100 Icon Communities are communities in which you take a set of themes and create 100 icons based off of those themes. My inspiration for creating yet another one of these 100 icon communities is a challenge in one of my LIMS communities, lims_tori, myself and two other ladies came up with a set of 100 themes specific to Tori Amos for the community. You have 02 choices of how to go about your 100 icon set, either create your own set (rules on that below), or complete one of the provided sets. Most importantly, this community focus primarily on musical artists, bands, anything music related, obviously.
THEMES You will be choosing from 02 sets of 50 icons. There are a number of ways you can choose your two sets;
2 Generic Themes 1 Generic Theme - 1 Your Choice 2 Specific Band Themes (provided or your creation) 1 Specific Band - 1 Generic Theme 1 Specific Band - 1 Your Choice
CREATING/SUBMITTING THEME LISTS You may submit up to two specific band themes each containing 50 themes. These themes must be specific to the claim you have choosen. More than one person may claim the same band/artist at once. When you decided which band/artist you are going to do and which theme you have chosen make your claim here.
SUBMITTING From the date you make your claim you will have three months to complete your claim. You may either submit your 100 icons all at once or in groups of at least 10 icons per post. When submiting you can eitehr use your own table codes or a Table Generator. Always be sure to use the following textbox when submitting:
Please TAG your posts with the band/artist name.
COMPLETION When you have completed your 100 Icon Claim leave a comment at the Completion Post.
As I am sure, all of this can be quite confusing. If you have any questions whatsoever don't hesitate to leave a comment at the Question/Suggestion/Clarification Post