Peter R Parham
Nanyang Technological University, Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS), Senior Research Fellow, Climate and Sea Level Change
National University of Malaysia, Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Initiative (SEADPRI),, Associate Fellow
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - UTM, Centre of Tropical Geoengineering (GEOTROPIK),, International Fellow
I am a coastal geologist focused on climate and sea level change and its impact on diverse sedimentary, coastal and estuarine systems. My life’s focus has been studying, appreciating, understanding and protecting our natural world and its resources. I have a great deal of resource, environmental, project, and research management experience in diverse sedimentary, tectonic and coastal terrains, and public lands. My PhD is in Coastal Resources Management/Geology and both my Bachelor and Master degrees are in Geology. These are strengthened by my US Marine Corps Reconnaissance experience, which has been an invaluable asset to my field work. I am a keen, observant naturalist and outdoorsman, with a honed understanding of natural processes.I currently design and direct climate change, sea level and tectonic framework projects. My work in SE Asia has allowed me to study rocky and sandy coastal systems and tectonic influences which directly correlate to analogous settings in other parts of the world.I am adept at understanding and evaluating modern coastal environments and sedimentary systems and finding solutions to contemporary challenges and environmental issues. I apply my understanding of how coastal landscapes develop and resources respond to environmental challenges and make predictions about how they are likely to evolve in the future. This provides a baseline for resource management and policy development. Most significantly, I help communities and policymakers anticipate and adapt to environmental, sea level and climate change, and resource sustainability.
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Papers by Peter R Parham