight were used for morphometric and meristic studies. The sampling was done on monthly basis from June 2015 to May 2016 using different fishing gears as cast net, gill net and drag net having mesh size of about 1.0-2.0 cm. A total of 15 morphometric measurements and 8 meristic characters were considered for the present study. The standard length and fork length was found to be 77.98% and 89.27% of the total length, respectively. The head length, dorsal fin length, pectoral fin length, anal fin length and snout length were calculated as 24.17%, 20.96%, 16.64%, 13.76% and 7.04% of the total length respectively. The pre-orbital length and post orbital length was calculated as 7.07% and 11.78% of the total length, respectively. The fin fo...

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2018
Every year huge quantities of fruit waste are generated by fruit Industries. These wastes are can... more Every year huge quantities of fruit waste are generated by fruit Industries. These wastes are can be recover as natural antitoxins which would be beneficial to the society and individual. Antioxidants from fruit wastes have attracted the attention of researchers as they are cheaper in cost, easy to derive, and do not have any side effects. Thus the current investigation was focused on to extract natural antioxidant and evaluates their properties through various in vitro assays. The pomegranate peel exhibited higher total phenolic content (TPC) of 160.80 mg/g GAE while the orange peel (OPE) showed lower. Total flavonoid contents OPE showed the highest (2.955 mg/g quercetin equivalent), while the PPE showed 0.98mg/g quercetin equivalent. The DPPH radical scavenging activity exhibited a dose dependent activity. The PPE extract showed the radical scavenging activity of 94.25 at the concentration of 35μg/mL whereas the same at the same concentration BHA showed inhibition of 95.59% which ...

This study describes the length-weight relation (LWR) of small indigenous fish Pethia ticto from ... more This study describes the length-weight relation (LWR) of small indigenous fish Pethia ticto from Gomti River, Aamghat, Haliyapur, Sultanpur district 2629N and 8144E, 751m (msl) Uttar Pradesh, India. A total of 306 specimens were caught by random sampling method using traditional fishing gear as gillnet, cast net and dragnet of various mesh sizes from June 2016 to May 2017, once in a month. Total Length (mm) was measured from anteriormost part of the snout to the posterior-most part of the caudal fin and body weight (g) were taken by digital electronic balance. The analysis of data shows that the allometric coefficient is close to isometric value (3.0). Allometric growth indicates a more rotund population of fish when the values of growth coefficient are higher than 3.0 (b>3). If the value of growth coefficient is less than 3.0, the population of fish is known to be less rotund. Isometric growth indicates that the shape of fish does not change as it grows (b=3). The coefficient of...

The bacterial flora occurring in muscle, haemolymph, hepatopancreas and gill of brood, juveniles,... more The bacterial flora occurring in muscle, haemolymph, hepatopancreas and gill of brood, juveniles, water, eggs, larvae and rearing water were estimated by selective plate count technique for Entrobacteriaceae, Streptococaceae, and Vibrionaceae members. The total viable bacterial count was estimated by total plate count technique on nutrient agar. The total viable counts of bacteria were lowest in water from (6.10x10 2 CFU/ml) and highest in egg {6.06x10 8 CFU/g). In brood the total counts were varying from 1.62x10 2 CFU/g in muscle to 2.20x10 5 CFU/g in gills. In juveniles, the total plate counts were varying from 2.8x10 4 CFU/g in muscles to 3.67x10 8 CFU/g in hepatopancreas. Selective plate counts show that Enterobacteriaceae members dominate in egg and gills of brood and hepatopancreas of juveniles. Vibrios were found to be dominant in water and larvae of rearing tank. Haemolymph of brood was sterile and did not contain any bacteria while muscle of juvenile was having very low cou...

The aim of this study was to assess the length-weight relationship as well as condition factor of... more The aim of this study was to assess the length-weight relationship as well as condition factor of a medium sized freshwater fish species i.e. Anabas testudineus from Rudrasagar Lake, a Ramsar site, Tripura. For the aforesaid purpose, a total of 312 fish specimens were collected from June 2015 to December 2015 following random sampling approach using different types of fishing gears as gill net, cast net and drag net of various mesh sizes. The results revealed intercept ‘a’ and slope ‘b’ value as -1.868 and 3.044, respectively with R2= 0.99 at 95% confidence limit. This indicates growth in the species is isometric and statistically significant correlation found between length and weight of sampled fish. Isometric growth indicates that the shape of fish does change as it grows. The computed value of Fulton’s condition factor ranged from 1.25 to 1.84 indicating good health condition of the fish. The average K value was obtained as 1.51 which is a sign of good health status of fish as w...

Based on shell morphology alone, it was difficult to differentiate the species belonging to genus... more Based on shell morphology alone, it was difficult to differentiate the species belonging to genus Thais because of large amount of plasticity, observed in the shell characters. The colour of the shells was poorly defined as species identifying character in Thais species. The morphometric and meristic characters of the shell along with radular characters can solve the taxonomic ambiguities in Thais species (Thais lacera; T. blanfordi; T. tissoti; T. rudolphi; T. bufo and T. subnodulosa). The radular morphology was found to be different in each species except in T. rudolphi and T. blanfordi and hence these two species were differentiated based on radular morphology where the first denticle on outer base of the lateral cusp was smaller than other five denticles in T. rudolphi but in T. blanfordi, all were same in size. A deep ‘V’ shaped notch was present between inner denticle base of lateral cusp and central cusp in T. blanfordi, which was found to be a species specific character.
Papers by Laxmi Prasad Prasad