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Hydrogen gas has successfully been produced from biomass by hydrothermal gasification. Various alkaline additives have been found to increase the hydrogen yield. However, studies have not yet been done on pollutants that would be produced... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsPhosphorusHydrogen Production
Hydrogen gas and the valuable material hydroxylapatite have successfully been produced from biomass wastes by hydrothermal gasification. However, it was expected that toxic compounds might be produced through the reaction. It was... more
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      Analytical ChemistryGas Chromatography/mass SpectrometrySupercritical Water
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Production of hydrogen gas and/or valuable material has successfully been made from biomass wastes by hydrothermal reactions in supercritical water. However, it is expected that toxic compounds might be produced through the reactions. It... more
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    • Proceedings
Production of hydrogen gas and/or valuable material has successfully been made from biomass wastes by hydrothermal reactions in supercritical water. However, it is expected that toxic compounds might be produced through the reactions. It... more
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    • Proceedings