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Under The Willow Tree

About Buffy & Angel Community

An open letter to RPGamers regarding the Status of The Dark Ages Jun. 16th, 2005 @ 11:32 pm
The time has come for The Dark Ages to conclude. It has been an amazing time and a lot of us are sad to wrap it up. Plotwise, we're heading into the big fight and a satisfying coda for characters who survive it. You're all invited to read along and raise a glass when it's done.

That said, there is one sad bit of news that I must report. It has come to my attention that upwards of six outside RPGamers have talked to a former co-mod about appropriating The Dark Ages (name, concept, perhaps some of the characters) with out my permission and starting it up elsewhere.

It was a great concept and yes, I -- the OWNER -- thought long and hard about its current end, as well as a possible sequel. However, as I own the FULL rights to The Dark Ages and the concept thereof, I respectfully request the outside parties drop any and all such talk of stealing the game/concept immediately. I truly appreciate my friend bringing this to my attention.

Poaching concepts, names and characters is a serious affront to all serious RPGamers, and I'm sure you'd agree that if someone went behind YOUR back to steal your game or name, you'd be as outraged and upset as well.

So to ZeroToEternity (AIM) and others who approached her about this outright theft, you should be ashamed.

Please respect these wishes.


Nov. 25th, 2004 @ 07:25 pm

I am Wesley Wyndham-Price from Angel! Find who your are at
Current Mood: thankfulthankful

The Dark Ages wants you! Nov. 21st, 2004 @ 03:02 am

Name: The Dark Ages

Genre: Jossverse

Rating: NC-17

Format: LiveJournal/AIM

Community: The Dark Ages

Website: The Dark Ages

Age/Audition Requirements: Minimum 17 years of age

Who We're Looking For: He's one bad mofo who's been fighting the forces of darkness on behalf of the Church... and he's about to be offered an interesting promotion. (We're also accepting applications for original slayers!)

Application: Sample post please and thank you.

Who Do I Talk To and What’s Your AIM?: Dee (auroradawn33 or [email protected])

Our "Moving Pictures" Adverts:

"The Dark Ages" by Eli

"Ripper's Game" by KJ

Casting Call Nov. 12th, 2004 @ 02:10 am

Name: The Dark Ages

Genre: Jossverse

Rating: NC-17

Format: LiveJournal/AIM

Community: The Dark Ages

Website: The Dark Ages

Contact: Paul (evilsgood01 -AIM; [email protected] - email)

Age/Audition Requirements: Minimum 17 years of age

Characters Being Auditioned:

Watchers’ Council: Watchers, Watchers-in-Training (students at Sacred Heart Academy), minor Canons and… Slayers. One caveat: no Buffy (tragically she has murdered by a vampire who bore a striking resemblance to her former watcher) no Spike, no Angel. While we respect and love the characters, this is a fight for the (fairly) ordinary people who inhabit Whedon’s brain. They say the meek will inherit the earth. Let’s test that theory.

Application: For new OCs, a sample post please. For an OC you are currently playing elsewhere, a link to the comm. in which they participate. To audition for a minor Canon character, please contact the AIM below to see who’s available, and also prepare a sample post. It also wouldn’t hurt to swing by the game and read up what’s gone on over the last seven days.

Who Do I Talk To and What’s Your AIM?: Me! (Paul - Evilsgood01)
Current Mood: giddy

Nov. 11th, 2004 @ 06:21 pm
Other entries
» For Something Truly Different

» The Dark Ages

Name: The Dark Ages

Genre: Jossverse

Rating: NC-17

Format: LiveJournal

Community: The Dark Ages

Website: The Dark Ages

Contact: Paul (evilsgood01 –AIM; [email protected] – email)

Age/Audition Requirements: Minimum 17 years of age, sample post or link to two scenes (if you are currently playing this character in another game). We also encourage people to be creative; we have definite ideas for their introduction/starting plot, but we believe in giving players the chance to come up with their personal plots. *g*

Characters Being Auditioned: </i> Darla and Andrew Wells</i>

The Game: “Clickety"Collapse )
» The line's been drawn. Where do you stand?
» Audition Notice -- The Dark Ages

Name: The Dark Ages

Genre: Jossverse

Rating: NC-17

Format: LiveJournal/AIM

Community: The Dark Ages

Website: The Dark Ages

Contact: Paul (evilsgood01 –AIM; [email protected] – email)

Age/Audition Requirements: Minimum 17 years of age, sample post or link to two scenes (if you are currently this character in another game). Also include where you see the character right now, and any plot ideas you have for him in the future (we encourage our players to take 'ownership' and have fun).

Character Being Auditioned: </i> Andrew Wells</i>

The Details: “Clickety"Collapse )
» The Dark Ages

Name: The Dark Ages

Genre: Jossverse

Rating: NC-17

Format: LiveJournal/AIM

Community: The Dark Ages

Website: The Dark Ages

Contact: Paul (evilsgood01 –AIM; [email protected] – email)

Age/Audition Requirements: Minimum 17 years of age, sample post

Character Being Auditioned: </i> Dawn Summers</i>

We’ve got an intriguing story arc planned and Dawn is a Key player. Please contact the above for more details…

The Game: “Clickety"Collapse )
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