Murray State University
In the early 15th through 13th centuries BC, the world of the Near East, from the Mediterranean to modern day Iran, was linked together in what historians today call the First International Age. Correspondence from that period found at El... more
- by Aaron Irvin
Since its first performance in the spring of 414 BC, Aristophanes’ Birds has defied a full explanation from any commentary, either modern or ancient. Whereas his previous plays (Acharnians, Babylonians, Knights, Clouds, Wasps, and Peace)... more
- by Aaron Irvin
In slave societies, slaves form a fundamental, if not the fundamental, unit of labor. In slave societies such as the American South and ancient Rome, slaves engaged in a wide range of economic activity, from serving as labor on massive... more
- by Aaron Irvin
Tacitus, in his various works, presents several examples of what can be termed “ethnographies”, works whose purpose is to inform the reader of the various customs and living conditions of groups that are otherwise foreign to the reader.... more
In the ancient world, with its lack of a strong central state, the absence of an ideology of nationalism, the lack of any type of nation-state, international relations were essentially based on personal relationships of reciprocity... more
In attempting to approach and understand Gallic social and political order, issues of variability and diversity, as discussed in the first chapter, must take precedence.
- by Aaron Irvin
Explanatory and Interactive Interpreting and establishing lines of communication, interaction with reality ○ J. Rüpke, From Jupiter to Christ. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2014), pg. 171, 175. Primarily pragmatic, external ... more
It is the purpose of this chapter to combine two fields of inquiry that have approached pre-Roman Gaul from distinctly different angles: ancient religion and the development of pre-Roman Gallic societies. Archaeologists have traditionally... more
The sole extant primary source on the Persian invasion of Greece, Herodotus, cites over 50 oracles from the Delphic seer in his work, which at one time comprised more than a quarter of all extant oracles from Delphi. This article seeks... more
As today, dogs played a central role in society during Roman times. Much has been commented about their role as companions, guardians and hunters. This interdisciplinary paper seeks to examine a darker and less talked about subject,... more
In the early 15 th through 13 th centuries BCE, the world of the Near East, from the Mediterranean to modern day Iran, was linked together in what historians today call the First International Age. Correspondence from that period found at... more
Perhaps the most striking, and archaeologically speaking the most evident, change that occurred in Gallia Comata from the 1st century BCE to the end of the 2nd century CE was the incorporation of massive, monumental, Roman-style... more
Beginning with the concept of orthopraxis, this presentation will focus on cult practice and ritual as a communal activity, defining the make-up and participants of communities from imperial, provincial, tribal, municipal, and local... more