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How should deontological theories that prohibit actions of type K — such as intentionally killing an innocent person — deal with cases of uncertainty as to whether a particular action is of type K? Frank Jackson and Michael Smith, who... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyEthicsMoral UncertaintyDeontology
I argue that there are (only) two contingent factors that can render an instantiation of de dicto moral motivation — which is typically characterised by the agent’s conceiving of her goal in moral terms such as doing what’s right — less... more
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Published version (at ETMP) is available for free viewing at - Attached is a penultimate version. Abstract: De dicto moral motivation is typically characterized by the agent's conceiving of her goal in thin normative... more
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      Moral PsychologyMoral UncertaintyMichael Smithmoral inquiry
This is a handout for my presentation at the 2017 Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress (RoME) on Friday August 11th, 10:10 at Humanities 186. I welcome any comments, thoughts, etc. Feel free to drop me an email about it. Abstract: Suppose an... more
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      Decision TheoryMoral Uncertainty
This paper illuminates one important worry about manipulation in education.
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      Philosophy of EducationManipulation
Jennifer Rose Carr’s (2020) article “Normative Uncertainty without Theories” proposes a method to maximize expected value under normative uncertainty without Intertheoretic Value Comparison (hereafter IVC). Carr argues that this method... more
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      EthicsDecision TheoryMoral UncertaintyNormative Uncertainty
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      EthicsDecision TheoryMoral UncertaintyNormative
De dicto moral motivation is typically characterized by the agent's conceiving of her goal in thin normative terms such as to do what is right. I argue that lacking an effective de dicto moral motivation (at least in a certain broad sense... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyMoral PsychologyPhilosophy of Medicine
This chapter helps to illuminate the practical meaning of respecting a person’s autonomy, by focusing on manipulation. Many instances of manipulation are intuitively morally worrisome in virtue of disrespecting the manipulee’s autonomy.... more
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Eyunim Bechinuch is the leading education paper in Hebrew. Abstract will be added later.
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      Philosophy of EducationCritical ThinkingCharacter EducationMoral Motivation