Plugin Tag: latest
Disqus Latest Comments Addon
(6 total ratings)Display latest Disqus comments in a page, post or widget
ETH Redirect to Latest Post
(8 total ratings)Redirect a chosen slug, "latest" by default, to, well, the most-recently-published post.
Get Post
(0 total ratings)Get Post adds a tag that allows you to retrieve and display the latest post identified by a specific set of parameters.
Stealth Update
(5 total ratings)Adds the ability to update a post without having WordPress automatically update the post's post_modified timestamp.
Latest YouTube Video
(1 total ratings)The easiest way to retrieve the latest YouTube video from a given channel. This plugin saves your recent YouTube video by copying the embed code onto …
Newstastic Post Slider
(8 total ratings)A quick way to display your recent posts on any page with a slider for paging.
Featured Podcast Widget
(2 total ratings)A widget that enables you to display your latest podcast from a category or featured podcast utilising the PowerPress plugin's default player.
Latest Spotify Activity
(2 total ratings)A simple widget that displays your Spotify activity on your site. Powered by Spotify's built-in ' Scrobble' functionality.
Latest Posts with Order Option
(1 total ratings)Widget for listing your latest posts in the order you choose from widget options.
WP-Forum Latest Posts
(2 total ratings)WP-Forum Latest Posts surprisingly lists the latest posts from your WP-Forum. There are some option to customize the output and others.
Cubecolour New Plugins
(5 total ratings)Adds "New" and "Beta Testing" tabs to the "Add Plugins" admin page.
Latest Video
(0 total ratings)A widget that shows the latest post that contains video embedded with iframe.
Simple Latest Posts Shortcode
(0 total ratings)A simple plugin for rendering latest post previews in a list view using shortcode.
Just Ticker
(4 total ratings)Adds a ticker bar to your wordpress site which will show your recent post headlines.
Multisite Latest Posts Widget
(0 total ratings)Show the latest posts from all blogs in multisite Wordpress.
Melabu WP Latest Posts Slides
(0 total ratings)Powerfull Slider and space saving widget slider for latest-, recent- or related-posts
Sup Post Widget
(0 total ratings)Is a plugin where you can display the number of popular posts, latest and random post with thumbnail image on your sidebar or page/post using short co …
Buddypress Gifts latest 2014
(4 total ratings)Latest development of popular plugin Buddypress Gifts. Send a gift image and message to user in BuddyPress profile using activity stream function.