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Use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry as non-destructive analytical method in archaeology Cooperation with geologists and petrographists brings new evidences into researches, which helps archaeologists to extend knowledge about past... more
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    • Geoarchaeology
We performed a detailed analysis of hydrothermal quartz at the Mokrsko gold deposit (Čelina, Mokrsko-East, and Mokrsko-West deposits). Twenty-one samples were studied by scanning electron microscopy cathodoluminescence (CL) imagining, CL... more
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This document considers economical, social and environmental aspects of the proposed CHPM technology. Policy and ethical related issues will be discussed in a separate work. The structure of the proposed framework was inspired by those... more
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1 Ústav geologických věd, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Kotlářská 2, 611 37, Brno, [email protected] 2 Ústav geologických věd, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Kotlářská 2, 611 37, Brno,... more
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Uhlířová, H., Ivanov, M., Nývltová Fišáková, M. (2011): Morfometrická analýza populací lišek z posledního glaciálu Moravy. -Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 96, 1, 87-110.
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Geomorphologically the twin villages of Malhostovice-Nuzířov fall into the Boskovická brázda (Boskovice Furrow) region. Surface finds evidence dense occupation during the Neolithic; though to date there are only a few well-examined and... more
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Práce je zaměřena na kompletní zpracování dvou geograficky i časově vzájemně blízkých lokalit: opevněného výšinného sídliště Krhov "Malý Chlum" s osídlením v pozdní době bronzové a v době halštatské a nížinného sídliště Obora "Pod... more
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    • Late Bronze Age
ARCHEOLOGICKÝ VÝZKUM: Na "Olivetské hoře", dominantě města Litomyšle, leží zámecký areál, který je ARCHEOLOGICKÝ VÝZKUM: Na "Olivetské hoře", dominantě města Litomyšle, leží zámecký areál, který je zapsán na Seznam světového dědictví... more
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    • Anthropology
Uherské Hradiště, as an important and strategically situated city used to have a stone fortification which was developed through centuries, strived and finally disappeared as a result of construction of a new baroque fortification, of a... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyHigh Middle AgesMedieval History
Uherský Brod is among the oldest king’s towns in the area of south-east Moravia. Its strategic location above the ford near Moravian Slovak border accentuated by the White Carpathian mountain range has made it an important point of... more
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      ArchaeologyHigh Middle AgesArchaeological StratigraphyMedieval Archaeology
The Dolní Vě stonice-Pavlov-Milovice area (Czech Republic) on the slopes of the Pavlov Hills provides an opportunity for correlating the geomorphology of the Dyje River valley with Gravettian settlement patterns. Although the sites vary... more
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      Earth SciencesZooarchaeologyGeoarchaeologyHistory and archaeology
Brno -CZ): Use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry as nondestructive analytical method in archaeology 5 th International Petroarchaeological Workshop
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Two shallow boreholes were drilled in 2010 into the Badenian (Langhian) parastratotype at Židlochovice (Carpathian Foredeep, NN5 Zone, Czech Republic). Their profiles (26 m of sediment) were studied comprehensively (sedimentology,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyEcology
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    • Geology
Two shallow boreholes were drilled in 2010 into the Badenian (Langhian) parastratotype at Židlochovice (Carpathian Foredeep, NN5 Zone, Czech Republic). Their profiles (26 m of sediment) were studied comprehensively (sedimentology,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyPaleontologyEcology