Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol 4, No 8 (2014), 1536-1542, Aug 2014 doi:10.4304/tpls.4.8.1536-1542, Aug 1, 2014
The social impairments in individuals with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are diverse and involve... more The social impairments in individuals with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are diverse and involve speech, linguistic conventions and interpersonal interaction. 5 male children with ASD in the age range of 8 to 10 years were selected randomly. All the children were attending mainstream schools, receiving individual speech therapy and occupational therapy (45-minute session every fortnight) and were having difficulty in social interaction. The children were placed in a 3-hour group therapy program for 6 sessions, which were facilitated by two professionals, a speech-language therapist and an occupational therapist at our center (Society for the Physically Disabled). The rating score was rated by parent and therapist. The comparative pre and post therapy score among the two groups, that is by parents and therapist shows that the objectives for the group therapy were rated higher after the completion of the group therapy. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test shows there is significant difference (P<0.05) observed between pre and post group therapy rating scale by parents and therapist.
Papers by Rajeev Ranjan
Books by Rajeev Ranjan