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The Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) is a domesticated species, which is highly adaptable to climatic changes. In the present study, the eggs of Japanese quail is incubated in different seasons at BOD Incubator under control... more
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Remote sensing provides timely, synoptic and repetitive coverage over large areas across various spatial scale, have made it a very powerful tool for monitoring natural resources, like forest, agriculture, irrigation, environmental... more
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    • Environmental Science
Se vadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur-440024 (M.S.)
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KEYWORDS The avian embryo is unique for studying morphogenesis in birds. Today widely used model for experimentation is chick and the focus on the chick embryo has somewhat overshadowed the other avian species which can also prove to be... more
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    • Endocrinology
Remote sensing provides timely, synoptic and repetitive coverage over large areas across various spatial scale, have made it a very powerful tool for monitoring natural resources, like forest, agriculture, irrigation, environmental... more
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    • Environmental Science
Remote sensing provides timely, synoptic and repetitive coverage over large areas across various spatial scale, have made it a very powerful tool for monitoring natural resources, like forest, agriculture, irrigation, environmental... more
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KEYWORDS The avian embryo is unique for studying morphogenesis in birds. Today widely used model for experimentation is chick and the focus on the chick embryo has somewhat overshadowed the other avian species which can also prove to be... more
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    • Reproductive endocrinology
The Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) is a domesticated species, which is highly adaptable to climatic changes. In the present study, the eggs of Japanese quail is incubated in different seasons at BOD Incubator under control... more
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Remote sensing provides timely, synoptic and repetitive coverage over large areas across various spatial scale, have made it a very powerful tool for monitoring natural resources, like forest, agriculture, irrigation, environmental... more
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The experiment was conducted to study the development of Gonads in quail embryos. The eggs of Japanese Quail are incubated in BOD incubator at 35 o C and 60% Relative Humidity. The embryos were cut out, fixed, paraffin sectioned and... more
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Se vadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur-440024 (M.S.) Abtract The experiment was conducted to study the de ve lopme nt of Endocrine Glands in quail embryos. The eggs of Japanese Quail are incubate d in BOD incubator at 35 o C and 60%... more
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Remote sensing provides timely, synoptic and repetitive coverage over large areas across various spatial scale, have made it a very powerful tool for monitoring natural resources, like forest, agriculture, irrigation, environmental... more
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    • Environmental Science
The avian embryo is unique for studying morphogenesis in birds. Today widely used model for experimentation is chick and the focus on the chick embryo has somewhat overshadowed the other avian species which can also prove to be of much... more
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      EndocrinologyBiologyReproductive endocrinologyCoturnix coturnix