Papers by Inna Mateiciucová
Journal of Arid Environments

The Journal of Oman Studies, 2020
This contribution presents preliminary results of a first archaeological assessment of an elevate... more This contribution presents preliminary results of a first archaeological assessment of an elevated palaeohydrological feature in the central part of the Al Hajar Mountains (Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar). The 2018 Test Season at the karstic polje Hayl Al Ajah yielded the first direct evidence of a prehistoric occupation of intermountain places in Northern Oman as high as 1000 m a.s.l. The deflated and sediment-embedded lithics found are techno-typologically dated to the Late Pleistocene and Middle Holocene, i.e. periods with longer arid phases. The evidence of a human presence at high-elevation places earlier than formerly thought, raises the question what role the sediment-filled depressions in elevated position in the Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar could have played during prehistoric times. The Project SIPO of Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) will inquire when the utilization at the polje Hayl Al Ajah (1012 m a.s.l.) started and if some prehistoric groups could have held out in the interior of Oman during aridization phases, in refugia, by means of a long-term mountain adaption. The deep, layered sediment available at the site (polje fill) is a potential geo-archive suited for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Together with the archaeological traces encountered the circumstances justify further systematic research at this intermountain site.

Tell archaeologists determined to excavate new prehistoric sites are likely to run into places wh... more Tell archaeologists determined to excavate new prehistoric sites are likely to run into places which lack an overlay of protective deposits of a younger age, because it is they who are the clearest signals of a prehistoric settlement-use which a surveyor may observe. It appears soon that the instantaneous accessibility of prehistoric tell layers comes with a cost: such sites have been disproportionally hit by consecutive disturbances, by erosion and – more recently – by large-scale interventions into the landscape. Excessively dissected features, a poor state of preservation and reduced architecture make these open-air sites ‘trouble-makers’ for the Prehistorian. Using an epithet that the late Tony Wilkinson (1990) has coined for surface-near, elusive walls such typical formations may be dubbed ‘ghost tells’. Four years of focused research at Tell Arbid Abyad (Late Neolithic) have shown that work at a ‘ghost tell’ is fruitful if (1) the digging/documentation techniques are kept high...

This paper summarises the results of investigations of the Late Neolithic pottery paintings from ... more This paper summarises the results of investigations of the Late Neolithic pottery paintings from the site Tell Arbid Abyad in NE Syria. The research was mainly focused on the composition of pigments but questions concerning production technology of pottery paintings have been handled as well. Ten painted pottery samples were studied – the paint and the shard fabric were examined separately. The original paint of the sample no. 1 was not preserved. The principal dying components of decoration of the other samples were iron compounds. Painting after firing the shard and re-firing was proved in some cases. The presence of minerals formed due to firing of calcium rich clay (gehlenite, diopside) document relatively high firing temperatures – above 850 – 900 °C. However, the glaze paints of some of the samples could not be preserved at the temperatures above 900 °C. The presented paper follows-up the investigation of petrographic, mineral and chemical composition of the pottery fabric fro...
The result of organized workshops on the possibilities for foreign research for the students of P... more The result of organized workshops on the possibilities for foreign research for the students of PANE centre were the presentations, shown in front of an international audience.
L'auteur decrit brievemment l'occupation du site de Tusimice (CZ 1) du Neolithique a l... more L'auteur decrit brievemment l'occupation du site de Tusimice (CZ 1) du Neolithique a l'âge du Bronze dans la contexte archeologique regional (microregion du ruisseau de Lužický), et s'interesse particulierement a la mine de quartzite du site, exploitee visiblement depuis le Rubane jusqu'a la culture de Řivnac (Chalcolithique)
V ramci zpracovani materialu ze zachranných archeologických výzkumů lokalizovaných na katastrech ... more V ramci zpracovani materialu ze zachranných archeologických výzkumů lokalizovaných na katastrech obci Kladniky (u Přerova) a Ivanovice u Brna byla zpracovana take stipana industrie (dale jen SI). Obě lokality byly na zakladě vyhodnoceni keramiky zařazeny do nejstarsi faze - faze Ia kultury s linearni keramikou. Stipana industrie z obou lokalit byla analyzovana z technologickeho a typologickeho hlediska. Zvýsena pozornost byla věnovana jednotlivým druhům kamenných surovin a jejich distribuci. Na lokalitě Kladniky byl polský silicit krakovske jury (ze vzdalenosti asi 180 km) upřednostňovan před lokalnimi silicity z glacigennich sedimentů. v osadě v Ivanovicich u Brna naprosto převažuji lokalni rohovce typu Olomucany. V obou osadach se vyskytl rovněž transdanubský radiolarit typu Szentgal. Transdanubske radiolarity se na Moravě objevuji už od mezolitu.
Silexartefakte, Rohstoffverteilung, Kreisgrabenanlage von Kamegg,MOG I Niederosterreich, Bergkris... more Silexartefakte, Rohstoffverteilung, Kreisgrabenanlage von Kamegg,MOG I Niederosterreich, Bergkristall, Krumlovský les-Hornstein

Archaeologists have recently made tremendous advances in understanding the early ceramic traditio... more Archaeologists have recently made tremendous advances in understanding the early ceramic traditions of the prehistoric Near East. Over the past decade there has been a huge increase in research focusing on various aspects of ceramic production, its origins and evolution, distribution and consumption in the Late Neolithic (ca. 7000–5000 cal. BC). Fieldwork brings new and exciting finds every year while laboratory studies change our perspectives regarding ceramic technology. Near Eastern ceramic specialists actively engage with, and contribute to, current trends in theoretical archaeology. For the first time, the 19 papers presented here bring together specialists discussing Neolithic ceramics from the Near East in the broadest sense. There is a general focus on decorated pottery traditions. What raw materials and ceramic technologies did Late Neolithic peoples employ? How did they paint their designs? How may we analyse decorated ceramics to explore social networks and identities? Wh...
Papers by Inna Mateiciucová