Museum Rats — LiveJournal
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Sat, Jun. 17th, 2006, 01:02 am
monoecious: (no subject)

i took this picture at the moma in nyc:

Read more...Collapse )

i didn't remember to write down the name of the artist or the piece, does anyone know anything about it?

thank you!


Sat, Feb. 11th, 2006, 02:23 am
ex_oleg_koro276: ...Visionary, Fantastic, Surreal...

Dear Friends,
please visit the site:
"Paintings by Oleg Korolev"
with my art works (Visionary, Fantastic, Surreal).

There are updates!

warmest regards,
Oleg Korolev

Mon, Nov. 22nd, 2004, 12:47 am
eggcream11236: (no subject)

Basically, this is a community for news and discussion about New York City's art museums. I found that you have to keep up with the Times, NPR, the New Yorker, and any number of college bulliten boards to figure out what's going on in the things, and then if you like or don't like the new Klee exhibit there's really no one to vent to. So, hopefully this community will attract enough people with a knowledge and or interest in the NY Museum scene that we can maintain a lively flow of information and discussion.

Peace, enjoy, whatever.