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Among healthcare workers in developing countries, nurses spend a large amount of time in direct contact with tuberculosis (TB) patients, and are at high risk for acquisition of TB infection and disease. To better understand the... more
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      EpidemiologyHealth CareDeveloping CountriesSouth India
according to standard microbiological procedures and anaerobes were identified by API20A For Anaerobes. Susceptibilities of anaerobes to anti-anaerobic agents were carried out by agar dilution method, according to CLSI guidelines. The... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyRisk factorsAntimicrobial agentsRisk Factors
Method: 110 infertile women, after exclusion of male factor infertility, were evaluated for clinical and laboratory evidence of tuberculosis. Premenstrual endometrial biopsies from these women were subjected to examination of smears for... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyRisk factorsAntimicrobial agentsRisk Factors
13th International Congress on Infectious Diseases Abstracts, Poster Presentations e323 affect treatment options. In this study, PCR-RFLP analysis (PRA) of the gene encoding 65-kD heat shock protein (hsp65) was used for identification of... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyInfectious DiseasesTuberculosis
Background: Nurses in developing countries are frequently exposed to infectious tuberculosis (TB) patients, and have a high prevalence of TB infection. To estimate the incidence of new TB infection, we recruited a cohort of young nursing... more
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      Health CareSouth IndiaMultidisciplinaryMultivariate Analysis
Background: Among healthcare workers in developing countries, nurses spend a large amount of time in direct contact with tuberculosis (TB) patients, and are at high risk for acquisition of TB infection and disease. To better understand... more
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      EpidemiologyHealth CareDeveloping CountriesSouth India
Klebsiella spp. is a common cause of bovine mastitis, but information regarding its molecular epidemiology is lacking from many parts of the world. On using mass spectrometry and partial sequencing of the rpoB gene, it was found that over... more
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      Bovine MastitisMultidisciplinaryMolecular EpidemiologyNewfoundland and Labrador
India has a high burden of drug resistant TB, although there are few data on XDR-TB. Although XDR-TB has existed previously in India, the definition has not been widely applied, and surveillance using second line drug susceptibility... more
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The microscopic observation drug susceptibility (MODS) assay is a rapid, sensitive, low-cost liquid culture technique. To establish the accuracy of MODS for the detection of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), and to document the costs... more
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      MicrobiologyMicroscopyIndiaProspective studies
Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India. To measure patient costs associated with diagnosis and the complete treatment of tuberculosis (TB). Prospective structured interview of 100 new smear-positive adult patients being treated for TB in... more
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      AdolescentIndiaProspective studiesTuberculosis
Direct sputum smear microscopy for tuberculosis (TB) lacks sensitivity for the detection of acid fast bacilli. Sputum pretreatment procedures may enhance sensitivity. We did a pilot study to compare the diagnostic accuracy and incremental... more
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Vitamin D has immunomodulatory effects that might aid clearance of mycobacterial infection. We aimed to assess whether vitamin D supplementation would reduce time to sputum culture conversion in patients with active tuberculosis. We did... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyVitamin DTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
Background / Purpose: To evaluate rates of conversions and reversions of QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT) in nursing students at a tertiary care hospital in South India.Students from 5 programs were tested annually for latent... more
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Background Vitamin D has immunomodulatory effects that might aid clearance of mycobacterial infection. We aimed to assess whether vitamin D supplementation would reduce time to sputum culture conversion in patients with active tuberculosis.
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Background Microbiology in undergraduate medical education has been traditionally taught through didactic lectures. However, alternative educational strategies such as case-based learning and peer-teaching can be effective teaching... more
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The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria among residents of long-term care (LTC) facilities is high, and is a source of inappropriate antibiotic prescription. To establish symptoms and signs associated with a positive urine culture, and... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical Microbiology
SETTING-Urine antigen testing is an attractive strategy for the diagnosis of active tuberculosis (TB), but accuracy data are scarce.
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      TuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosisROC CurveLipopolysaccharides
SETTING-The microscopic observation drug susceptibility (MODS) assay is a rapid, sensitive, low-cost liquid culture technique.
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      MicrobiologyMicroscopyIndiaProspective studies
Lymphadenitis is the most common extrapulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis (TB). Conventional diagnostic methods such as smear microscopy and culture are not very accurate for TB lymphadenitis. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT)... more
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      TheSensitivity and Specificity
The present report describes the first recognized case of cytomegalovirus (CMV) colitis following azacitidine therapy. A 66-year-old woman with myelodysplastic syndrome developed CMV colitis, which responded to treatment with ganciclovir.... more
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