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alumni of North Charleston High School's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in alumni of North Charleston High School's LiveJournal:

Tuesday, September 7th, 2004
5:04 pm
Ha! I get the first post!

I'm Nikki, class of 98. Except call me Andy now or suffer my squirrelly wrath. Um, yeah. If you're interested, check out my userinfo. My journal is FO, because there's some shady motherfuckers on the internet, but if I know you and I don't want to rip your ear hair off with a pair of tweezers (and you know who you are, JB), then I'll friend you and you can listen to me bitch about people you've never heard of.

Will the fab five please identify themselves for their complementary steak knives?

So, there you have it. Pimp pimp pimp pimp. Except to the preps. Cause they sucked.

Current Mood: dorky
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