Papers by Dr Tridip Pantha
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Feb 1, 2018
Ectopic thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid tissue is present outside its normal anatomic... more Ectopic thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid tissue is present outside its normal anatomical position. Usually the ectopic thyroid is present along the line of its migration. The presence of ectopic thyroid tissue within the trachea is a very rare condition. Surgery is appropriate treatment for patients with ectopic thyroid tissue with clinical signs of upper airway obstruction. Here we present such a case where an ectopic intratracheal thyroid was causing airway obstruction.
Otolaryngology Case Reports
Nepalese Journal of ENT Head & Neck Surgery, Dec 30, 2020
Journal of Oncology Medicine & Practice, 2018
Figure 1: CT head showing cystic mass suggestive of dermoid. Figure 2: Figure showing huge occipi... more Figure 1: CT head showing cystic mass suggestive of dermoid. Figure 2: Figure showing huge occipital mass.
JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery, Jan 20, 2018

International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 2018
Introduction: Carotid body tumors also known as parganglioma or chemodactomas are one of the rare... more Introduction: Carotid body tumors also known as parganglioma or chemodactomas are one of the rare tumors of head and neck which present as slow growing masses in the neck region. We present a case of 40 years female with painless slow growing mass over left side of her neck for 6 months. Diagnosis was made on basis of clinical history, examination and radiological findings. Tumor was graded as Shamblin grade II. She was managed with excision of the tumor without preoperative embolisation. Intraoperative and postoperative periods were uneventful. Case presentation: A forty years female presented with left sided painless neck swelling∼5 × 4 cm 2 over left anterior triangle for 6 months with no history of dysphagia, odynophagia, change in voice, shortness of breath, palpitations, tremors or syncopal attacks. She underwent USG neck and CT angiogram. Based upon the radiological and clinical findings, she was diagnosed asCarotid body tumor. She was managed with excision of the tumor without preembolisation. Her diagnosis was confirmed with histopathology. Conclusion: Carotid body tumours are rare entities of head and neck region. They are mostly benign in nature. Though mostly bening, increasing size might result in grave complications. Thus, the recommended treatment for carotid body tumors is early excision with or without pre-embolisation. In our case preembolisation was not performed. Though some studies have suggested the use of preoperative embolisation in large sized tumors, more studies are yet required to justify the choice of preembolisation despite the dreaded complications.

World Journal of Nephrology and Urology, 2018
Foreign bodies in esophagus are more common in children, elderly and psychiatry patients. Differe... more Foreign bodies in esophagus are more common in children, elderly and psychiatry patients. Different types of foreign bodies can get impacted in esophagus, such as coins, bone pieces and meat bolus. Approximately 80% of foreign bodies are said to pass spontaneously without any intervention. Emergent endoscopic retrieval or rigid esophagoscopy are the treatment of choice. Delayed diagnosis can lead to respiratory failure, sepsis or hemorrhage. Nevertheless, esophageal foreign bodies are no more matter of serious concerns to the surgeons in terms of early diagnosis and management given the advancement in the diagnostic tools. Eventually delayed management and complications due to prolonged foreign body impaction are less in the picture nowadays. Here we present a typical case of foreign body esophagus that presented with acute kidney injury which was delayed to reach help due to various factors, such as poor economic background of the patient, poor access to health service and prevalence of social beliefs. Cases of complications like respiratory failure, sepsis, mediastinitis and hemorrhage have been reported very frequently, but cases presenting with acute kidney injury seem to be reported very less in literature. Thus, we believe that this case will add acute kidney injury to another possible complication of delayed foreign body esophagus.

Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 2019
Mucocele is a slow growing, benign but locally aggressive cystic structure lined by true epitheli... more Mucocele is a slow growing, benign but locally aggressive cystic structure lined by true epithelium. It often results due to obstructed sinus outflow or obstruction of gland-like mucous retention cyst. It can cause bony destruction and might result in orbital symptoms like diplopia, orbital displacement, visual disturbances. Other clinical features are facial numbness, dental problems, etc. Radiological evaluation is the preferred diagnostic modality. Surgical removal is the treatment of choice both endoscopic and open (could well luc) approach or combined approach are preferred. Here we report a very typical case of maxillary mucocele who presented with subtle symptoms of nasal obstruction. The study was done in compliance with SCARE guidelines. [1] Case presentation: We present a very unique case of 24 years man with complaints of nasal obstruction and swelling over the right cheek for 2 years. He had a history of facial trauma two years back. Diagnosis was made on the basis of radiological examination CT (Computed Tomography) scan. He underwent enucleation via Cold well Luc's approach with good postoperative results. Conclusion: Maxillary mucoceles are slow growing benign lesions. However, they are locally aggressive and cause bony destruction resulting into orbital and dental symptoms. Thus early recognistion with regular folllowr up and planning for surgical intervention can help avoid complications.

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Aug 25, 2018
ENT problems are one of the most common causes among children that warrant a visit to the doctor.... more ENT problems are one of the most common causes among children that warrant a visit to the doctor. Paediatric population forms a considerable proportion of the total world's population. 1 Seasonal cough and cold, earache, sore throat are very common in children. Many of the times, the treatments for these are done at home. When the symptoms become more serious, then only the children are normally brought to the doctor. Fortunately, fatality is very low in such cases except in cases of emergencies, but complications do occur. 2,3 Ear, Nose, Throat problems are more common in children than adults. This could be due to various factors such as wider and horizontal Eustachian tube, under developed immunity, malnourishment, poor hygiene and sanitary ABSTRACT Background: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) problems are more common in children than adults. The objective of this study was to know the occurrence of various ENT disorders among children reporting to the outpatient department of a tertiary care center and to see their associations with three age-groups. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in the OutPatient Department of Ear, Nose and Throat from 2016 to 2017. All the patients of age group 0-16yrs were included in the study. Informed consent or ascent from the patients and permission from their parents were taken. Detailed history taking, clinical examinations and appropriate investigations were performed and recorded in a pre-formed proforma. Data were entered into Microsoft Excel format 2013 and statistical analysis was done with SPSS 20 version. Results: A total of 968 patients were examined, males 633(65.4%) and females 335(34.6%). The spectrum of ENT disorders reported were chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) 126 (13.0%), Otitis media with effusion (OME) 113 (11.7%), acute otitis media (AOM) 98 (10.1%), otomycosis with otitis externa 59 (6.1%), wax 36 (3.7%), foreign body ear (FB ear) 11 (1.1%), acute mastoiditis 22 (2.3%), acute rhinitis 35(3.6%), chronic sinusitis 33(3.4%), deviated nasal septum (DNS) 34 (3.5%), FB nose 21 (2.2%), vestibulitis with epistaxis 20 (2.1%), injury/trauma 11 (1.1%), tonsillitis 89 (9.2%), adenoid hypertrophy 71 (7.3%), acute pharyngitis 52 (5.4%), chronic pharyngitis 46 (4.7%), cervical lymphadenitis 37 (3.8%), FB esophagus 8 (0.8%) and laryngitis 12 (1.2%). CSOM was significantly associated with the age-groups 5-9 yrs whereas, AOM with 0-4 yrs. Adenoid hypertrophy was significantly associated with 0-4 yrs whereas, pharyngitis with 10-16 yrs. Conclusions: Most common ENT disorders reported were ear disorders and second most common throat disorders. Significant associations were found between disorders and age-groups.

Case Reports in Otolaryngology, Jan 31, 2020
Background A cutaneous horn is a common clinical entity which usually presents as a cutaneous les... more Background A cutaneous horn is a common clinical entity which usually presents as a cutaneous lesion. Because of its subtle nature, patients usually tend to present late unless the lesion is big or complications develop. Because of its resemblance to animal horn, it has been given the term “horn.” Cutaneous horn seems to have a remarkable history. Though cutaneous horn is benign most of the times, chances of malignancy (20–25%) should be kept in mind. Old age, giant cutaneous horn carries more chances of transformation into malignancy like in our case. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment is required in all cases. Case Presentation. We report a case of a 74-year-old farmer with a cutaneous projection measuring ∼8 × 5 × 3 cm3 over the medial surface of the right pinna for 1 year. It started as a small projection which was progressively enlarging. The primary reason behind him presenting to us was cosmetic reason since it resembled an animal horn. The projection was not associated with pain or similar lesions anywhere else in body. Understanding the malignancy risks and the cosmetic benefits, he was planned for excision biopsy of the horn. He had no systemic signs of malignancy. Histopathological reports were consistent with malignancy. Conclusions Cutaneous horns are usually benign lesions and mostly found in the head and neck region. Because of the chances of malignancy, cutaneous horns should undergo surgical removal and biopsy for early and definitive diagnosis and management.
Annals of Medicine and Surgery
Papers by Dr Tridip Pantha