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This paper address the PCG signals (Phonocardiogram) and their De-noising techniques. The PCG as a kind of weak biological signal under the back ground of strong noise is easily subject to interference from noise of various sources.... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringImage ProcessingBiomedical signal and image processing
In the Open Access, e-publishing and e-research environment it is necessary to share and publish output of research immediately with larger audience to avoid duplication of work and reinventing the wheels. The attempts have been made for... more
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      Integrated Library SystemsABCDEletronic theses and dissertations
The paper describes the concepts of virtual reference service and instant messaging. It explains how realtime communication works in a library setting, and introduces one free, easy-to-use software, i.e., Meboo for establishing a virtual... more
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    • Library and Information Studies
The open source software (OSS) makes source code available to users, who can change the software to modify it more closely to their own requirements. Now the OSS is available for library and information management Examples of such systems... more
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    • Library and Information Studies
In the modern techno-savvy era, exponential growth in knowledge increased load on libraries. To cope up with the dwindling budget and vendors' closed-access attitude in dealing with proprietary software made libraries to look for open... more
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    • Library and Information Studies
This study mainly describes various aspects of Digital Library its contents, components, characteristics, emerging technologies in Digital library. This study also emphasizes on its genesis, need, digitization process, technical issues,... more
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In this digital era it is important to keep pace with rapid changes that are taking place in the world, especially for developing countries with strong emphasis on knowledge sector. For this, changes ought to be introduced in our... more
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In the modern techno-savvy era, exponential growth in knowledge increased load on libraries. To cope up with the dwindling budget and vendors' closed-access attitude in dealing with proprietary software made libraries to look for open... more
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    • Library and Information Studies
Bibliographical services are services related to the library collection and access to those collections, whether print or online. In modern libraries, these services are provided online through website. Many studies have been carried out... more
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      EngineeringInformation ScienceAcademic LibrarianshipAcademic Libraries
Virtual learning environment (VLE) provides students a common platform where they can get the subject-wise tutorial, course content, assignments, worksheets, notes, lectures, etc., anywhere, anytime. The slated features, unique... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceVirtual learning environment
In this era of transition from information age to knowledge society, the libraries have much greater challenges to face. The whole insight of library has now changed from collection of books to a single window knowledge bank. This paper... more
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      Library ScienceKnowledge ManagementAcademic LibrariesElectronic Resources
An attempt has been made to study and represent the status of Library automation in Agricultural university libraries in Western India with the help of data collection tool i.e. questionnaire. Develop a model of consortia of E-resources... more
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      EngineeringInformation and Communications Technology