RTM Nagpur University
Now a day’s major population over the world is facing the issue of allopathic drug and their adverse effect in treatment of various diseases. Ayurveda is one of the traditional medicinal systems of India. The philosophy behind Ayurveda is... more
Vanadyl acetylacetonate, Vanadyl meso-tetraphenylporphine, Cupric acetylacetonate, and Cupric meso-tetraphenylporphine have been studied at S-, X-, K- and Q-band in the rigid limit and in the motional narrowing regime. Data have been... more
Development of the Micro-grid contributed to reduction of emissions and alleviate the climate changes. The Micro-grid usually consists of a micro distributed generators (DGs), energy storage system (e.g. flywheel, battery, etc.,) and... more
In this paper a new sinusoidal PWM inverter suitable for use with power MOSFETs is described.. The output waveforms in the proposed PWM inverter are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The fundamental component of the... more
Present generating stations are not competent to satisfy the present load demand. Hence, the availability of conventional fuels is limited, one should rethink for the new source of energy which will interminable in nature, harmless to our... more
An energy audit is a key for developing an energy management program. Although energy audits have various degrees of complexity and can vary widely from one organization to another, every audit typically involves-data collection and... more
paper a new sinusoidal PWM inverter suitable for use with power MOSFETs is described. . The output waveforms in the proposed PWM inverter are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The fundamental component of the three-phase... more
In this paper, A Comparison based on Standard Transmission Line Voltages is evaluated. An Overhead Double circuit Transmission Line of 400KV and 750KV has been compared based on average values of Line Parameters. Both Lines are taken as... more
Electrical power plays a vital role in our lives. We need electricity for industry, agriculture, transport, communication, etc. The fundamental relationship between energy and economics is more people with more income, means a rise in... more
In a recent year, Water pollution is a topic of great concern both in India and worldwide. The waste objects floating on the water surface get clogged in the drainage system and cause choking which results in hazardous effects on our... more
Efficient control, monitoring and energy conservation plays important role in the assessment of annual investment on electricity consumption in every industry. In central India there are few industries who invest approx. one third from... more
The microgrid stability is always concerned, because of its dynamic nature of a load and its locally connected micro sources (Renewable). Depending upon applications, the microgrid types, system structure and control methodology varies.... more
In this paper Energy Audit of Electrical Installations is an integral part of the overall energy audit of complex technical systems, and infrared thermography is one of the non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for that type of analysis... more
Brushless DC (BLDC) motors are now a day's becoming popular in many other domestic, industrial and aerospace applications for the reason that of its light weight, high working speed and exceptional speed-torque characteristics. The... more
In present day, the maintenance of streetlight is one of the major problem for electricity boards in India. Also, there is scope for saving power during off peak time i.e. in from around midnight 12AM to 04AM in the morning. The methods... more
Brushless DC (BLDC) motors are now a day’s becoming popular in many other domestic, industrial and aerospace applications for the reason that of its light weight, high working speed and exceptional speed-torque characteristics. The... more
Hybrid (Solar & Wind) renewable power system can be used to preserve the non-renewable fossil fuels. The Photovoltaic-wind hybrid system profits the lowest unit cost values to sustain the same level of Deficiency of Power Supply... more