Nagoya University
The purpose of this study was to systematize nursing terminology in scientific terms by describing the way that visiting nurses expressed and described their own nursing practice. The subjects were 25 visiting nurses in the Kansai region... more
Because of advanced computerization, the number of hospitals in which nurses use computers to collect, check, input, and record patient information has increased. The expectation for subjective and responsible behaviors by individual... more
In order to facilitate estimation of the dose-equivalent index or the effective dose equivalent for the purpose of radiation protection, we investigated how and where personal dosimeters should be worn by workers in nuclear facilities.... more
Nurses working at general hospitals face diffi culties in providing dementia care. The current study examined aged care nurses' dementia care practices in the hospital setting and developed a dementia care checklist that nurses can use to... more
This study aimed to describe how new graduate nurses perceive empathy for patients, how empathically they act, and experience of diffi culty about it. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 248 second-year clinical nurses in A... more
Access to a childcare support system makes it easier to balance work and family life. This study aimed to identify possible system access problems faced by working nurses. Questionnaires were administered to 346 nurses with children.... more
Problems in nursing students' handling of patient information in clinical practicums, and instruction methods to prevent them
From the age of Nightingale, the gathering of patient-related data has been recognized as critical to evaluate and advance the nursing profession. However, nursing has failed to consistently and comprehensively identify the core data... more
In Japan, the clinical nurse instructor is a staff nurse who teaches in clinical practicums. However, there is no consensus on the essential roles that clinical nurse instructors are expected to perform. We conducted a three-round Delphi... more
The purpose of this study was to clarify the minimum necessary educational content in the area of nursing ethics in a basic nursing education program, and the level of students’ mastery of this content, based on a Delphi study in both... more
A development process of patient role measurement scale: focused on inpatients' perceptions and nurses' expectations
Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the current situation of radiation protection education for designated radiation workers in hospitals. Methods: A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted at 1,883 hospitals nationwide... more
Background: A randomized control trial was performed to test whether a lifestyle intervention program, carried out in a primary healthcare setting using existing resources, can reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Japanese with... more