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Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

[fic] Catch a Burning Star as the Night Sky Smiles

Geez, I didn't even realize this community existed until like 5 minutes ago. So, uh, hi, and have a little fic! |D

Title: Catch a Burning Star as the Night Sky Smiles
Author:  [info]fallenxembers17
Nita, Kit
Word Count: 278
Rating: G
Warnings: Slight, very unnoticeable spoilers up to the end of A Wizard's Dilemma.
Summary: Nita finds herself laughing with joy for the first time in weeks. A bittersweet drabble.

( They were running, leaping, stumbling, all in their haste, and it was the best damn adrenaline rush Nita had ever had. )

Hope I did this right, mods. OTL
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