Papers by Fabienne Collette

Brain Research, 2015
The current experiment aimed to explore age differences in brain activity associated with success... more The current experiment aimed to explore age differences in brain activity associated with successful memory retrieval in older adults with different levels of executive functioning, at different levels of task demand. Memory performance and fMRI activity during a recognition task were compared between a young group and two older groups characterized by a low (old-low group) vs. high (old-high group) level of executive functioning. Participants first encoded pictures, presented once (Hard condition) or twice (Easy condition), and then completed a recognition memory task. Old-low adults had poorer memory performance than the two other groups, which did not differ, in both levels of task demands. In the Easy condition, even though older adults demonstrated reduced activity compared to young adults in several regions, they also showed additional activations in the right superior frontal gyrus and right parietal lobule (positively correlated to memory accuracy) for the old-high group and in the right precuneus (negatively correlated to memory accuracy), right anterior cingulate gyrus and right supramarginal gyrus for the old-low group. In the Hard condition, some regions were also more activated in the young group than in the older groups. Vice versa, old-high participants demonstrated more activity than either the young or the old-low group in the right frontal gyrus, associated with more accurate memory performance, and in the left frontal gyrus. In sum, the present study clearly showed that age differences in the neural correlates of retrieval success were modulated by task difficulty, as suggested by the CRUNCH model, but also by interindividual variability, in particular regarding executive functioning.
Revue de neuropsychologie, 2012
L a génétique cognitive, et, par extension la neuroimagerie génétique, sont des domaines de reche... more L a génétique cognitive, et, par extension la neuroimagerie génétique, sont des domaines de recherche émergents qui ont pour objectif une meilleure compréhension de la variabilité interindividuelle du fonctionnement cognitif et de ses bases cérébrales. Ce domaine de recherche se base à la fois sur les progrès récents en génétique humaine et sur ceux en psychologie cognitive/neuropsychologie. L'apport et les limitations de l'approche génétique à notre compréhension du fonctionnement cognitif sont brièvement présentés ci-dessous.

Frontiers in Neurology, 2015
Morning-type individuals experience more difficulties to maintain optimal attentional performance... more Morning-type individuals experience more difficulties to maintain optimal attentional performance throughout a normal waking day than evening types. However, time-of-day modulations may differ across cognitive domains. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated how chronotype and time of day interact with working memory at different levels of cognitive load/complexity in a N-back paradigm (N0-, N2-, and N3-back levels). Extreme morning- and evening-type individuals underwent two fMRI sessions during N-back performance, one 1.5 h (morning) and one 10.5 h (evening) after wake-up time scheduled according to their habitual sleep-wake preference. At the behavioral level, increasing working memory load resulted in lower accuracy while chronotype and time of day only exerted a marginal impact on performance. Analyses of neuroimaging data disclosed an interaction between chronotype, time of day, and the modulation of cerebral activity by working memory load in the thalamus and in the middle frontal cortex. In the subjective evening hours, evening types exhibited higher thalamic activity than morning types at the highest working memory load condition only (N3-back). Conversely, morning-type individuals exhibited higher activity than evening-type participants in the middle frontal gyrus during the morning session in the N3-back condition. Our data emphasize interindividual differences in time-of-day preferences and underlying cerebral activity, which should be taken into account when investigating vigilance state effects in task-related brain activity. These results support the hypothesis that higher task complexity leads to a chronotype-dependent increase in thalamic and frontal brain activity, permitting stabilization of working memory performance across the day.
... Adam, Stéphane mailto [Université de Liège - ULg > Département Psychol... more ... Adam, Stéphane mailto [Université de Liège - ULg > Département Psychologies et cliniques des systèmes humains > Psychologie de la sénescence >]. Hogge, Michaël []. Publication date : 19-Jul-2006. On invitation : No. Audience : International. ...
Revue Neurologique, 2005
COMMUNICATIONS AFFICHÉÉS : Neuropsychologie délirantes sont très liées à l'atteinte mnésique alor... more COMMUNICATIONS AFFICHÉÉS : Neuropsychologie délirantes sont très liées à l'atteinte mnésique alors que les hallucinations surviennent dans un contexte d'altération des items de langage, indépendamment du trouble de la mémoire. Conclusion : Les relations entre le déficit cognitif et les troubles du comportement sont mal connues. Nous montrons que certains symptômes peuvent survenir indépendamment de la sévérité de la maladie. Des profils d'altération cognitive particuliers pourraient expliquer l'apparition de certains symptômes comportementaux ou bien être le reflet d'une physiopathologie commune en termes de lésions anatomiques ou de mécanismes biochimiques.
Experimental Gerontology, 2000
O. Toussaint et al. / Experimental Gerontology 35 (2000) 901-916 901 Experimental Gerontology 35 ... more O. Toussaint et al. / Experimental Gerontology 35 (2000) 901-916 901 Experimental Gerontology 35 (2000) 901-916 0531-5565/00/$ -see front matter ᭧ (O. Toussaint). O. Toussaint et al. / Experimental Gerontology 35 (2000) 901-916 902

Neuroepidemiology, Jan 14, 2015
Type 2 diabetes mellitus increases the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, and elevated burde... more Type 2 diabetes mellitus increases the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, and elevated burdens of vascular disease are hypothesized to contribute to this risk. These relationships were examined in the Diabetes Heart Study-MIND using a battery of cognitive tests, neuroimaging measures and subclinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden assessed by coronary artery calcified (CAC) plaque. We hypothesized that CAC would attenuate the association between neuroimaging measures and cognition performance. Associations were examined using marginal models in this family-based cohort of 572 European Americans from 263 families. All models were adjusted for age, gender, education, type 2 diabetes and hypertension, with some neuroimaging measures additionally adjusted for intracranial volume. Higher total brain volume was associated with better performance on the Digit Symbol Substitution Task and Semantic Fluency (both p ≤ 7.0 × 10(-4)). Higher gray matter volume was associated with better...

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2003
edge or of previous episodes, then there is no need to postulate separate short-term and long-ter... more edge or of previous episodes, then there is no need to postulate separate short-term and long-term memory systems. However, different time courses of the task result in different time courses of the ERP trace, a result that could reflect different modes of operation (and hence, functionally different cognitive functions) of the same brain structures. Moreover, maintenance of material on a temporary basis, beyond the end of stimulus presentation, is associated with activity in the prefrontal areas, as well as in the posterior areas, which have been linked to activation of long-term memory. As Ruchkin et al. point out, the advantage of word lists over nonword lists in immediate serial-and free-recall tasks indicates an involvement of semantic information in supporting temporary memory functions. However, there is nothing in the reported ERP data that constrains the interpretation that temporary retention involves areas of the prefrontal cortex, in addition to some form of ongoing activation of the recently activated traces in long-term memory. Temporary memory appears to be associated with both anterior and posterior areas of activation. This could suggest that the prefrontal cortex is the seat of temporary memory, or that both the prefrontal and the posterior activation are required in such tasks, or that the prefrontal activation reflects the operation of some form of controlling mechanism that ensures continued maintenance of long-term memory traces. In all cases, there is a different network of activation associated with temporary memory than with long-term memory tasks, even if there is some overlap in the brain areas involved. At a conceptual level, all three of these interpretations are quite consistent with working memory holding the products of activated traces from long-term memory; they are also consistent with working memory comprising a system that is conceptually quite distinct from long-term memory.
Cette étude s'intéresse aux difficultés d'inhibition dans le vieillissement normal et pathologiqu... more Cette étude s'intéresse aux difficultés d'inhibition dans le vieillissement normal et pathologique. Une batterie d'épreuves évaluant l'inhibition perceptive et motrice a été administrée à des participants jeunes, âgés sains et atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les difficultés d'inhibition dans le vieillissement normal proviennent d'une diminution des ressources de traitement tandis que, dans la maladie d'Alzheimer, elles proviennent d'une sensibilité accrue à l'interférence d'informations de nature externe.
Objectifs. La présence d'un effet d'oubli dirigé (OD) réduit au cours du vieillissement normal a ... more Objectifs. La présence d'un effet d'oubli dirigé (OD) réduit au cours du vieillissement normal a été fréquemment observé avec la méthode item. Ces résultats ont été interprétés comme étant une diminution de la capacité à inhiber le traitement d'informations non-pertinentes lors de l'avancée en âge. Cette étude a pour but d'investiguer l'influence de la qualité de la trace mnésique sur la magnitude de l'effet d'OD dans le vieillissement normal. Nous postulons que l'amélioration de la qualité de la trace mnésique (par allongement du temps de présentation des items à l'encodage) sera associée à une détérioration de la performance de participants âgés en oubli dirigé (c'est-à-dire un effet d'OD atténué) en raison de l'augmentation de la difficulté à inhiber des traces mnésiques fortement activées.
Papers by Fabienne Collette