? ?
Journal created:
on 8 July 2005 (#7667959)
on 9 December 2010
thats no mullet
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

This is a rating community. If you can't handle that, well, then you shouldn't be here.  But mainly its just for fun so that you can meet people of different types and such, enjoy. So I guess really that would make it more about diversity. We'll have contests and games and stuff, it will be fun, we promise, if once we get some members, and you still don't like it you can leave, we need to get up and going though, so join, post the application for rating, 97% chance you'll be accepted, its really more for back ground knowledge of who's in here, and then have at it


  • Once you are a member, you must stay active

  • promote this community

  • be you and no one else, if your nice, be nice, if your not, don't be, simple as that

  • no, and by that we mean absolutely no nose picking

  • oh yeah, and fill out the below application, put it in a cut, don't put it in a cut, post it friends only, don't post it friends only, we don't really care

  • do what ya will and have fun


  1. Name you wish to be known as

  2. Heritage

  3. City and state you call home

  4. Age

  5. Relationship status

  6. Favorite Color

  7. Favorite Bands (at least 5, and note your all time fave)

  8. Favorite Movies (same as above)

  9. Favorite Book and why

   Word association (type the first word that you think of)

  1. Pea

  2. Hard

  3. Dog

  4. Play

  5. Soft

  6. Hot

  7. Heavy

  8. Cheese

  9. Fire

  10. Wet

  11. Slip

  12. Mullet

  Your honest opinion on the following

  1. Our current president

  2. The war in Iraq

  3. Teletubbies

  4. The smurfs

  5. Abortion

  6. Drugs

   Now is the time for you to show off, what talents do you have?

   And now for pictures, yes, of you, 3, at least 3


That should do it for now.... Enjoy 



Oh, and we mustent forget the rulers of the mulletless nation




