NaNoWriMo 2004 — LiveJournal
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NaNoWriMo 2004

The National Novel Writers Month Challenge Community

9/26/04 08:44 pm - collingwest - help!

X-posted to nanowrimo, nanowrimo04, and the writing filter in my journal

I'm making a lot of progress on the plot for my NaNovel, but I'm discovering that I need a little more information. I've got some things at my disposal, but the problem is that I'm not well enough versed in this field to make things believable. Are there any physics geeks out there (particularly nuclear physics) who are willing to field some questions from me?

9/16/04 11:21 am - here_be_dragons - NaNoWriMo 2004 Community

Hello! This is a community for people who are going to participate in this year's National Novel Writing Month in November, or who participated in last year's challenge. We're not an officially sponsored site - just some folks getting together to talk about the novels we're writing.

ETA: In order to keep this a small and more intimate setting for discussion, the community is closed to new members *except* in the case of people who are LJ "friends" of a current member. When commenting here to request membership, please let us know which of our current members referred you to our community. Thanks! :)

If you are friends with a current member and would like to join please do the following:

a) Comment to this entry with a brief outline of the novel you are planning to write. If you haven't gotten that far in planning, just post whatever idea you have, or something else describing how and why you're committed to doing NaNoWriMo this year. We're asking this because all members of this community *must* be planning to write a novel this November, or participated in the challenge last year, and we just want to assure ourselves that anyone who requests membership is serious about this before we wave them in.

b) Go to the user info page for this community, and follow the link that says "to join this community, click here." Then follow the instructions for requesting membership. You won't automatically be added to the group, as membership is restricted, but as soon as we've read your intro comment, we'll approve you with full posting rights.
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