Uncanny underground: absences, ghosts and the rhythmed everyday of the Prague metro
cultural geographies, Oct 17, 2012
In this article, I explore some of the material aspects of the technological underground landscap... more In this article, I explore some of the material aspects of the technological underground landscape of the Prague metro, the building of which started during socialism and has continued until the present. The materiality of the older parts of the metro is informed by and shaped according to a particular socialist world view. Since then, the metro has been reshaped not only ideologically, but also aesthetically and materially. The remnants of the socialist past as well as other agents of potential disturbance have either been expelled or made invisible. Nevertheless, the past remains rooted in the materiality of absence, continues its presence in the metro of today, and disturbs the experience of its smooth surface. The juxtaposition of what is absent with what is present also gives rise to ghostly figures, namely those feeding on contemporary anxiety of disturbance, potentially shattering the existence of the otherwise technologically perfect and unambiguous underground transport system. Concentrating on the affect of the metro’s material absences manifested in diverse ghostly figures allows me not only to overcome the view of the metro as a fixed, planned, ideological and technological space, but also to approach it in terms of its actual presence. Drawing on Vidler, I understand ghostly figures to be representations of the uncanny moment of a sudden view behind the ordinary appearance of the metro. Referring to Lefebvre’s notion of difference, I link the absences to the metro’s rhythmicality. I argue that ghosts resist annihilation because they are manifestations of difference within a rhythmic landscape. They are the results of the workings of the absences that form an inseparable part of the metro; the absences inform the rhythm as well as nurture the uncanny.
Papers by Petr Gibas
I am especially interested in the re-enchantment of urban decay within contemporary technological landscape. It has recently been brought about by scholars, artists and others who like spending their time exploring the anxious and scrappy urban landscape. In the paper, I use their accounts and imaginary of the landscape in order to sketch out the emerging ways of aestheticisation or emotional response to such places. Since the interest as well as urban exploration movement is global, this leads me to draw some considerations about landscape as an emerging specific global experience. Landscape is not only globalised on a material level – as a locus and product of production-consumption cycles – but it is becoming so also on an experiential level.
In the text, we concentrate on garden colonies in Prague and their contemporary struggle for existence. Rather than analysing the current situation, we plea for garden colonies to be taken seriously by social science researchers because – as we argue – they can prove extremely intriguing. The text has been written as the opening of an interdisciplinary student research project we would like to launch at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague. Within the project, students from bachelor as well as master courses are invited to participate in an interdisciplinary research of Prague garden colonies. They will thus have an opportunity to acquire first-hand research experience in a theoretically and methodologically stimulating field.
We divided our presentation of garden colonies as a potentially fruitful research field into four main sections. At first, we offer a general theoretical background to gardening and garden colonies in order to show how theoretically rich the field is. Then we position Prague garden colonies historically and legislatively. In the end, we sketch out a preliminary analysis of a discourse Prague garden colonies are now embedded in. We hold that garden colonies represent an alternative to post-socialist urban space of Prague possessed by economic forces and we argue that the socio-political negotiation about the (non)existence of Prague garden colonies is more than it seems. For it is also the negotiation of urban space, our experience of it, and of our approach and relationship to it. And by means of negotiating the urban through garden colonies as a specifically post-social phenomenon, the position of the past and the shape of the future of the city have come to the fore.
The intention of this book is to offer a non-human perspective. We realize that it is sometimes difficult to say whether the outcome of such a perspective would be just a shallow tendency to anthropomorphize, or whether we could reach some of the previously unseen properties of non-humans. Being aware of the dangers, this volume puts together different case studies that are more or less inspired by this non-human perspective. The aim is to explore what has been for a long time put aside and to provide new insights, new revelations that can lead social science to undiscovered or hidden realms. The outcome of this thrilling adventure can in the end be a discovery that the role of natural and social sciences, or even more, the character of the nature-culture dichotomy would have to be re-evaluated.
An analysis of the narratives about the process of purchasing a home shows a home as a central place of human existence. For the respondents in the study, buying a flat represented the first and a fundamental step towards having their own home. They felt that only when they owned their flat, which they feel they have control over, would they be able to start the process of establishing a home, a process that is long term and that on top of a material component also has a significant emotional one, the sense of setting down roots. The spaces of the place a person lives in represent places with which people tend to form emotional relationships and ties that then grow deeper over time. At the same time they are places that the respondents in the study – first-time home-buyers – have a need to shape and reshape according to their ideas about themselves and their future. Owning one’s home thus (in the framework of people’s ideas and their statements) opens up greater opportunities for gradually creating and reaffirming one’s own identity as they adapt and reshape the spaces they live in. Buying a dwelling is thus understood not as an investment but as the first step in creating a home for oneself.
This panel calls for contributions exploring changing landscapes including liminal, peripheral, post-military, post-industrial and other that allows us to question the status quo and explore its changes. We want to encourage discussion on topics including:
- (accelerating) changes to past and present landscapes
- growing emphasis on an explicit engagement with non-/more-than-human
- modes of scholarly exploration (empirical research, conceptual and theoretical engagement, methodological concerns)
We aim at drawing together empirical, methodological, theoretical and experimental contributions.
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2015 24:00 GMT
We maintain that the sensory qualities of home co-produce its emotionality as complex on both the actual and imaginary levels: processing of food, cleanliness, ambiances, particular smells, tastes, surfaces and textures or absence thereof are of extreme importance for becoming at home, taking care of it, imagining it but also play a role in experiencing/remembering home as a place of fear, abuse, violence or guilt. Sensoriality and emotionality intermingle at home and it is the role of senses, emotions and their interconnection in the ways we become at home that represent the key focus of this session. We invite papers on 1, Research of how senses and/or emotions are employed in production and consumption of home; 2, Explorations of sensorialities of home and the ways they contribute to the emotionality of feeling at home and the ambiguities/contingencies of home; 3, Explorations of emotionalities of home and the ways in which they are related to sensory dimensions of particular homes and their material groundings; 4, Methodological issues related to the research of sensorialities and emotionalities (of and at home); and 5, Theoretical engagements with the interconnections of senses and emotions regarding home and home-making.
Deadline for paper proposals is 7 November 2016.
Nicméně pokládat pražská sídliště za místa, kde se zastavil čas a ustaly všechny změny, by byla iluze. Dotýkají se jich totiž procesy, které souvisí s rostoucí tendencí ke komodifikaci bydlení a městského prostoru, dochází na nich ke generační obměně, k plánování revitalizace budov a veřejných prostranství, někdy souvisejících se zástavbou volných ploch, či přistěhování nových obyvatel, které přináší etnickou diverzitu. Proměňuje se také finanční dostupnost bydlení na pražských sídlištích, kdy rostoucí ceny nemovitostí a potažmo rostoucí nájemné sídliště postupně vzdalují od ideálu místa, kde mohou bydlet různé sociální vrstvy, nejen ti bohatí.
Tato publikace je koncipována, aby byla čtenářsky přístupná a nebyla čistě akademickým a teoretickým textem, který osloví jen úzký okruh odbornic a odborníků. Kolektiv autorek a autorů proto zahrnuje jak sociální vědce a vědkyně, historičku umění a architektury, ale také novinářky a jednotlivé kapitoly jsou i proto mozaikou různých žánrů, zahrnující teoretičtěji zaměřenou kapitolu, kapitoly vysvětlující i kapitoly popisující některé z procesů a proměn, kterým sídliště čelí, ale třeba i fotografickou esej.