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      Higher EducationStudent MobilityPostsecondary EducationPost-Secondary Education
University students who had completed at least one distance education course were surveyed during their first and fourth year of postsecondary studies. When controlled for those who had previous distance education experience in high... more
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      K-12 Distance LearningVirtual SchoolingK-12 Online Learning
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      MathematicsTeaching and LearningLeadershipEducational Development
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      ReferenceSouth African education
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      Social SupportApplied EconomicsSouth AfricaSouth African
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The main objective of this study, part of an investigation into the health of guardians of HIV/AIDS orphans, was to explore the guardians' coping mechanisms. Previous research has shown that there is a relationship between the use of... more
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      Social SupportApplied EconomicsSouth AfricaSouth African
Teaching practice is an integral component of teacher training. It grants student teachers experience in the actual teaching and learning environment. We explore the experiences of student teachers in the Vaal University of Technology... more
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      Teaching practiceExperiencesStudent TeachersMentors
This article investigates the ways in which two rural Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Centres in the Limpopo Province address the challenges of HIV/AIDS. Theories of social capital are used to explain the different responses of... more
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This conference presentation will report on a method and formula for assessing student work online. Two tests of validity of the method and formula for assessing student work online were conducted with undergraduate education students... more
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Computer-aided instruction, more often referred to as computer-assisted instruction or CAI, often means different things to different people. An active CAI developer will design a project based on a preferred method or guideline. The... more
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This paper is a description of a pilot study that compared the relative effectiveness of three versions of a hypermedia system (Text, Sound/Text, Sound) designed to permit inservice teachers to learn instructional design from a computer.... more
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      Instructional DesignSound DesignComputers in EducationPrimary Education
This study examined the effects of student-created paper-based website frames on their recall and knowledge restructuring. Statistical and observational comparisons were made of 25 students' knowledge and web page products in Frame and... more
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    • Socratic Questioning
Two tests of validity were conducted with undergraduate education students on the post and vote model of Web-based peer assessment. Validity was determined by calculating a Pearson product-moment correlation and corresponding coefficient... more
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    • Peer Assessment
Computer-aided instruction, which is more often referred to as computer-assisted instruction, has evolved from an add-on to a learn-from technology. Eight conclusions can be drawn from this discussion, one for each design guideline.
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      Multimedia LearningComputer Assisted Instruction
Forty-five years of intuitive combinations of audio-visual information have produced only mixed results. This paper proposes a conceptual, case-based method for adding audio to software. This method, unlike the intuitive approach,... more
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      EvaluationLanguage Teaching
This research focused on the prediction that children in their school setting would learn more from educational multimedia when critical information was presented as spoken instead of textual cues. Analyses of a study (n = 42) showed that... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer Assisted Learning
This paper will introduce the sojourner's model of Post-Secondary learning (SMOPL). This new model illustrates the integrative and overlapping structures of culture shock and participatory action research into a single conceptual... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchInternational StudentsAcademic PerformanceConceptual Framework
INTRODUCTIONSpoken and written discourse is at once the products of our brains (i.e., cognition) as wellas the consequences of our social interactions with others in a variety of contexts (Firth &Wagner, 1997). How we use language (i.e.,... more
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      Developmental PsychologySocial InteractionCourse Management SystemsChange process
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