Julien Pomarède
I am Associate Professor in International Politics at the Department of Political Science of ULiège. I am Programme Director of the Master Global Politics & Political Affairs, and I teach courses in International Relations, Political Science and research methodologies.
Before joining ULiège in September 2022, I was postdoctoral researcher at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Wiener-Anspach Visting Scholar at the University of Oxford. I hold a PhD from ULB (October 2018), which consisted in a political sociology of NATO's counterterrorism professional networks, practices and policies after 9/11. I had the occasion to teach in different universities, including ULB, the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po Paris and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.
I situate my work in the branches of Critical Security Studies and War Studies, and take inspiration from structural sociology (Bourdieu, Elias, Tilly) and Science and Technology Studies (STS). I am specifically interested in the historical sociology of Western organized violence, with a focus on the recent counterinsurgency and counterterrorism campaigns conducted in the context of the War on Terror. After my PhD, I developed other centres of interests, such as the role of secrecy in defence politics and research fieldwork, the militarization of migration control in the Mediterranean Sea and the social origins of weapons and military technologies.
Before joining ULiège in September 2022, I was postdoctoral researcher at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Wiener-Anspach Visting Scholar at the University of Oxford. I hold a PhD from ULB (October 2018), which consisted in a political sociology of NATO's counterterrorism professional networks, practices and policies after 9/11. I had the occasion to teach in different universities, including ULB, the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po Paris and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.
I situate my work in the branches of Critical Security Studies and War Studies, and take inspiration from structural sociology (Bourdieu, Elias, Tilly) and Science and Technology Studies (STS). I am specifically interested in the historical sociology of Western organized violence, with a focus on the recent counterinsurgency and counterterrorism campaigns conducted in the context of the War on Terror. After my PhD, I developed other centres of interests, such as the role of secrecy in defence politics and research fieldwork, the militarization of migration control in the Mediterranean Sea and the social origins of weapons and military technologies.
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Papers by Julien Pomarède
L'ouvrage prend le contre-pied des approches rationalistes et dominantes qui soumettent l’évolution de l’OTAN à une adaptation mécanique à un nouvel environnement international davantage instable. Ce livre propose une immersion sociologique dans le monde des pratiques professionnelles dites « contre-terroristes », qui sont à la source des mutations de l’Alliance euro-atlantique.
À partir d’une enquête de terrain approfondie, combinant une centaine d’entretiens et des observations ethnographiques, l’auteur explique que la continuité post-Guerre froide de l’OTAN procède de l’institutionnalisation transnationale d’une logique de traitement préemptive de risques multiformes. La démonstration explore deux changements indissociables. Le premier réfère à la structure sociale portant la production du pouvoir au sein de l’OTAN, qui disperse la logique d’action multilatérale le long de possibilités sécuritaires très différentes (guerre en Afghanistan, surveillance en Méditerranée, développement d’armements). Le deuxième a trait au politique, à savoir l’exercice de la violence et la fabrication des figures de l’ennemi qui prolifèrent, s’imaginent et se banalisent à mesure que les initiatives de sécurité se multiplient. En proposant de renouveler les termes du débat sur les raisons de l’existence contemporaine de l’OTAN, l’ouvrage apporte aussi un éclairage original sur le travail quotidien des organisations internationales et les transformations en cours dans les politiques de sécurité contemporaines.
Is it possible to question specialists of discretion? In the plural worlds of security where secrecy is an internalized rule of conduct as well as an ordered and regulated administrative dispositif, this question becomes acutely relevant. Secrecy, in all of its forms, is often evoked as one of the principle difficulties encountered in sociological investigations, especially those that adopt qualitative approaches: research is essentially arrested there where secrecy imposes itself with force, in a non-negotiable manner. Instead of bending to methodological defeatism, which holds secrecy as an incommensurable obstacle that determines the objective limits of research in security worlds, this special issue of Cultures & Conflits shows how, on the contrary, it remains possible to question interactions within these hard-to-reach sites and to make these professionals of confidentiality talk. Through original empirical work, this issue presents research strategies used by the authors while offering a more ordinary reading of secrecy and confidentiality, that takes into account their effects on the studied actors and institutional spaces.
L'ouvrage prend le contre-pied des approches rationalistes et dominantes qui soumettent l’évolution de l’OTAN à une adaptation mécanique à un nouvel environnement international davantage instable. Ce livre propose une immersion sociologique dans le monde des pratiques professionnelles dites « contre-terroristes », qui sont à la source des mutations de l’Alliance euro-atlantique.
À partir d’une enquête de terrain approfondie, combinant une centaine d’entretiens et des observations ethnographiques, l’auteur explique que la continuité post-Guerre froide de l’OTAN procède de l’institutionnalisation transnationale d’une logique de traitement préemptive de risques multiformes. La démonstration explore deux changements indissociables. Le premier réfère à la structure sociale portant la production du pouvoir au sein de l’OTAN, qui disperse la logique d’action multilatérale le long de possibilités sécuritaires très différentes (guerre en Afghanistan, surveillance en Méditerranée, développement d’armements). Le deuxième a trait au politique, à savoir l’exercice de la violence et la fabrication des figures de l’ennemi qui prolifèrent, s’imaginent et se banalisent à mesure que les initiatives de sécurité se multiplient. En proposant de renouveler les termes du débat sur les raisons de l’existence contemporaine de l’OTAN, l’ouvrage apporte aussi un éclairage original sur le travail quotidien des organisations internationales et les transformations en cours dans les politiques de sécurité contemporaines.
Is it possible to question specialists of discretion? In the plural worlds of security where secrecy is an internalized rule of conduct as well as an ordered and regulated administrative dispositif, this question becomes acutely relevant. Secrecy, in all of its forms, is often evoked as one of the principle difficulties encountered in sociological investigations, especially those that adopt qualitative approaches: research is essentially arrested there where secrecy imposes itself with force, in a non-negotiable manner. Instead of bending to methodological defeatism, which holds secrecy as an incommensurable obstacle that determines the objective limits of research in security worlds, this special issue of Cultures & Conflits shows how, on the contrary, it remains possible to question interactions within these hard-to-reach sites and to make these professionals of confidentiality talk. Through original empirical work, this issue presents research strategies used by the authors while offering a more ordinary reading of secrecy and confidentiality, that takes into account their effects on the studied actors and institutional spaces.