Papers by Hana Krutílková
TGM a ženy, 2023
Zdeňka Wiedermannová-Motyčková belongs to the main figures of the so-called progressive current o... more Zdeňka Wiedermannová-Motyčková belongs to the main figures of the so-called progressive current of the pre-war women's movement in Moravia. Her numerous projects from the first decade of the 20th century survived even after her death (1915) and largely determined the features of the interwar liberal women's movement in South Moravia. The Brno activist and feminist corresponded with T. G. Masaryk in the first decade of the 20th century. These rare archival documents are preserved in the Masaryk Institute and the Archives of the CAS. In her correspondence, she pointed out a number of contemporary issues. By analysing these letters, we can learn new facts about the politicisation of the women's movement in Moravia before 1914, but also about the consequences that this entailed on a public and personal level for women as actors in public and political life.

Jižní Morava, 2017
The present article deals with a comparative analysis of two national protective societies from a... more The present article deals with a comparative analysis of two national protective societies from a gender perspective before the outbreak of the First World War. Its main aim is not to give an exhaustive overview of the activities of the women's branches of the two societies, but primarily to compare the methods of working with women and the possibilities and limits of women's public participation. I am interested in what concept both societies used to recruit new female members, whether their activities reflected traditional gender stereotypes, or what their pervasiveness was. Due to the minimal archival material, we will qualitatively analyze mainly printed material, especially the association's printed materials and annual reports. I consider the research topic to be beneficial also because there are so far only a marginal number of studies on the German women's movement in the Czech lands. A similar situation generally prevails in research on women's history or gender history in regions other than Prague and Brno.

Morava a Slezsko v hospodářských a sociálních souvislostech v 1. polovině 20. století , 2019
Importance of the Prostějov (Central Moravia) workers' movement within Moravia was reflected in t... more Importance of the Prostějov (Central Moravia) workers' movement within Moravia was reflected in the relatively early establishment of the club Vlasta (1891), originally an entertaining and educational association of women. Local regional headquarters have been trying for many years to "educate" capable agitators from the ranks of local workers and wives of the most important leaders. Although a few of them appeared in several waves, systematic work among women carried their fruit with arrival of experienced activist Božena Krapková in 1903 from Vienna. However, the mobilization of local female textile workers started to be successful especially during the struggle for universal suffrage and then after 1911, when the social democrats started to mention women´s suffrage. However, during the period under review the women's agenda in the country did not change very much and was tied to traditionally conceived activities (events for children, singing, entertainment), remarkably commemorating the activities of bourgeois women's clubs.
The territorial framework of the agitation was based on the interests of local headquaters, but it was successful especially in Přerov, less in Wallachia, Holešov, Lipník nad Bečvou and Bystřice pod Hostýnem, where it was connected to the textile and wood processing industry. Nearly no results showed the regions of Zábřeh nad Odrou, Olomouc, Šumperk, Litovel, Mohelnice and Šternberk, where the German branch of the party was more successful. Women's sections of the party, which were able to broadcast their speakers outside their home districts, managed to establish themselves permanently only in Prostějov and Přerov.
Prostějov's female workers have performed for most of their time, independently of the liberal women's movement, until 1909–1910 when the Progressive Women´s Association of Moravia were more active in Olomouc.
Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Sociales , 2019
This paper discusses the beginnings and first years of functioning of Moravsko-slezská organizace... more This paper discusses the beginnings and first years of functioning of Moravsko-slezská organizace ženská (The
Moravian-Silesian Women’s Organisation, MSOŽ), the first substantial attempt to unite the then-divided women’s
movement in Moravia at the beginning of the 20th century. By prefering the maternal women’s duties in the Czech
nation, MSOŽ reached a stalemate and it was soon overlaid with opposite liberal feministic activities. This
contribution deals with the specification of a programme of MSOŽ and the first attempts of younger female
activists to reorganize it.

Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia
The paper provides a basic overview of the hitherto little-known scientific discipline in the Cze... more The paper provides a basic overview of the hitherto little-known scientific discipline in the Czech lands, namely feminist museology, and its related field – gender theory – in connection with museology. The study places the aforementioned perspectives in a broader world trend, which is understood as the new museology. It presents basic possible approaches and application of theoretical knowledge to the practice of historical museums, including the creation of „women‘s collections“, the establishment of „women‘s museums“, reflection on the phenomenon #MeToo , gender audits of exhibits and the professional structure of museums. Equally important are the calls for the equality of women visitors and employees of memory institutions, the visibility of various social groups, including women, and the so-called problematic topics in the narrative of museums. The paper also presents the activities of The International Association of Women‘s Museums.
Studie zabývajici se ceským liberalnim ženským hnutim na Vyskovsku a jeho pronikani do politicke ... more Studie zabývajici se ceským liberalnim ženským hnutim na Vyskovsku a jeho pronikani do politicke roviny od 90. let 19. stoleti do roku 1918.
Přispěvek se zabýva genderově podminěnými okolnostmi vzniku vybraných ceských divcich skol v regi... more Přispěvek se zabýva genderově podminěnými okolnostmi vzniku vybraných ceských divcich skol v regionu Ostravska, Opavska a casti Těsinskeho Slezska od pocatku 20. stoleti do 30. let 20. stoleti. Hlavni pozornost je věnovana preferenci ofborneho skolstvi ci vseobecně zaměřeneho vyssiho divciho skolstvi a jeji navaznosti na konzervativni konstrukt feminity u Marie Matulove a Slezske Matice Osvěty lidove v Těsinskem Slezsku.
Přiběhy padesati žen a divek z Cech a Slovenska, ktere posouvaly hranice. Nenapadne ale vytrvale ... more Přiběhy padesati žen a divek z Cech a Slovenska, ktere posouvaly hranice. Nenapadne ale vytrvale rebelky bojovaly za prava žen, snažily se uplatnit v uměni, sportu nebo ve vědě. Některe z nich použivaly i opravdove zbraně, ale větsina z nich jen svůj hlas, um, vytrvalost a lasku ke sve zemi. Některe zname, jine zapomenute, ale vsechny si zaslouži nasi pozornost, protože jako kapky na kameni, krůcek po krůcku, proslapaly cesticku těm dalsim.

UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
During the last years before WW1 the gender strategy of Moravian socialists started to follow the... more During the last years before WW1 the gender strategy of Moravian socialists started to follow the concept of new socialist woman. This effort was realized in several specific measures, first of all the introduction of International Women’s Day, the re-establishment of women’s party conferences and establishment of women’s political organizations. The new holiday helped revive the fading working-women’s socialist movement in Moravia during the years before WWI. It became an effective tool which helped both competing socialist parties – autonomists and centralists – to keep pace with growing competition of women’s interest associations of Catholics and The People’s Progressive Party. Thanks to the revival of women’s suffrage demands the Social Democracy could partly present itself as a protesting party again. The introduction of International Women’s Day led to the consolidation of disrupted women’s campaigning centres and partly also to spreading to new regions. However, the new holi...

Studia historica Brunensia, 2021
This contribution deals with establishing of the International Women's Day in selected land or na... more This contribution deals with establishing of the International Women's Day in selected land or national organisations of social democracy before the First World War. Its primary goal is to answer, whether the introduction of the "new revolutionary holiday" in 1911 led to significant qualitative shifts in the content of women's activities contrary to previous years. Did the new holiday become the most visible manifestation of the "revolutionary struggle" of the female workers' socialist movement? Was the establishing of the International Women's Day reflected in rhythm of socialist women's organisations? Were there any differences in the land organisations of so called autonomist and centralist wing of Czech land social democracy in Moravia, social democracy in Austria, Silesia and Galicia? An integral part of this text is to outline of position of the new feast in relation to other spring memorial days in the socialistic calendar.
Studia historica Brunensia, 2019
Politická komedie", nebo "prospěšná záležitost"? Volba poslankyně v roce 1912 jako téma katolické... more Politická komedie", nebo "prospěšná záležitost"? Volba poslankyně v roce 1912 jako téma katolického tisku "Political comedy", or "profitable affair"? An election of first female-deputy in 1912 as a topic of catholic press
Přispěvek se zabýva genderovou analýzou reakci vybraných moravských periodik na zvoleni Boženy Vi... more Přispěvek se zabýva genderovou analýzou reakci vybraných moravských periodik na zvoleni Boženy Vikove-Kuněticke za poslankyni ceskeho zemskeho sněmu v roce 1912. Kvalitativnimu výzkumu je podrobeno sirsi spektrum různorodých politických, nepolitických i ženských novin a casopisů, přicemž analýza zohledňuje jejich zajmove zaměřeni a regionalni rozvrstveni. Jednim z cilů přispěvku je rovněž problematizovat rozdilný dobový diskurs na politickou participaci žen z pohledu liberalniho, socialistickeho a katolickeho politickeho tabora a jejich přislusných ženských zajmových sdruženi. Přispěvek si neklade za cil postihnout průběh akci a ženských demonstraci na Moravě.

Patý rocnik konference Promýslet Evropu dvacateho stoleti, který proběhne ve dnech 9. a 10. dubna... more Patý rocnik konference Promýslet Evropu dvacateho stoleti, který proběhne ve dnech 9. a 10. dubna 2018, bude zasvěcen zvratům, rozpadům a zanikům. Pokusime se zachytit fenomen proměn a konců z různých uhlů pohledu, odhalit jejich přiciny, analyzovat jejich typicke prvky a zamyslet se nad jejich dopady. Nami sledovane 20. stoleti se vyznacuje řadou zaniků a zvratů jak v kulturni, tak socialni nebo hospodařske sfeře. Některe jsou vseobecně zname, jine probihaly v pozadi velkých změn. Budeme patrat po odpovědich na otazky: do jake miry maji tyto udalosti a ideje pozitivni ci negativni vliv na evropske dějiny minuleho stoleti? Kdo ci co lze zařadit mezi jejich původce? Jakým způsobem se rozvijely? Staly se dějinnými mezniky? Co dalsiho způsobily? A je zanik opravdovým koncem nebo se jedna o zacatek něceho, co teprve odstartuje nove akce ci tendence? Během dvou konferencnich dnů si chceme klast tyto otazky a hledat na ně odpovědi. Přispěvky by měly být zaměřeny jak na sirsi ideove jevy, ...

Ctvrtý rocnik konference Promýslet Evropu dvacateho stoleti, který se uskutecni 12. a 13. dubna 2... more Ctvrtý rocnik konference Promýslet Evropu dvacateho stoleti, který se uskutecni 12. a 13. dubna 2016 s podtitulem Hybatele dějin?, navazuje na tři předchozi setkani doktorských studentů a mladých vědeckých pracovniků zabývajicich se evropskými dějinami 20. stoleti. Přispěvky se budou vztahovat k dějinam evropskeho kontinentu od pocatku 20. stoleti po rozpad východniho bloku. Zamyslime se nad tim, ktere osobnosti, udalosti, organizace ci myslenky byly v průběhu 20. stoleti hybateli evropských dějin. Byly skutecnými hybateli dějin osobnosti, nebo teprve dějinna udalost poskytla vhodný prostor k tomu, aby takova osobnost mohla vyrůst? Jake parametry musela konkretni udalost ci osobnost splňovat, aby mohla být interpretovana jako dějinna? Měly urcite organizace skutecně silu stat se ve 20. stoleti hybateli dějin a prosadit zasadni změny? Měly převratne myslenky a nove koncepty silu změnit svět nebo bylo usili jejich tvůrců marne? Nebo je to jestě jinak a klic k pochopeni historických ud...
Papers by Hana Krutílková
The territorial framework of the agitation was based on the interests of local headquaters, but it was successful especially in Přerov, less in Wallachia, Holešov, Lipník nad Bečvou and Bystřice pod Hostýnem, where it was connected to the textile and wood processing industry. Nearly no results showed the regions of Zábřeh nad Odrou, Olomouc, Šumperk, Litovel, Mohelnice and Šternberk, where the German branch of the party was more successful. Women's sections of the party, which were able to broadcast their speakers outside their home districts, managed to establish themselves permanently only in Prostějov and Přerov.
Prostějov's female workers have performed for most of their time, independently of the liberal women's movement, until 1909–1910 when the Progressive Women´s Association of Moravia were more active in Olomouc.
Moravian-Silesian Women’s Organisation, MSOŽ), the first substantial attempt to unite the then-divided women’s
movement in Moravia at the beginning of the 20th century. By prefering the maternal women’s duties in the Czech
nation, MSOŽ reached a stalemate and it was soon overlaid with opposite liberal feministic activities. This
contribution deals with the specification of a programme of MSOŽ and the first attempts of younger female
activists to reorganize it.
The territorial framework of the agitation was based on the interests of local headquaters, but it was successful especially in Přerov, less in Wallachia, Holešov, Lipník nad Bečvou and Bystřice pod Hostýnem, where it was connected to the textile and wood processing industry. Nearly no results showed the regions of Zábřeh nad Odrou, Olomouc, Šumperk, Litovel, Mohelnice and Šternberk, where the German branch of the party was more successful. Women's sections of the party, which were able to broadcast their speakers outside their home districts, managed to establish themselves permanently only in Prostějov and Přerov.
Prostějov's female workers have performed for most of their time, independently of the liberal women's movement, until 1909–1910 when the Progressive Women´s Association of Moravia were more active in Olomouc.
Moravian-Silesian Women’s Organisation, MSOŽ), the first substantial attempt to unite the then-divided women’s
movement in Moravia at the beginning of the 20th century. By prefering the maternal women’s duties in the Czech
nation, MSOŽ reached a stalemate and it was soon overlaid with opposite liberal feministic activities. This
contribution deals with the specification of a programme of MSOŽ and the first attempts of younger female
activists to reorganize it.