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Based on an anti-deterministic vision between education and politics derived by the comprehensive-transactional posture, the paper wants to promote the realization of the qualitative research The several «wor(l)ds» of emancipation, that... more
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L’article envisage un possible dialogue entre le paradigme de la transaction sociale (TS) et la pédagogie, à partir d’une analyse du rôle de l’incertain dans le processus de formation. En montrant l’aporie entre conformation et... more
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      PragmatismPedagogieSocial Transactions
Abstract: L’articolo analizza le posizioni emergenti nel più recente dibattito pedagogico circa il paradosso del sentimento dell’infanzia, che si concretizza nella profonda distanza tra l’attuale immagine dell’infanzia attiva e competente... more
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      Philosophy of EducationEarly Childhood EducationEducational Theory
À partir des résultats d’une recherche-formation, la contribution vise à analyser la pluralité des représentations d’un genre minoritaire de séparation : l’incertain. Conçu comme une rupture relationnelle entre le sujet et les routines du... more
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      TransitionIncertitudeSocial TransactionsSocial Transaction Theory
The paper analyses, in its first part, the scientific definition of ‘profession’, elaborated by the functionalist studies of the last century, in order to found in the triad knowledge, training and service the elements of the... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of EducationEducational TheoryProfessional development of educators
Il riconoscimento delle conoscenze e delle competenze relazionali e comunicative quali elementi centrali nell'architettura dei Corsi di Studio in Scienze dell'educazione è un passaggio-chiave del più generale riconoscimento della figura... more
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From a theoretical framework characterised by the dialogue among critical pedagogy, theory of situated action and Cultural Studies, the paper focalizes its interest on the relationship between the processes of cultural consumption, the... more
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      Consumer CulturePedagogiaConsumi Culturali
Il riconoscimento delle conoscenze e delle competenze relazionali e comunicative quali elementi centrali nell'architettura dei Corsi di Studio in Scienze dell'educazione è un passaggio-chiave del più generale riconoscimento della figura... more
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Transactions identitaires de jeunes étudiantes face à l'incertain
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Distribution électronique pour De Boeck Supérieur. © De Boeck Supérieur. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des... more
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      PhilosophyPragmatismPedagogieSocial Transactions
The paper presents and discusses the processes and the results of a Systematic Review of the scientific literature conducted with the aim to become aware of how the antisocial behaviour (AB) of adolescents are understood (repertoire of... more
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      PsychologyEducationAntisocial Behavior AdolescentsEducational Practices
From a theoretical framework characterised by the dialogue among critical pedagogy, theory of situated action and Cultural Studies, the paper focalizes its interest on the relationship between the processes of cultural consumption, the... more
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Il riconoscimento delle conoscenze e delle competenze relazionali e comunicative quali elementi centrali nell'architettura dei Corsi di Studio in Scienze dell'educazione è un passaggio-chiave del più generale riconoscimento della figura... more
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Questo lavoro è una tessitura che si compone di molti filati. Fili e nodi sono i volti, le voci, i pensieri delle persone che hanno avuto un ruolo significativo in questo «movimento di ricerca» e a cui va il mio ringraziamento. Un grazie... more
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Dans Pensée plurielle Pensée plurielle 2013/2 (n° 33-34) 2013/2 (n° 33-34), pages 85 à 95
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Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A (maître de conférences), Université Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples (Italie) Résumé La reconfiguration du système universitaire est un phénomène international d'actualité. Il est caractérisé par de... more
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      HumanitiesEducational ResearchPolitical ScienceItaly
Elaboree a partir d’un paradigme epistemologique de type comprehensif, la these se situe dans le domaine de la pedagogie critique et se caracterise, par la methode herschienne du "mime", pour une reflexion sur la pedagogie comme... more
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This paper engages with the theme of vocational guidance. Attention is addressed to the adult learner in vocational guidance. The theme of guidance refers to the instance of autonomy as teleological principle of the practice of guidance... more
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      EducationLifelong LearningVocational Guidance and CounselingLifelong learning and adult education
In this paper, we consider parenting education as a strategy for building a responsible parenting style. We define the educational need of fathers and problematize the concept of ‘responsible paternity’, starting from a re-reading of the... more
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      Adult EducationTransformative LearningFamily EducationParental education