Plugin Tag: admin
WooCommerce Quick Links
(0 total ratings)Reach payment gateways, shipping methods, and reports right from the dashboard toolbar.
Admin Right Click Menu
(0 total ratings)The default WP Admin Toolbar (frontend) is moved to a right click menu (context menu).
WXY Tools Media Replace
(0 total ratings)Automatically replace duplicate uploaded content in your media library while preserving any associated meta data.
WP Chat
(0 total ratings)WP Chat embeds Jaxl IM which is a simple easy to use communicator for websites with Instant Messaging, Social Networking and Sharing capabilities.
Toolbar flags
(0 total ratings)Displays the status of WP_DEBUG, DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT, and DISALLOW_FILE_MODS in the Toolbar.
Layout Engine
(1 total ratings)Drag and drop wordpress visual theme designer framework, featuring integrated LessCSS support.simplified widget and dynamic sidebar administration.
Hello Norris
(4 total ratings)Shows a random fact about Chuck Norris in the upper right of admin pages.
Advanced Custom Fields: Position Field
(1 total ratings)Addon for Advanced Custom Fields that adds a position field (country/region/city) to the available field types
WP Flat Admin Theme
(2 total ratings)This plugin turns a Wordpress admin theme into a nice looking dashboard based on the Flat UI kit by Design Modo and provides a customizable login logo …
Admin Column View Selector
(1 total ratings)This Plugin adds the ability to change the columns on the admin Dashboard screen.
Disallow PNG
(0 total ratings)Disallows PNG files. Usefor for multi-user environments with restrictive file settings and performance oriented sites.
Admin Pro
(1 total ratings)Admin pro makes WordPress Admin back-end look more easier and beautiful.
WP Remove Admin Register Nag
(0 total ratings)This plugin removes the reminders that you should register plugins you got by a theme for example
Issue Manager
(0 total ratings)Allows an editor to publish an "issue", which is to say, all pending posts with a given category, all at once. Until a category is published …
Quick admin color scheme picker
(1 total ratings)Lets you quickly switch between admin color schemes from the "howdy menu." Happy Birthday Sara Cannon! Contribute to development on GitHub.
WordPress GPS
(0 total ratings)Help people navigate through the WordPress backend thanks to the pretty WordPress Pointers.