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Článek se věnuje pozdně středověkému sousoší Olivetské hory, kterého si všímá z pohledu změn jeho funkce a vystavení. Důraz je kladen také na existenci dvou faksimilie sousoší a jejich vztah k originálním skulpturám.
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      Cultural HeritageAuthenticityMedieval Art--Gothic and Late Gothic Sculpture
Polenský Ukřižovaný je v uměleckohistorické literatuře známým dílem. Přesto dosud nebyl úspěšně zařazen do kontextu uměleckých děl širšího regionu střední Evropy. Vzhledem ke značnému poškození sochy jsou možnosti formální analýzy... more
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      Medieval ArtCrucifixion13th CenturyMedieval Sculpture
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      Art in Public PlacesArt in public spaceCommunist ArtModern Sculpture
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      Art in Public PlacesArt in public spaceCommunist ArtModern Sculpture
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationRestauration and ConservationGothic ArtCopying
In: Monumentorum tutela. Památková péče na Moravě 19/2017
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      Art HistoryPublishingArt
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      HistoryArt HistoryArmenian StudiesCultural Heritage
What is the place of Armenian arts and culture within the Late Antique Mediterranean space? Since the eighteenth century, scholars have attempted to provide answers to this thorny question. In doing so, researchers from Western Europe and... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryMedieval History
What is the place of Armenian arts and culture within the Late Antique Mediterranean space? Since the eighteenth century, scholars have attempted to provide answers to this thorny question. In doing so, researchers from Western Europe and... more
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      Cultural StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval History
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArmenian StudiesCultural Heritage
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryArmenian Studies
What was the thinking behind Wolfgang Fritz Volbach's attribution of a small group of Early Christian ivory pyxides to carvers active in the Caucasus? And does his hypothesis still hold up in the context of recent scholarship? By... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesEarly ChristianityCaucasusLate Antiquity
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryArmenian Studies
L’Ottocento costituì per Ravenna un periodo di profondi cambiamenti, contrassegnato da due fondamentali eventi politici di ampia portata, il Congresso di Vienna (1814-1815) – in seguito al quale la città fu riassegnata allo Stato... more
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      Art HistoryIdentity (Culture)Byzantine StudiesNationalism And State Building
cultural interactions in the medieval subcaucasian region: historiographical and art-historical perspectives vol. i the othering gaze: imperialism, colonialism, and orientalism in studies on medieval art in the southern caucasus... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArmenian StudiesHistoriography
Art History PhD Conference, 22.05. 2024, Hans Belting Library, Veveři 28, Brno.
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      Art HistoryHistoriographyModern ArtMedieval Art
Clash of Titans. Venturi, Kondakov, and the Staging of Late Medieval Venetian Painting in the History of Art History -The emergence of nineteenth-and twentieth-century European nationalisms led the continents' old powers to exploit art... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt History
This last documentary movie from the cycle produced by"Migrating Art Historians" summarizes the main experiences achieved during the project and reflects on the importance of humanities in general.
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      Art HistoryAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageHistory of Art
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      Art HistoryCaucasusHistory of ArtCaucasus Politics