RTM Nagpur University
Chemical Engineering
While oil prices continue to climb, energy conservation remains the prime concern for many process industries. The challenge every process engineer faced is to seek the answer to questions related to their process energy pattern.... more
Pressure swing distillation (PSD) is a technique coming forward as a strong alternative to the conventional separation methods for separating azeotropes. The conventional pressure swing distillation involves two columns operated at two... more
A nanofluid is mixture of nano sized particles and a base fluid. This paper investigates by using laboratory based double pipe heat exchanger model, the performance of nanofluid containing about 48.46nm particle size nanoparticles (ZnO)... more
The present phenomenon, i.e. enhancement of mass transfer coefficient in liquid-liquid extraction operation is a complex one and it cannot be reasoned out by any logic based model, so it is find out by experimental data based model. The... more
The Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is a promising candidate as zeroemission alternative power source for transport & stationary application due to its high efficiency ,low temperature operation ,high power density ,quick... more
In this paper, performance of Catalyst Coated Membrane (CCM) has been studied. Effect of various parameters on current density and power density has been analysed. Observations has been depicted using polarisation as well as power curves.... more
Investigation on preparation of graphene oxide-CuO nanocomposite based nanofluids with the aid of ultrasound assisted method for intensified heat transfer properties,
In the last decades, fuel cells are exceptionally capable and environmentally responsive energy exchange devices and have received great attention for the energy investigation. The components of fuel cells and its fabrication techniques... more
The present work reports sonochemical preparation of zinc oxide (ZnO) and silver decorated ZnO (9 wt%) with the use of zinc acetate, silver nitrate and sodium carbonate as precursors in 60 min duration. The resulted ZnO and silver... more
Trans-aconitic acid (Propene-1 2 3-tricarboxylic acid) is an organic acid and is generally found in sugar cane. It is used as accidulent in food industry and can be used in synthesis of plasticizers. It is widely used in tissue... more
Reactive extraction of Trans-aconitic acid from its aqueous solution has been carried out by Tributylphosphate as extractant and benzene, xylene as diluents. The study has been performed at room temperature and distribution coefficient... more
The detailed investigation of the chemical structure of vitrinite-rich Karharbari coal was performed utilizing advanced analytical techniques. The salient objective of this work is the evaluation of various structural properties of coal,... more
- by Yash Jaiswal
Groundwater has become an alternative source for domestic and irrigational uses at present in most places, due to insufficient availability of clean surface water. Limited availability and supply of potable water, people have started... more