Plugin Tag: media
ရုပ်ပုံအား အစားထိုး
(63 total ratings)Upload a new version of an image without deleting the old image attachment, so that references to the image remain intact.
Disable Media Pages
(17 total ratings)Completely remove "attachment" pages for WordPress media. Improve SEO and prevent conflicts between page and image permalinks.
Meow Lightbox
(164 total ratings)Beautiful Lightbox designed for photography, displaying EXIF data. Highly optimized for speed and elegance. You’ll love it!
Media Deduper
(43 total ratings)Save disk space and bring some order to the chaos of your media library by removing and preventing duplicate files.
Search & Replace Everything by WPCode – Find and Replace Media, Text, Links, and More
(4 total ratings)Search and Replace everything in WordPress. Easily find and replace media, images, text, links and more with a single click using a simple user interf …
Superb Social Media Share Buttons and Follow Buttons
(11 total ratings)Social Media Share Buttons & Follow Buttons. Social Share Icons. 25+ Social networks. Icon & Button Shortcodes. Floating Sidebar.
Disable Media Sizes
(21 total ratings)Provides options to disable the extra images generated by WordPress.
Optimize Images Resizing
(46 total ratings)Plugin optimizes the process of generating custom image sizes in WordPress and offers a cleanup functionality for preexisting images.
iOS images fixer
(30 total ratings)Automatically fix iOS-taken images' orientation using ImageMagic/PHP GD upon upload.
File Manager for Google Drive – Integrate Google Drive with WordPress
(103 total ratings)Integrate Google Drive with WordPress easily: manage, share, embed, gallery, and play Google Drive files on your WordPress site.
WP Paint – WordPress Image Editor
(81 total ratings)WP Paint – WordPress Image Editor is a browser based Image Editor for WordPress media images.
Media Library Enable Infinite Scrolling
(23 total ratings)A small plugin to re-enable infinite scrolling in the Media Library after WordPress 5.8 is released.
Custom Upload Dir
(25 total ratings)Keeps your uploaded files organized in smart folder structures.
Support WebP – Upload webp files in wordpress without hassle
(5 total ratings)This plugin will help you to upload webp format image in WordPress media library regardless of the theme. That is, it works with every theme.