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KoboldKare Update 301_e2c390c3

Been a long while since an update has hit the public branch.

KoboldKare has been a project that has been in constant turmoil as I learn more and more about game development.

I realized at some point that I was using my technical ability as a crutch to avoid doing art.

Instead of just spending an hour or two making some fun clouds, I'd overengineer the problem into oblivion trying to make "technically correct" clouds via raytracing and tearing into the render pipeline to get what I want.

Many of the changes for this build is me replacing awful, overengineered, and slow solutions with some basic VFX and game-design.

I'd say I've gotten KoboldKare 90% to where my vision is. I still have lots to do, but now I actually can see the finish line. I plan to get KoboldKare to 1.0 within 5 weeks from this post.

That's enough of me rambling about my thoughts, HERES THE PATCH NOTES:

•Penetration tech refactor. This change is large enough that I wrote all of the details on the official KoboldKare website as a technical article. You can check it out here. In general, I'm no longer flubbing the math on penetrations, and the shaders I use are more optimized.

•Ray-traced clouds were replaced with standard VFX work. Drastically reducing rendering cost.

•Fluid visuals overhaul, replaced the expensive and touchy fluid simulation with some standard VFX.

•Eclipse, and the concept of night has been completely eliminated. No more worrying about nighttime, or being outside. With the introduction of other mechanics, it was largely unnecessary to keep.

Plants simply grow after 30 seconds of being watered, energy can be restored on kobolds by resting on the bed, quests are received as soon as they arrive, stores restocks over time. Etc!

•Three new kobolds stats: Energy, Belly capacity, and Metabolization capacity.

• Kobolds now have energy bars, they consume energy to do the vast majority of their tasks. Tuck them in bed to get it back! Soon there will be ways to increase or regenerate energy...

•Belly capacity is limited, don't overfill them. Use the toilet to empty their belly if they're too full. Soon there will be ways to increase this limitation.

•Metabolization capacity is limited, kobolds can only metabolize so much fluid before they max out! There is currently no way to increase this limitation, except for breeding of course.

•Introduction of Kobold traits and breeding! Kobolds now track a set of traits that are passed onto their offspring, this includes traits that have modified via juices! Offspring also spawn with an empty metabolization bar-- meaning you can repeat the modifications to begin breeds of kobolds with specific traits! You can guess the relations by just looking at the colors.

•The ability for players to change themselves in game has been drastically limited, you can no longer equip dildos, you cannot customize yourself real-time via the options menu, and you are subject to the same metabolization limitations as any other kobolds. However...

•Added a consciousness swapping machine, for the low low price of losing your original vessel, you can embody one of the Kobolds on the farm that suits you better.

•Buckets and several other containers are now drinkable. Simply use them to drink some of their contents.

•New item and reagent: Mushroom. It poisons your kobolds! Shrinking all their stats and making them pale. Careful with this one!

•New machines are found on the farm. The Grinder, Milking Table, Breeding Mounts, Kobold Press, Consciousness Swapper, and Egg Laying machines are all usables that cost various resources to use.

•All animation stations are now usable just like Machines are, the bottoming kobold will always go first.

•Kobold AI will now "use" things you set them near, careful with setting them near buckets of expensive fluids!

•Networking is now ownership based, when a client "owns" an object, they are fully responsible for relaying its state to other players. This means when you own an object, there will be zero lag for interacting with it.

Included a security feature where jumping will force ownership back to yourself, so you can prevent other players from grabbing or interacting with you.

•Ragdolls are now fully networked, tossing players, pinning them, and doing various things with them are now sent through the network as a "playback", and everyone will see the same thing!

•Ragdoll refactor, all ragdolls use ConfigurableJoints instead of CharacterJoints in order to simulate muscle tension. This leads to ragdolls crumpling less and looking more natural.

•Precision grabber refactor!

This has taken a long time to figure out. Ragdolls in Unity are special and cannot actually be affected by angular velocity sets like other Rigidbodies. I learned I must use constraints instead!

Now always ragdolls kobolds, respects player colors, can properly rotate ragdoll limbs, and is visible to all players holding shift.

Making kobolds and objects pose exactly the way you want has never been easier.

You can see above that a green player has posed this kobold to sit near the table and wave.

You can also now unpin individual pins by aiming at them and tapping Q, holding Q will unpin all active pins.

•Farm plot is now a discrete grid of plantable terrain. Unlock new grid tiles with explosives.

•Holding the rotate key (R by default) now takes direct control of the hips.

This even works on animation stations, but not during ragdoll.

•Mousewheel now gives analogue control of crouch height, use this in combination with hip control to very precisely do things with your lower body.

•You now recieve mail, they come as objectives from the mysterious Dragon Patron. The objectives are currently a TODO, but you can complete them and earn stars which unlock parts of the city!

•New dick stubbiness customization. Dicks can be stubby and thick, or long and thin, by up to 50% in either direction!

•Body proportions have been temporarily disabled as I learn how to integrate them with inheritable traits in a fun way.

•Jiggle physics refactor, all jiggle physics in the game has been replaced by a much more physically accurate and stable system.

•Money is now a consumable physics item. Money is now also tracked per-kobold, collaborate with your fellow kobolds!

•Terrain is now static and no longer generated on the fly. This leads to much faster load times.

•Since there's no more dynamic day cycle, reflection probes are now also static. This should lead to less hitching while playing the game.

•Decals now use a dilation technique to hide seams. It still isn't perfect, but it no longer relies on Conservative Rasterization which simply wasn't supported on lots of platforms, and looked really bad in other situations.

•Alternative graphics APIs have been disabled. DirectX, Metal, and Vulkan are now the only supported graphics APIs. This was too difficult to maintain as a solo developer, and may come back after the game is more complete.

•The Overall Graphics  option has been reduced to "High", and "Low", this is to reduce the number of variants needed to compile the game. It still takes a ridiculous amount of time to compile, but I managed to get it down to around 20 minutes.

I probably missed a ton of changes. Oh well!

There's still a lot of greyboxing, temporary effects, and barely realized mechanics. Though I've played it with a few friends and its an absolute blast! I'm hoping to clean it up over the course of the next few weeks.

Files 690 MB
Version 76 Aug 15, 2022 685 MB
Version 76 Aug 15, 2022 728 MB
Version 76 Aug 15, 2022 677 MB
Version 76 Aug 15, 2022

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money and stars don't seem to save or load correctly

even if I mindswap back to the kobold I was when I saved my money is still reset to 5, also all the star doors disappeared at some point and don't re-appear on a new file

Why remove player customization in game? And just the other cosmetic stuff as well?? Cloning seems cool... but I just want to stick with my starter character, and just add more to them as I progress.

you can still customise the kobold you spawn/respawn as, just not a kobold that already exists

as well can we get furry like customizations like wolfs and such even if its kobolds we could get customizations that make our kobolds look like a furry wolf or furry cat eta

honestly id love to see unlockable ratios so we should start with the current defaults and unlock size and other shit based on if we earn them

if i unlock being a titan sized fuck toy or a titan sized breeder then i should be able to use the customizer and make myself that size again as well as use any items i unlock ingame


Why did you remove player customization? Why did you remove equippable dicks? Why did you make it so we have to ditch our starting kobold with restricted metabolism? :c 

I feel like some of these changes should've been polled or researched before just being made.

(2 edits) (+4)

The removal of player customization is very disappointing. I'm not looking forward to having to specifically breed many kobolds just to get the appearance that I want.

The other changes seem pretty cool however. Gonna try them out soon.

EDIT: I had misunderstood and believed player customization was gone entirely. It's not nearly as bad as I was expecting. The overall game itself is also quite good, I like the changes since the last public build a few months ago.

i cant get kobolds to produce eggs or pregnant in the latest build. has it been changed on how it works?


Yes, I had this issue too. There is a bench with a wooden plate thing on the otherside of the farm plot. You just have to place a kobold who is pregnant on that machine and they will lay an egg. They must also have energy to produce eggs.

What about the player character? I can never interact with it. How do I know if preggers?


To be honest, one kobold cumming into the player character should be enough to become pregnant. Then you just have to go to the breeding station and interact with it like you would with every other interactable. Do note, that you must have energy to interact with it, so make sure the energy bar is filled


the white cum in your belly bar should turn into yellowy egg over time, once there's enough egg and you have energy it should work