NAMOur WorkProgramsVital Signs Initiative

Vital Signs Initiative

Reducing Burden, Sharpening Focus, Improving Performance

Thousands of measures are in use today to assess health and health care in the United States.

Although many of these measures provide useful information, their sheer number, as well as their lack of focus, consistency, and organization, limits their overall effectiveness in improving performance of the health system. What are the core measures that will yield the clearest understanding and focus on better health and well-being for Americans?

The 15 Core Metrics

In 2015, Vital Signs: Core Metrics for Health and Health Care Progress proposed a streamlined set of 15 standardized measures, with recommendations for their standardization and application at every level—national, state, local, and institutional. The study Committee concluded that this core set of measures—”vital signs” of the nation’s health—is instrumental for attainment of the nation’s full health potential, functional capacity, and sense of well-being.

Successful implementation of the core measures will depend on their relevance, reliability, and utility to stakeholders. The NAM recently launched its Vital Signs initiative in an effort to further implement recommendations from the report. Over the next year, the NAM will convene multiple stakeholders at all levels in an effort to increase widespread adoption and application of a set of standardized measures.