Papers by Katarzyna Schellner

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne
The subject of this article is the discovery of a lead amulet with an engraved Latin inscription.... more The subject of this article is the discovery of a lead amulet with an engraved Latin inscription. It was found in Rękawczyn (the eastern part of Greater Poland) in 2018 during research conducted by the District Museum in Konin. This artefact is the first and so far only find of its kind in a Polish context. It was identified by comparing it to similar finds from Germany and Bohemia from the 11th-13th centuries that bear apotropaic Latin inscriptions. The text on the amulet consists of 24 lines, which are barely legible and which contain a long quotation from the Gospel of John followed by an apotropaic formula with magical words. The reconstruction of the text is accompanied by a tentative interpretation and commentary. The palaeographical analysis of the script (Gothic minuscule) dates the amulet to the second half of the 14th century. The study presents the amulet in the wider context of similar inscriptions of European origin.

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne
The subject of this article is the discovery of a lead amulet with an engraved Latin inscription.... more The subject of this article is the discovery of a lead amulet with an engraved Latin inscription. It was found in Rękawczyn (the eastern part of Greater Poland) in 2018 during research conducted by the District Museum in Konin. This artefact is the first and so far only find of its kind in a Polish context. It was identified by comparing it to similar finds from Germany and Bohemia from the 11th-13th centuries that bear apotropaic Latin inscriptions. The text on the amulet consists of 24 lines, which are barely legible and which contain a long quotation from the Gospel of John followed by an apotropaic formula with magical words. The reconstruction of the text is accompanied by a tentative interpretation and commentary. The palaeographical analysis of the script (Gothic minuscule) dates the amulet to the second half of the 14th century. The study presents the amulet in the wider context of similar inscriptions of European origin.
Konińskie Zeszyty Muzealne 14, 2019
Stanowisko wielokulturowe
Konińskie Zeszyty Muzealne 15, 2020
Kościół św. Bartłomieja w Koninie
Wiadomości Archeologiczne, t. LXIX, 2018
Miecz, spatha z Konina
Konińskie Zeszyty Muzealne 15, 2020
Cemetery of POW 1914-1921

VIR BIMARIS Od kujawskiego matecznika do stepów nadczarnomorskich, 2019
LIDAR scanning results have provided archaeologists with
huge amounts of data in the form of a cl... more LIDAR scanning results have provided archaeologists with
huge amounts of data in the form of a cloud of points
which, after generating a Digital Terrain Model, show topographic
details unnoticeable earlier. The scanning of forested
areas at the border between Konin and Mogilno districts
has resulted in the discovery of new Kujavian barrow cemeteries.
All the discoveries were verified in the field in 2016
by the present authors, employees of the Konin District Museum.
The article gives accurate locations of the cemeteries
and descriptions of individual barrows. The discovery of
fourteen new cemeteries unknown earlier, at which at least
56 barrows were identified altogether, represents a major
expansion of the information base. Four cemeteries were
recorded in the Konin district, while ten — in the Mogilno
district. So large a growth in the number of megalithic cemeteries
in a relatively small area offers new prospects for the
study of the megalithic tradition in Poland.

Raport 12, 2017
Gorczyca K., Schellner K. 2017. Newly discovered burial grounds of Kleczew enclave of Kuyavian to... more Gorczyca K., Schellner K. 2017. Newly discovered burial grounds of Kleczew enclave of Kuyavian tombs in Góry, site 24 and
Kownaty, site 27, Wilczyn Commune, Konin District, Wielkopolskie Voivodeship. Raport 12, 7-24
Due to availability of laser scanning results, new possibilities have emerged for studying areas overgrown with forests. On the border of Konin
and Mogilno Districts, 13 new burial grounds have been discovered, with Kuyavian tombs representing the Funnel Beaker culture. The paper
describes two of them – site 27 in Kownaty and site 24 in Góry. The burial ground in Góry is situated within the planned “Ościsłowo” open-pit
lignite mine. It has been decided that the burial ground would be entered in the register of monuments of the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship so as
to ensure its protection. Surveys were carried out to verify and delineate the boundaries of the site.
As a result, 14 Kuyavian tombs, arranged in 4 groups, were identified in total. In addition, the finds included 1 barrow, a settlement and
a settlement trace of the Lusatian culture in the form of a golden ornament. The burial ground in Góry is the last so well preserved burial ground
with non-chamber graves of people of the Funnel Beaker culture in the eastern part of Greater Poland.
Badania archeologiczne na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej
Badania archeologiczne na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej w latach 2013-2017, 2018
Badania archeologiczne na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej w latach 2013-2017, 2018
Badania archeologiczne na Nizinie Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej w latach 2013-2017, 2018
Konińskie Zeszyty Muzealne 11, 2016
2 new cemeteries of long unchambered barrows of funnel beaker culture found near Konin in Poland
A scale of recently made rescue excavations enabled large areas to be uncovered and thus develope... more A scale of recently made rescue excavations enabled large areas to be uncovered and thus developed our
understanding of the functional and spatial organisation of settlements, previously studied to a small degree
compared to cemeteries. Among recently excavated sites, including the discussed settlement, fenced structures
have prompted great interest owing to their unique spatial organization. The focus of this paper is on the interpretation
of the site when compared with other settlements containing similar spatial structures discovered in
SW Poland.
Keywords: settlement, fence, early Iron Age

This paper, in an abridged form, presents materials obtained from acemetery of the Lusatian Culture at Januszewice site 14, Opoczno district. Its main aim is to try andinterpret the cemetery’s spatial organization, as well as its presentation in comparisonto other funeral sites with similar, specic burial forms. The cemetery at Januszewice belongs to agroup of cemeteries with mixed burialrituals. Here, urn and pit graves have been recorded (together 33 objects). All the graves were very poorly furnished and badly damaged. Only the lower parts of vessels and bot-toms of grave pits have been recorded. No metal artifacts have been found, and an-thropological material was very poor. The Chronology of the discussed site should beconnected with the Hallstatt D. It was located in an area of different inuences of theupper Silesian – Little Poland, central Poland and east Great Poland groups.
Books by Katarzyna Schellner

The submitted collection of studies was planned as the first series of monographs aimed at presen... more The submitted collection of studies was planned as the first series of monographs aimed at presenting the results of the excavations carried out at the site Kwiatków 11/20, Brudzew commune.
The Kwiatków site was discovered at the end of the XIX century by Seweryn Tymieniecki – a lawyer and an enthusiast of archaeology based in Kalisz. It was him who discovered the cemetery representing the Przeworsk culture, which was located in the immediate vicinity of
Kwiatków 11/20 was discovered in 1996. After a consecutive filed walking (2006-2007) the site was subjected to excavations. They were connected with plans to develop the “Koźmin” opencast exposure belonging to the Adamów Lignite Mine SA. The excavation works were carried out in the years 2012-2015. As a result, an area of 17.38 ha was researched. Circa 18.5 thousand of features and layers located outside the features were documented. They were accompanied by
more than 295 thousand of vessels fragments, several thousands of artefacts made of flint and stone, daub with a total weight of around 1,500 kg, about 12,000 of bone fragments and hundreds of products made of metals, including c. 100 coins, 164 fibulae, over 23 belt buckles, 90 temple rings as well as spurs, tweezers, knives, rings, pendants, iron bits, arrowheads, needles and many other types of artefacts.
Papers by Katarzyna Schellner
huge amounts of data in the form of a cloud of points
which, after generating a Digital Terrain Model, show topographic
details unnoticeable earlier. The scanning of forested
areas at the border between Konin and Mogilno districts
has resulted in the discovery of new Kujavian barrow cemeteries.
All the discoveries were verified in the field in 2016
by the present authors, employees of the Konin District Museum.
The article gives accurate locations of the cemeteries
and descriptions of individual barrows. The discovery of
fourteen new cemeteries unknown earlier, at which at least
56 barrows were identified altogether, represents a major
expansion of the information base. Four cemeteries were
recorded in the Konin district, while ten — in the Mogilno
district. So large a growth in the number of megalithic cemeteries
in a relatively small area offers new prospects for the
study of the megalithic tradition in Poland.
Kownaty, site 27, Wilczyn Commune, Konin District, Wielkopolskie Voivodeship. Raport 12, 7-24
Due to availability of laser scanning results, new possibilities have emerged for studying areas overgrown with forests. On the border of Konin
and Mogilno Districts, 13 new burial grounds have been discovered, with Kuyavian tombs representing the Funnel Beaker culture. The paper
describes two of them – site 27 in Kownaty and site 24 in Góry. The burial ground in Góry is situated within the planned “Ościsłowo” open-pit
lignite mine. It has been decided that the burial ground would be entered in the register of monuments of the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship so as
to ensure its protection. Surveys were carried out to verify and delineate the boundaries of the site.
As a result, 14 Kuyavian tombs, arranged in 4 groups, were identified in total. In addition, the finds included 1 barrow, a settlement and
a settlement trace of the Lusatian culture in the form of a golden ornament. The burial ground in Góry is the last so well preserved burial ground
with non-chamber graves of people of the Funnel Beaker culture in the eastern part of Greater Poland.
understanding of the functional and spatial organisation of settlements, previously studied to a small degree
compared to cemeteries. Among recently excavated sites, including the discussed settlement, fenced structures
have prompted great interest owing to their unique spatial organization. The focus of this paper is on the interpretation
of the site when compared with other settlements containing similar spatial structures discovered in
SW Poland.
Keywords: settlement, fence, early Iron Age
This paper, in an abridged form, presents materials obtained from acemetery of the Lusatian Culture at Januszewice site 14, Opoczno district. Its main aim is to try andinterpret the cemetery’s spatial organization, as well as its presentation in comparisonto other funeral sites with similar, specic burial forms. The cemetery at Januszewice belongs to agroup of cemeteries with mixed burialrituals. Here, urn and pit graves have been recorded (together 33 objects). All the graves were very poorly furnished and badly damaged. Only the lower parts of vessels and bot-toms of grave pits have been recorded. No metal artifacts have been found, and an-thropological material was very poor. The Chronology of the discussed site should beconnected with the Hallstatt D. It was located in an area of different inuences of theupper Silesian – Little Poland, central Poland and east Great Poland groups.
Books by Katarzyna Schellner
The Kwiatków site was discovered at the end of the XIX century by Seweryn Tymieniecki – a lawyer and an enthusiast of archaeology based in Kalisz. It was him who discovered the cemetery representing the Przeworsk culture, which was located in the immediate vicinity of
Kwiatków 11/20 was discovered in 1996. After a consecutive filed walking (2006-2007) the site was subjected to excavations. They were connected with plans to develop the “Koźmin” opencast exposure belonging to the Adamów Lignite Mine SA. The excavation works were carried out in the years 2012-2015. As a result, an area of 17.38 ha was researched. Circa 18.5 thousand of features and layers located outside the features were documented. They were accompanied by
more than 295 thousand of vessels fragments, several thousands of artefacts made of flint and stone, daub with a total weight of around 1,500 kg, about 12,000 of bone fragments and hundreds of products made of metals, including c. 100 coins, 164 fibulae, over 23 belt buckles, 90 temple rings as well as spurs, tweezers, knives, rings, pendants, iron bits, arrowheads, needles and many other types of artefacts.
huge amounts of data in the form of a cloud of points
which, after generating a Digital Terrain Model, show topographic
details unnoticeable earlier. The scanning of forested
areas at the border between Konin and Mogilno districts
has resulted in the discovery of new Kujavian barrow cemeteries.
All the discoveries were verified in the field in 2016
by the present authors, employees of the Konin District Museum.
The article gives accurate locations of the cemeteries
and descriptions of individual barrows. The discovery of
fourteen new cemeteries unknown earlier, at which at least
56 barrows were identified altogether, represents a major
expansion of the information base. Four cemeteries were
recorded in the Konin district, while ten — in the Mogilno
district. So large a growth in the number of megalithic cemeteries
in a relatively small area offers new prospects for the
study of the megalithic tradition in Poland.
Kownaty, site 27, Wilczyn Commune, Konin District, Wielkopolskie Voivodeship. Raport 12, 7-24
Due to availability of laser scanning results, new possibilities have emerged for studying areas overgrown with forests. On the border of Konin
and Mogilno Districts, 13 new burial grounds have been discovered, with Kuyavian tombs representing the Funnel Beaker culture. The paper
describes two of them – site 27 in Kownaty and site 24 in Góry. The burial ground in Góry is situated within the planned “Ościsłowo” open-pit
lignite mine. It has been decided that the burial ground would be entered in the register of monuments of the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship so as
to ensure its protection. Surveys were carried out to verify and delineate the boundaries of the site.
As a result, 14 Kuyavian tombs, arranged in 4 groups, were identified in total. In addition, the finds included 1 barrow, a settlement and
a settlement trace of the Lusatian culture in the form of a golden ornament. The burial ground in Góry is the last so well preserved burial ground
with non-chamber graves of people of the Funnel Beaker culture in the eastern part of Greater Poland.
understanding of the functional and spatial organisation of settlements, previously studied to a small degree
compared to cemeteries. Among recently excavated sites, including the discussed settlement, fenced structures
have prompted great interest owing to their unique spatial organization. The focus of this paper is on the interpretation
of the site when compared with other settlements containing similar spatial structures discovered in
SW Poland.
Keywords: settlement, fence, early Iron Age
This paper, in an abridged form, presents materials obtained from acemetery of the Lusatian Culture at Januszewice site 14, Opoczno district. Its main aim is to try andinterpret the cemetery’s spatial organization, as well as its presentation in comparisonto other funeral sites with similar, specic burial forms. The cemetery at Januszewice belongs to agroup of cemeteries with mixed burialrituals. Here, urn and pit graves have been recorded (together 33 objects). All the graves were very poorly furnished and badly damaged. Only the lower parts of vessels and bot-toms of grave pits have been recorded. No metal artifacts have been found, and an-thropological material was very poor. The Chronology of the discussed site should beconnected with the Hallstatt D. It was located in an area of different inuences of theupper Silesian – Little Poland, central Poland and east Great Poland groups.
The Kwiatków site was discovered at the end of the XIX century by Seweryn Tymieniecki – a lawyer and an enthusiast of archaeology based in Kalisz. It was him who discovered the cemetery representing the Przeworsk culture, which was located in the immediate vicinity of
Kwiatków 11/20 was discovered in 1996. After a consecutive filed walking (2006-2007) the site was subjected to excavations. They were connected with plans to develop the “Koźmin” opencast exposure belonging to the Adamów Lignite Mine SA. The excavation works were carried out in the years 2012-2015. As a result, an area of 17.38 ha was researched. Circa 18.5 thousand of features and layers located outside the features were documented. They were accompanied by
more than 295 thousand of vessels fragments, several thousands of artefacts made of flint and stone, daub with a total weight of around 1,500 kg, about 12,000 of bone fragments and hundreds of products made of metals, including c. 100 coins, 164 fibulae, over 23 belt buckles, 90 temple rings as well as spurs, tweezers, knives, rings, pendants, iron bits, arrowheads, needles and many other types of artefacts.