Syntax tokens#
This page serves as a reference for the syntax that makes of MyST Markdown.
See also
For more description and explanation of MyST syntax, see the syntax guide.
1. Block (Multi-line) Tokens#
Block tokens span multiple lines of content. They are broken down into two sections:
Extended block tokens contains extra tokens that are not in CommonMark.
CommonMark tokens contains CommonMark tokens that also work, for reference.
Because MyST markdown was inspired by functionality that exists in reStructuredText, we have shown equivalent rST syntax for many MyST markdown features below.
1.1. Extended block tokens#
Token |
Description |
Example |
FrontMatter |
A YAML block at the start of the document enclosed by |
key: value
Directives |
enclosed in 3 or more backticks followed by the directive name wrapped
in curly brackets |
:option: value
Math |
Table |
Standard markdown table style, with pipe separation. |
| a | b |
| :--- | ---: |
| c | d |
LineComment |
A commented line. See Comments for more information. |
% this is a comment
BlockBreak |
Define blocks of text. See Thematic breaks for more information. |
+++ {"meta": "data"}
Footnote |
A definition for a referencing footnote, that is placed at the bottom of the document. See Footnotes for more details. |
[^ref]: Some footnote text
Admonitions (optional) |
An alternative approach for admonition style directives only, which has the benefit of allowing the content to be rendered in standard markdown editors. See admonition directives for more details. |
1.2. CommonMark tokens#
Token |
Description |
Example |
HTMLBlock |
Any valid HTML (rendered in HTML output only) |
<p>some text</p>
BlockCode |
indented text (4 spaces or a tab) |
included as literal *text*
Heading |
Level 1-6 headings, denoted by number of |
### Heading level 3
SetextHeading |
Underlined header (using multiple |
Quote |
Quoted text |
> this is a quote
CodeFence |
Enclosed in 3 or more |
print('this is python')
ThematicBreak |
Creates a horizontal line in the output |
List |
bullet points or enumerated. |
- item
- nested item
1. numbered item
LinkDefinition |
A substitution for an inline link, which can have a reference target (no spaces), and an optional title (in |
[key]: "a title"
Paragraph |
General inline text |
any *text*
2. Span (Inline) Tokens#
Span (or inline) tokens are defined on a single line of content. They are broken down into two sections below:
Extended inline tokens contains extra tokens that are not in CommonMark.
CommonMark inline tokens contains CommonMark tokens that also work, for reference.
2.1. Extended inline tokens#
Token |
Description |
Example |
Role |
See Roles - an in-line extension point for more information. |
{rolename}`interpreted text`
Target |
Precedes element to target, e.g. header. See Creating explicit targets for more information. |
Math |
$a=1$ or $$a=1$$
FootReference |
Reference a footnote. See Footnotes for more details. |
2.2. CommonMark inline tokens#
Token |
Description |
Example |
HTMLSpan |
Any valid HTML (rendered in HTML output only) |
<p>some text</p>
EscapeSequence |
Escaped symbols (to avoid them being interpreted as other syntax elements) |
AutoLink |
Link that is shown in final output |
InlineCode |
Literal text |
LineBreak |
Soft or hard (ends with spaces or backslash) |
A hard break\
Image |
Link to an image. You can also use HTML syntax, to include image size etc, see here for details |

Link |
Reference |
[text](target "title") or [text][key]
Strong |
Bold text |
Emphasis |
Italic text |
RawText |
Any text |
any text