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NAHC Website

About NAHC


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About E-Newsletters

About the NAHC Communities

Business Partner Marketplace

Questions And Answers

NAHC Website

How do I login to the “Members Only” sections of the website?

Your USERNAME is now your email address.  Click on “Member Login” and select the “Forgot your password?” link.  Enter your email address and click the Go button. If the email address is found an email will be sent with a link to change your password.

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About NAHC

What is NAHC’s mission?

NAHC is the largest and most respected professional association representing the interests of Americans who need home care and hospice and the caregivers that provide them with in-home health and supportive services. NAHC is committed to improving the quality of life for all Americans.

Mission Statement
To promote, protect and advance the highest quality health care at home.

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Who are NAHC’s members?

  • Provider Members: Agencies delivering hands-on care to patients at home.
  • Corporate Members: Multi-entity providers delivering care at home.
  • Business Partner Members: Businesses that provide products or services to home care and hospice agencies.
  • State Association Members: State home care and hospice associations that are organized into the National Association for Home Care & Hospice – Forum of State Associations.
  • Allied Members: Nonprofit groups, universities, libraries, schools of nursing, and international groups with an interest in home care and hospice.

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What are the categories of NAHC membership?

Provider: The primary membership of the organization consists of home care and hospice providers. The majority of NAHC provider members are single agency providers. Provider members vote for NAHC officers, their regional board representative, and their sectional board representative. To keep up with the growth among corporate agency providers, hospices, and home care aide organizations, there are three other categories within the provider membership structure.

Corporate Provider Membership: This special provider membership was created to allow corporate providers to join their branch offices as well as their headquarters office. The dues structure and the voting rights differ slightly from the regular NAHC provider membership.

Business Partner: Business Partner members consist of commercial suppliers, vendors, and service organizations interested in providing products or services to the home care community. They receive substantial discounts on exhibiting, mailing labels, and advertising, which provide valuable exposure to the national home care and hospice community.

State Association: State association members consist of state home care and hospice associations. Such state associations are organized into the NAHC Forum of State Associations. They elect one representative to the NAHC Board of Directors.

Allied: Allied membership is similar to Business Partner membership. This category has a lower dues structure to allow nonprofit organizations or institutions, such as universities, to benefit from NAHC membership.

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What are the benefits of NAHC Provider membership?

Among the many benefits received by NAHC members:

  • Discounts on NAHC meetings, conferences, and webinars
  • Professional representation at the Federal and state levels of government
  • Regulatory and legal advice and support
  • Priority listing on NAHC’s Agency Locator
  • Discounts on professional liability insurance, fleet  vehicles , and telephonic interpretation services
  • NAHC Publications: NAHC Report and member listservs

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Legal Advocacy

What is the Center for Health Care Law?

The Center for Health Care Law is a nonprofit, public interest law firm, established by NAHC in 1987.  The purpose of the law firm is to help protect the rights of the elderly, disabled, and chronically ill who require health care services.

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What is Home Care?

Home care encompasses a wide range of health and social services. These services are delivered at home to recovering, disabled, chronically or terminally ill persons in need of medical, nursing, social, or therapeutic treatment and/or assistance with the essential activities of daily living.  Home care is appropriate whenever a person prefers to stay at home but needs ongoing care that cannot easily or effectively be provided solely by family and friends.

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What is Hospice and Palliative Care?

HOSPICE: A model of care that focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting patients with a life expectancy of six months or less. Hospice involves an interdisciplinary approach in the provision of medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support. The emphasis is on comfort, not curing. It can be provided in the patient’s home as well as freestanding hospice facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities.

PALLIATIVE CARE: A specialized form of medicine that aims to enhance the quality of life of patients and their families who are faced with serious illness. It focuses on increasing comfort through the prevention and treatment of distressing symptoms. In addition to expert symptom management, palliative care focuses on clear communication, advance planning, and coordination of care.

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What is Private Duty?

Private duty home care provides a broad range of services from nursing, home care aide, homemaker, and other supportive services such as bill paying and transportation. Their goal is to provide whatever the aged, ill, or disabled or their families need in order for their loved ones to remain where they most want to be-in their homes.

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Who Provides Home Care?

Home care services are provided by home care organizations but may also be obtained from registries and independent providers. Home care organizations include home health agencies; hospices; homemaker and home care aide (HCA) agencies; staffing and private-duty agencies. Home care services generally are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Depending on the patient’s needs, these services may be provided by an individual or a team of specialists on a part-time, intermittent, hourly, or shift basis.

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What Types of Services Do Home Care Providers Deliver?

Home care providers deliver a wide variety of health care and supportive services, ranging from professional nursing and HCA care to physical, occupational, respiratory, and speech therapies. They also may provide social work and nutritional care and medical equipment and supply services. Services for the treatment of medical conditions usually are prescribed by an individual’s physician. Supportive services, however, do not require a physician’s orders. An individual may receive a single type of care or a combination of services, depending on the complexity of his or her needs.

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How Do I Find Home Care Services?

Finding the home care and hospice provider best suited for your needs requires research, but it is time well spent. Important factors include the quality of care, availability of needed services, personnel training and expertise, and coverage provided by the payer.

To determine which types of services you need, you may wish to consult with your physician, a hospital discharge planner, or a social service organization, such as an Area Office on Aging, for assistance in evaluating your needs. Once you’ve completed this assessment, you will be able to identify the type of home care provider most appropriate to assist you.

Visit NAHC’s Agency Locator to find a home care and hospice provider in your community. This online database contains more than 30,000 agencies, easily searchable by consumers.

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About E-Newsletters

Why can’t I read the full versions of the articles?

Many, if not all, of the articles that NAHC or its affiliated organizations publish, are for members only and require a username and password for access. If your username and password are suddenly not working, there is a chance that you have not renewed your membership, and therefore no longer have access to these articles. Contact our Membership Services Department by calling (202) 547-7424 or email them at [email protected].

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What is my username and password?

Your username is your email address and your password is what you have set up. If you have questions, please contact our Membership Services Department by calling (202) 547-7424 or email them at [email protected].

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I used to get emails from NAHC, but now I don’t anymore. What’s going on?

If your membership has lapsed, your subscription to all e-newsletters is put on hold. Once your account has been made current, you will need to either sign up for your e-newsletters again, or contact our membership department and they can do this for you.

Sometimes if your office is having email issues, our systems will put your account on hold after a number of bounces. This means that if we try to send you an email and your mail server cannot accept it, we stop sending you emails. We do this to comply with SPAM laws that discourage emailing bad email addresses. Once your IT or computer service department fixes this issue, contact our Membership Services Department and they will update your account. Call (202) 547-7424 or email them at [email protected].

For other issues, please have your IT Department contact the NAHC IT Department to resolve this.

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About the NAHC Communities

What is a NAHC Community?

The NAHC Communities is a group of people who discuss common topics on our online platform. They are discussion forums for issues surrounding daily business operations, legislation, or regulations of home care providers. Through these communities, members can exchange questions and ideas with other members, while also receiving feedback from the associations’ staff members. These communities are for the sole benefit of our members to share timely information and assist with problem-solving among colleagues.

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How do I subscribe to the NAHC Communities?

The NAHC Communities participation is limited to members only. If you are not an up-to-date member of NAHC or one of its affiliates, you will not be able to participate in the online discussions. To access the communities, follow the directions below:

  • Login to community.nahc.org/home using your NAHC credentials.
  • A: Click on “Communities” in the main navigation and click on “Communities I Can Join” in order to see a list of available communities.
  • Click on the community that you wish to join and simply click “Join,” then choose a delivery option for posts (Real Time, Daily Digest or No Email).

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How do I unsubscribe from the NAHC Communities?

When you have decided to unsubscribe follow the instructions below:

  • Go to your profile and click on the “My Account” tab.
  • Choose “Community Notifications” from the drop-down menu.
  • Here, you will see a list of available communities and those to which you’ve subscribed.
  • Select “Leave Community” under the Actions column for the discussions you wish to leave.

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Business Partner Marketplace

How can I be listed in NAHC’s Business Partner Marketplace?

Make sure you’re reaching the home care and hospice market. You have the services and software agencies want, so let them know!

Use the NAHC Business Partner Marketplace to list your product by category or keyword, display your logo and add video links. Do you have a special offer for NAHC Members? Companies with offers get priority listing!

Show NAHC members how you can meet their needs. Visit marketplace.nahc.org

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