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multi_genre_fan, posts by tag: joss whedon - LiveJournal
Not quite an endangered species

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That sound you just heard was every nerd on earth falling over after going catatonic with sheer elation.

We're still brushing ourselves off.

"Supernatural" welcomes Joss Whedon alum Jewel Staite as a guest star in its third episode of Season 7, and E.P. Sera Gamble isn't stopping there. "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" star Charisma Carpenter revealed on her Twitter that she'd be guest starring in a "Supernatural" episode this season.

Now, TVLine confirms that it gets better. She'll reunite with her "Buffy" co-star James Marsters in an upcoming episode that films August 22.

The episode, entitled "Shut Up, Dr. Phil," features Carpenter and Marsters as a married couple on the outs. She's a witch, so when they were happily married, their life was terrific -- but when he falls out of favor with her, his luck changes, big time. Gamble describes the episode as "'Bewitched' gone wrong."

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I'm not online as much as I used to be and while I can skim stuff on my Kindle it doesn't have quite the memory range of an actual computer. That said, I've only gotten bits & pieces of the dealio with this new Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie that's been discussed a bit more of late than ever before.

First off, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series was the original reboot. Joss Whedon is great and all but he didn't invent the concept here. The original movie, which was campy as all get out but still a fun watch, was the original canon. The TV series was a helluva a lot better, even if the first season of it kinda sucked. So, a new movie may be a departure from both of those but make no mistake, Joss doesn't own the concept here...

...he just put the best spin on it to date.

I don't know if he has anything to do with the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer or, if he doesn't, who does. Just saying we should all remain optimistic until we actuall get a look at it.

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Current Location: 94306
Current Mood: thoughtful thoughtful

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Current Mood: giggly giggly

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...the final episode of Dollhouse:

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I told you so.Collapse )

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Current Location: 94306
Current Mood: thankful thankful
Current Music: NUMB3RS

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Fact: Echo is one of a number of programmable people that are part of an illegal operation. (1st episode)

Fact: One of these programmable people, dubbed Alpha, broke free and killed a lot of people there...except Echo. (2nd episode, via flashbacks)

Fact: Alpha rigged a false assignment where he had a serial killer drug Echo with a compound that is allowing things to leak through her programming. (2nd episode)

Question: What exactly is Alpha's agenda?

my 2¢ on all thisCollapse )

Current Location: 94306
Current Mood: thoughtful thoughtful
Current Music: Dollhouse

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Dollhouse 1x01 - Ghost

1975 caps. 800x451
Sample 1 -- Sample 2

Dollhouse 1x02 - The target

1966 caps. 800x451
Sample 1 -- Sample 2

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Current Mood: predatory predatory

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After watching the first two episodes of Dollhouse on Hulu, I feel like Buffy, Angel, and Firefly were just warmups for the real thing: this.

Current Location: home
Current Mood: impressed impressed

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12:36 AM 2/14/09 · I knew about this series a bit back, though not so far, and when they were advertised I joined the 2 biggest and most currently updated Dollhouse communities both for background information and content to gank for my own geek comm. Initial post I did to there resulted in a comment from God of VodkaAllah·Sulu about the liklihood that this series would not last that long, probably not survive an entire season...

...or just complete one and then fade into obscurity.

While I do like Joss Whedon's work, my main interest in this shoe is Eliza Dushku. I've got something of a serious mad·on for her. She's amazing and my appreciation of bad girls really feeds into that to no small degree. What really caught me onto her was her portrayal of Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which wasn't the first time I'd seen her but I didn't realize it was her in True Lies until years after the fact. I even liked Tru Calling, where she wasn't much of a bad girl at all, for as long as it lasted...

...and now there's Dollhouse.

my 2¢ about this show and the 1st episodeCollapse )

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Current Location: 94306
Current Mood: intimidated intimidated
Current Music: Dollhouse

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Season 1 promo posters

LARGER versions behind the cut...Collapse )

Click for all the photosCollapse )

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Current Mood: excited excited

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2:09 PM 1/29/09 · So it would seem a new series is coming to FOX called Dollhouse that centers around it's main character, played by Eliza Dushku. It's being hailed as an entirely brand new concept and seems to be something like this. A female operative, possibly, who is plugged into a device that reprograms her for whatever skills she may need for whatever assignement she'll be going on, and then afterwards she's entirely clueless about what went down.

Original concept, eh?

Sounds close enough to My Own Worst Enemy and some of the content from The Matrix.


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Current Location: 94306
Current Mood: ditzy ditzy
Current Music: CSI: New York marathon

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Okay, seriously, after Giant-sized Astonishing X-men, I refuse to buy another Whedon comic book ever again. It got pushed back to the end of MAY now. It was supposed to come out early Feb. (and the run on the actual book itself was anything but punctual). I'll still get it because I'm invested in the bloody story, but that's it for what he writes (He's on Runaways now, which, guess what, is already plagued by massive delays! Go figure!)

Looking forward to the Captain Britain and MI13 comic book though. A good writer for Brian Braddock and Pete Wisdom again, score!

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Current Location: 94070
Current Mood: ecstatic ecstatic

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So I'm lazy. Sue me: Clicky!

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Current Location: 94111
Current Mood: curious curious

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