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ترجمه متن با عنوان principles for the preservation and conservation/restoration of wall paintings 5th and final draft for adoption at the ICOMOS  general assembly.victoria falls.
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      ICOMOS ChartersMural painting
ترجمه متن با عنوان fifty years of obsidian hydration dating in archeology.
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      ObsidianDatingObsidian Hydration DatingArcheology
Islamic book culture and book arts starts with the transformation from a fleeting oral retelling into a fixed and written text. This transformation played a central role in the artistic culture of the Islamic world. During the Ottoman... more
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      Book and Paper ConservationTraditional CraftsOttoman Libraries
The article, starting from Carlo Volpe’s essay Il lungo percorso del dipingere dolcissimo e tanto unito (1983), focuses on the critic’s tendency to discuss artists and their works from a moral perspective, and to identify their aesthetic... more
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      GiottoGiorgio VasariPittura del Duecento e TrecentoStoria Della Critica D'Arte
Starting from the presence of a painting by Aimé Morot among the slide collection of Charles Lang Freer, a collection otherwise devoted to modern American painters and Asian art, the essay traces back the origin of this slide to the... more
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      Art HistoryHistoriography (in Art History)History of photographyAsian Art
Focussing on Italian art historian Roberto Longhi's seminal works on Piero della Francesca, and exposing the layers of narratives surrounding and produced by (art) historical scholarship, this paper invites to rethink our subject... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)Art CriticismPiero della FrancescaArt Theory and Criticism
A human skull opens its jaw. Maybe in an obscene laugh? Metal, cables and wire form its body, which is erect in a coffin. A metal phallus protrudes from the lap. It is a scene that is difficult to reconcile at first with the clearly... more
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      Global StudiesDisconnectionkassel documenta 15
and it sought to clarify methodological and theoretical questions as well as to reflect on our research in general. By investigating global dis:connections, the Centre is inaugurating a new research programme. It emphasises the roles of... more
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    • Conferences
Seeland, Peter. 2024. “Facing Gaia: Justin Brice Guariglia’s Landscape Photography in an Ecological Perspective”. Static: Thoughts and Research from Global dis:Connect 3 (2). Munich:81-91.
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      Art HistoryEcocriticismBruno LatourGlobal Art History
Die Dissertation beschreibt die facettenreiche Entwicklung moderner Malerei in München in den ersten Jahren nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Ausgehend von der allgemeinen deutschen Kunstentwicklung nach 1945 wird die Situation der Kunst... more
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