Papers by Dr. Rahul B. Kamble
Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research, 2014
Pollen biology in which in vitro germination supplemented with different modified concentrations ... more Pollen biology in which in vitro germination supplemented with different modified concentrations of nutrient media, study of pollen tube growth, pollen morphology and pollen viability using various stains were studied in some members of Euphorbiaceae family viz. Acalypha indica L., Chrozophora prostrata Dalz & Gibs., Jatropha curcas L., Pedilanthus tithymaloides (L) Poir., Ricinus communis L., and Tragia plukenetii L. Results were analyzed and would be help in plant identifications.

Archives of Applied Science Research, 2011
The present study was conducted in the tribal area of Goregaon cluster of Gondia district of Maha... more The present study was conducted in the tribal area of Goregaon cluster of Gondia district of Maharashtra. Livelihood systems in this districts are complex, primarily dependent on agriculture (including allied activities-livestock, poultry, fishery, etc.) forest, agricultural labour and village artisans. It is more important that the problems of the people of disadvantaged regions like rainfed, hilly and tribal areas be addressed through imparting new skills to the poor and building up durable income generating assets and capacity to adapt to rapidly changing markets. The said district have been so chosen because of poor indices in various areas of development including, amongst others, infrastructure, agriculture, food availability, nutritional health and sanitation and last but not the least economics of the habitants. Study suggested alternate sources of income to the villagers to improve their socio-economic conditions as well as increasing the income level and employment opportu...
Webbia, 2016
A new species Murdannia ugemugei Kamble, Somkuwar & Nandikar is described and illustrated fro... more A new species Murdannia ugemugei Kamble, Somkuwar & Nandikar is described and illustrated from the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India.

Journal of Ecobiotechnology, 2011
Indians have great knowledge of phytomedicines. This valuable knowledge has been conserved in the... more Indians have great knowledge of phytomedicines. This valuable knowledge has been conserved in the living folk traditions in ethnic communities. An attempt has been made to explore traditional medicinal knowledge of plant materials, available in forest villages of Goregaon and Deori forest range of Gondia district, Maharashtra state. Gondia is one of the prominently categorized districts with maximum tribal population in Maharashtra which includes mostly Gond, Gowari, Halbi, Manah tribes with great numbers. In this study we documented about 49 plant species of various families which are commonly used by the tribal people to cure some common diseases viz. Dysentery, acute headache, toothache and carries, urinary troubles, skin diseases, antidote against snake bite, vomiting and many more. Ethnobotanical information were gathered through several visits, group discussions and cross checked with traditional medical practitioner of the study area.
Floristic inventory and diversity assessments are necessary to understand the present diversity s... more Floristic inventory and diversity assessments are necessary to understand the present diversity status and conservation of biodiversity. During the botanical explorations of Nagpur District, the authors collected some rare taxa from the restricted locations and various habitats for the first time from this region. Some of taxa having very small population size. Specimens were collected, identified with the reference of different floras and authentified it.
Continuous botanical explorations in the various localities of Nagpur District resulted into the ... more Continuous botanical explorations in the various localities of Nagpur District resulted into the some novel additions to the floristic wealth of district. Authors have collected 4 plant specimens from 3 different families viz. Mutingia calabura L. (Mutingiaceae), Mikania micrantha Kunth; Centratherum punctatum (Asteraceae) and Clerodendrum splendens G. Don (Verbenaceae) for the first time from this region. Plant specimens were collected, identified with the help of literatures and various floras.
Order Fabales is one of the largest orders of flowering plants. This order is distributed worldwi... more Order Fabales is one of the largest orders of flowering plants. This order is distributed worldwide and exhibits the greatest diversity of morphological types in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Order Fabales comprises the major families such as Caesalpiniaceae, Mimosaceae and Fabaceae. To explore the diversity of this order in Nagpur City, regular field visits were made. Present study enumerated the order Fabales with total 59 genera, 126 species, 4 sub-species and 4 varieties of which Family Mimosaceae with 11 genera, 24 species and 2 sub-species. Family Caesalpiniaceae observed with 8 genera, 27 species while the largest family Fabaceae covered most of the diversity in this order with 40 genera, 75 species, 2 sub-species and 4 varieties. The study was documented with flowering and fruiting seasons and distribution in the Nagpur localities.

Annals of Biological Research, 2011
The present paper deals with In-vitro callus induction and shoot regeneration in Physalis minima ... more The present paper deals with In-vitro callus induction and shoot regeneration in Physalis minima (L.). Physalis minima belong to the family Solanaceae, a small herbaceous annual plant grown as weed in the crop field. Ethnobotanical information showed that this plant has tremendous medicinal value for cure out different diseases. Study includes multiple shoot cultures to regenerate whole plant from callus of apical leaf, node and root explants. The present study highlights the importance of plant tissue culture in order to be used for large-scale production of drug at cost affordable levels. This study can be utilized to develop a standard protocol to initiate multiple shoot culture of plant that may provide a good source of pharmacologically active plant constituents. Callus culture were initiated from leaf, shoot tip and root explants on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with different concentrations of hormone(s), alone or in combination, for rapid initiation of callus and b...
Spigeliaceae family which is recently separated from the Loganiaceae is represented by a single s... more Spigeliaceae family which is recently separated from the Loganiaceae is represented by a single species Spigelia anthelmia L. in India. It is recorded for the first time from the Gorewada region of Nagpur district of Eastern Maharashtra.

Land Use Policy, 2015
ABSTRACT Shrinking natural resources and high population growth over last 60 years have been a ma... more ABSTRACT Shrinking natural resources and high population growth over last 60 years have been a matter of concern for the Indian planners. The situation is getting especially critical for communities solely dependent on common property resources (CPRs) associated with marginal lands, leading to major problems of impov-erishment. The present study was carried out in a cluster of three villages in Deori taluka (administrative unit) of Gondia district of Maharashtra state, India, listed as a backward district by Planning Commission of India. Livelihood in these villages is characterized by their dependence on declining non-timber forest produce (NTFP), shrinking CPRs, low agricultural productivity, lack of soil and water conservation measures, low productivity of livestock, high rate of migration, and lack of infrastructure and credit institutions. Based on information obtained through a baseline survey, participatory land use plan (PLUP) aimed at improved management of available resources for sustainable tribal livelihood and conserve forests was formulated and implemented. Interventions like optimal rainwater management thorough community action, pisciculture, and diversified cropping were introduced. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of NTFP was done. As a result of scientific interventions, significant improvement in land productivity and consequently economic development was noted. Two years of implementation of the plan has indicated that sustainable land use plan could not be implemented effectively without mobilization of a proactive community. The ideal way to ensure a proactive participation is to create an impact by starting with interventions where economic benefits are quickly realized and their potentials could be easily perceptible.

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2013
There are sporadic reports on urban forests in Indian cities. Nagpur is one of the greenest citie... more There are sporadic reports on urban forests in Indian cities. Nagpur is one of the greenest cities of India with 18 per cent of its area under forests and plantations, 17 per cent under cultivation and 2 per cent under water bodies. The present study showed that natural vegetation of the city is very well diversified with a representation of 59 per cent vegetation including 124 trees species belonging to 38 families as compared with the overall district vegetation statistics. Air quality in the city is relatively better with lower SO 2 (6 g/m 3), NO 2 (18 g/m 3) and Respirable Suspended Particulate Matters (RSPM, 53 g/m 3) as against National Ambient Air Quality Standards (2009) for cities in India of 80, 80 and 100 g/m 3 , respectively. It was also noted that the diversity in natural forests which are being protected is greater than the plantations undertaken by the civic authorities and private sector efforts. The study thus demonstrated the positive relationship of the city with diversified vegetation cover for cleaner environment. The analysis is expected to guide formulation of strategies for maintaining green space in the city.
Indian Journal of …, 2010
The present paper deals with in vitro produced phytochemicals of Canscora decurrens (Dalzell) suc... more The present paper deals with in vitro produced phytochemicals of Canscora decurrens (Dalzell) such as alkaloids, flavanoids, phenols, steroids, anthracene glycosides and triterpenoids etc for their antibacterial activities against human pathogenic strains viz. Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Rhodococci sp., Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas sp, Salmonella sp. and Bacillus stearothermophilus. The investigation suggests that the plant may be used in therapeutic treatments of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhoea and skin diseases.
Gorewada reservoir and adjacent area (1885 Ha) now converted into International Biopark abodes a ... more Gorewada reservoir and adjacent area (1885 Ha) now converted into International Biopark abodes a variety of plant community to its credit. A study has been carried out to elucidate the aquatic flora with diverse plant wealth, indicator plants and their ecological status in wetlands of Gorewada catchment area.114 plants species with 33 families have been identified from the Gorewada wet land area. 67 species belong to dicotyledons and 47 are monocotyledons.
Papers by Dr. Rahul B. Kamble