Papers by Diah Priyantini
Advances in Health Sciences Research

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Colorectal cancer patients have been experiencing various side effects related to the therapies, ... more Colorectal cancer patients have been experiencing various side effects related to the therapies, both physically and physiologically. Complementary medicine was used to help patients alleviate complaints and increase their quality of life. This systematic review aimed to sort out complementary medicines that could be advised to be used for colorectal cancer patients. Search limitations include the population of colorectal cancer patients, published between 2015 and 2021 and written in English. We found that traditional Chinese medicine, aromatherapy massage, acupuncture, and mindfulness-based stress reduction tests were beneficial in improving patients’ physical and physiological complaints. However, dosing and herb-herb interactions in Chinese traditional medicine and the beneficial persistency effect of other modalities needed further investigation, especially in colorectal cancer patient therapy. Complementary modalities are generally safe; however, some therapies still warrant f...
Journal of Telenursing (Joting), Dec 21, 2022

Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
This study aims to analyze the effect of spiritual mindfulness based on adaptation theory on anxi... more This study aims to analyze the effect of spiritual mindfulness based on adaptation theory on anxiety and vital signs in pneumonia patients. The research method uses a quasi-experiment in pneumonia patients at RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya. Forty-eight respondents were divided into 24 intervention groups and 24 control groups recruited using purposive sampling. The independent variable is spiritual mindfulness based on adaptation theory. The dependent variable is anxiety, measured using the Zung SRAS questionnaire, and vital signs are measured using observational data. Data analysis using Paired t-test and independent t-test. The study results in the intervention group showed a significant effect of the intervention on anxiety (p=0.000; d=1.436) and vital signs (systolic blood pressure p=0.000, diastolic blood pressure p=0.001, pulse p=0.000, respiratory rate p=0.000 and SPO2 p = 0.001. In conclusion, spiritual mindfulness techniques based on adaptation theory can reduce anxiety and vit...
Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
This study aims to analyze the effect of combining deep breathing relaxation techniques with guid... more This study aims to analyze the effect of combining deep breathing relaxation techniques with guided imagery on the pain intensity of postoperative Sectio Caesarea (SC) patients. The method used was a quasi-experiment on women who underwent SC surgery. The results showed a significant effect after the intervention on pain intensity (p=0.000; d=2.876), accompanied by a significant change in pain intensity (p=0.000). In conclusion, breathing relaxation techniques in combination with guided imagery based on the comfort theory can reduce the pain intensity of post-SC surgery patients. Keywords: Comfort Theory, Guided Imagery, Deep Breathing, Pain

The Journal of Palembang Nursing Studies
Background: Work motivation is often the cause of the reduced performance of nurses, it is relate... more Background: Work motivation is often the cause of the reduced performance of nurses, it is related to the lack of internal and external motivation in the work. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between work motivation to nurse performance in the installation room of an Islamic hospital. Methods: The design of this study uses cross-sectional methods. The sampling method used is purposive sampling. Samples taken by 35 respondents are nurses who work in the Inpatient Room of Sakinah Islamic Hospital, Mojokerto, East Java. Research data was taken using motivation sources inventory and a nurse’s work functioning questionnaire that was validated with an r count of 0.786-0.912 and reliable (Cronbach alfa = 0.876). After the tabulated data were analyzed using the Spearman Rho test with a significance level of 0.05. Results: The results showed the motivation of nurses working in the high category (65.7%) and nursing performance showed in the excellent category (57.1%). ...

Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services)
Pandemi penyakit coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan darurat kesehatan internasional dengan jum... more Pandemi penyakit coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan darurat kesehatan internasional dengan jumlah kasus infeksi tertinggi sepanjang sejarah. Pemberlakuan social and physical distancing diharapkan mampu memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19, akan tetapi masih banyak informasi kurang valid yang beredar membuat masyarakat mengalami dampak dalam hal psikologis dan stigma sosial. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pada masyarakat dalam menyikapi dampak psikologis dan sosial dari pandemi COVID-19. Pengmas dilaksanakan secara langsung, pengambilan data pengetahuan peserta diambil menggunakan kuisioner pengetahuan untuk mengevaluasi pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah dari pelaksanaan pengabdian. Analisis data hasil pengetahuan menggunakan statistic deskriptif dengan SPSS. Pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahapan yaitu penyuluhan dalam bentuk seminar, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Peserta dari pengmas adalah 55 masyarakat dari KP...

Jurnal Ners
Introduction: This review aims to explore the factors influencing cervical screening uptake among... more Introduction: This review aims to explore the factors influencing cervical screening uptake among women in low and middle-income countries.Methods: The studies were systematically identified by searching electronic databases with the keywords “cervical cancer AND screening AND low of income countries AND middle of income countries.” The results consisted of 94 articles from Scopus, 100 articles from Science Direct, 74 articles from EBSCO, and 32 articles from PubMed. Following this, 16 studies were included in this systematic review with the inclusion criteria being quantitative or qualitative studies exploring the factors influencing woman’s cervical cancer screening uptake covering women in low- and middle- income countries, a clear study outcome and details on the associated factors, barriers to, and facilitators of screening uptake.Results: Knowledge about the disease and its prevention, knowing someone with cervical cancer and someone who has ever been screened, attitude and pe...

Jurnal Ners
Introduction: Elderly abuse appears to become an important public health concern and to be widely... more Introduction: Elderly abuse appears to become an important public health concern and to be widely underestimated by health professionals. The cases are misunderstood and misreported, and often reported as fatal consequences of crimes toward elders. The aim of this review was to explore the factors in occurrence of elder abuse among healthcare workers in nursing homes.Methods: Seven databases, including Scopus, EBSCO, ProQuest, PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science and ScienceDirect, were explored to search relevant articles. The initial keywords were “elderly” “abuse” “healthcare workers” and “nursing homes”. The search was limited to English and the data sources were limited to articles published from 2015-2020.Results: The perspective of the WHO’s integrated care for older people was used as a lens to discuss the results. Fourteen articles were involved in the review. This review suggests that healthcare workers in nursing homes do elder abuse because of their high workload and lack of k...

Acta medica Indonesiana, 2022
Background: Dyspepsia is a frequent main symptom of inpatients and outpatients scenario in Indone... more Background: Dyspepsia is a frequent main symptom of inpatients and outpatients scenario in Indonesia. However, the number of endoscopy facilities are still low, thus the use of non-invasive method to detect gastritis is necessary. We measured the relationship between urease levels and the stage of gastritis in dyspeptic adult patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study included outpatient dyspepsia patient from November 2018 to February 2019. We examined 14C-Urea Breath Test (UBT) and determined the stage of gastritis based on the Updated Sydney System classification. Results: The urease level of acute and chronic gastritis positive patients were higher than negative patients (p = 0.001, r = 0.353; p <0.0001, r = 0.433, respectively). The AUC value of 14C-UBT to detect acute, chronic, and atrophic gastritis are 0.889, 0.632 and 0.544, respectively. The best cutoff points of 14C-UBT to predict acute gastritis was ≥26.50δ‰ with sensitivity and specificity being 88.89% and 63.95%, respectively. Whereas the best cutoff points for chronic gastritis was ≥34.50δ‰ with 82.89% sensitivity, 63.16% specificity. As for atrophic gastritis, it showed very low AUC value, hence it is not a sufficient test modality to predict atrophic gastritis cases. Conclusion: 14C-UBT is sufficient for predicting acute or chronic gastritis but not for atrophic gastritis.

The trend of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) prevalen... more The trend of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) prevalence in Indonesia has increased significantly. This study was aimed to develop family empowerment model based on belief and analyze the effects of health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients infected by HIV/AIDS. Mixed methods design with the first stage using quantitative research with cross sectional approach. A total 135 respondents with HIV/AIDS were determined from purposive sampling. For developing the model, we conducted focus group and expert discussion to make the model and the intervention tool for the second stage. We analyzed the collected data using Structural Equation Model Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) test. The outer loading value measured the sub-variable validity value of its latent variable, where the outer loading is valid if the value is >0.4. Based on the research results, nine indicators were invalid (outer loading value ≤ 0.4), and the indicator must be...

Discharge planning has not been able to increase confidence and fluid restriction adherence in en... more Discharge planning has not been able to increase confidence and fluid restriction adherence in endstage renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study aimed to develop an application of discharge planning with automatic reminder of fluid management to improve fluid restriction adherence in hemodialysis patients. Research and development with the first stage was developing an application prototype by evaluating hemodialysis patients’ issues through interviews and questionnaires of 115 respondents. Focus group discussions with health professionals and expert discussions were conducted after data collecting. Second stage was a quasiexperimental study with 30 respondents in each group using simple random sampling. Research analysis used MANOVA test. The development of a prototype consisted of pooling intake, pooling output, fluid control log, education, setting and automatic fluid monitoring reminder. The results of interviews with the target users showed that the app was fe...

Community Reinforcement and Development Journal, 2022
Tingginya kasus HIV/AIDS pada perempuan terutama Ibu Rumah Tangga di Indonesia menjadi sorotan ya... more Tingginya kasus HIV/AIDS pada perempuan terutama Ibu Rumah Tangga di Indonesia menjadi sorotan yang perlu untuk diberikan solusi. Pendampingan dan edukasi dari Tim KPA menjadi sangat penting untuk tetap memastikan kondisi kesehatan mereka, begitupula support system dari sesama penderita. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, pencegahan dan kemampuan resiliensi penderita HIV/AIDS agar kualitas kehidupan mereka menjadi lebih baik dan tidak merasakan stigma social negatif terus-menerus. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini menerapkan DREAM Partnership yang terdiri dari pembentukan kader, workshop, pelatihan modul, controlling, evaluasi dan pembentukan komunitas Srikandi Peduli HIV/AIDS. Edukasi ini diberikan kepada 100 HIV AIDS melaksanakan peer education dan pendidikan kesehatan. Hasil kegiatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan dari kategori baik sebesar 39,9% menjadi 60,2%. Beberapa peserta terpilih menjadi kader menunjukkan kesadaran pentingnya mengajak ...

Community Reinforcement and Development Journal, 2022
Terapi plasma konvalesen dan vaksin Covid-19 merupakan beberapa modalitas terapi yang penting dal... more Terapi plasma konvalesen dan vaksin Covid-19 merupakan beberapa modalitas terapi yang penting dalam pengendalian pandemi Covid-19, bersama dengan upaya kesehatan lainnya. Terapi dapat menurunkan jumlah kasus, meningkatkan penyembuhan dan ketahanan masyarakat, sehingga hal ini perlu disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang peran plasma konvalesen dan vaksin Covid-19 dalam menurunkan jumlah kasus, penyembuhan, dan ketahanan masyarakat. Edukasi ini diberikan kepada 98 peserta dengan rincian 46 ODHA dan 52 mahasiswa STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi, serta menggunakan media PowerPoint dan flyer. Hasil kegiatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan dari kategori baik sebesar 44,9% menjadi 58,2%. Kesimpulannya kegiatan edukasi ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman peserta mengenai peran plasma konvalesen dan vaksinasi COVID-19 dalam menurunkan jumlah kasus, penyembuhan, dan ket...

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020
Introduction: Hepatitis B is a health problem in the world, including Indonesia. We analyzed seve... more Introduction: Hepatitis B is a health problem in the world, including Indonesia. We analyzed several factors associated with the quality of life of chronic hepatitis B patients. Methods: We obtained information from Hepatitis B patients using the WHO Quality of Life questionnaire. Data analysis conducted in this study was a chi-square test and a multivariate logistic regression model was used to calculate the odds ratios (OR). Results: Housewives with hepatitis B had a better quality of life than employees (P = 0.002), after adjusted with age, sex, and medicine regularly, they had 21 times higher quality of life (OR = 21.51, CI 1.448-319.432, P = 0.026). Lower income in the family had a higher good and very good quality life (P = 0.001), patients who covered by government social insurance feel a better quality of life (P = 0.006). Also hepatitis B patients who diagnosed less than or equal 2 years and duration treatment less than or equal 1 year were better quality life (P = 0.002; P...

Ageing process is decreasing physical fitness in elderly. Elderly more than 60 year that still ha... more Ageing process is decreasing physical fitness in elderly. Elderly more than 60 year that still have good physical fitness can increase their physiological condition. But, in the fact getting older decrease 30-50% physical fitness, factors that cause are physical activity and sleep quality. This study was aimed to explain correlation between physical activity and sleep quality with physical fitness level in elderly. Methods: This study used correlational descriptive with cross sectional design. The population was elderly that have MMSE score ≥ 17 and barthel index >60. Sample size were 102 respondents with total sampling. Independent variable were physical activity and sleep quality, and dependen variable was physical fitness. Instrument for this research used questionnaire 1x24 hours activity recall and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index for independent variable, and for dependent variable use six minutes walking test, five times sit to stand test, chair sit and reach test and body m...

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020
Antimicrobial resistance for Helicobacter pylori infection still become problem in Indonesia espe... more Antimicrobial resistance for Helicobacter pylori infection still become problem in Indonesia especially for metronidazole and clarithromycin resistance that is commonly used in the national regiment therapy. Finding a new antimicrobial agent against this bacterium is still a challenge to face. Propolis extract is well known substance which has antimicrobial effect against some gram-negative bacteria. However, the effect against H. pylori remain unknown. We analysed the antimicrobial effect of propolis extract against H. pylori in clarithromycin and metronidazole Resistant Strains. Anti-H. pylori effect of ethanol propolis extract was tested on 10 types of H. pylori strains isolated from dyspeptic patients in Indonesia. Ethanol propolis extracts (PRO) show inhibitory activity at concentrations of 5% and 10% on all strains H. pylori. Determination minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of propolis extract used microdilution method, the MIC values were in the range of 1024-8192 µ...

Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a world health crisis contributing to impact people's ... more Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a world health crisis contributing to impact people's fears, anxiety and psychological problems. This review study aimed to identify factors with psychological impact and social stigma among people. A systematic review searched five electronic databases (Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, CINAHL and ProQuest) for previous studies using a cross-sectional or quasi-experimental design published between March and April 2020. The Centre for Review and Dissemination and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guideline used for assess quality and Prisma checklist for guided this review. Title, abstract, full-text and methodology were assessed for the eligibility of the studies. Data tabulation and narrative analysis of study findings was performed. We found eleven studies which met inclusion criteria in the review. Included studies were divided into two broad thematic areas regarding COVID-19: factors related to psychology (n=7) and social stigma (n=3) and 1 stu...

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to increase and has transformed into a troubling case for many pe... more The COVID-19 pandemic continues to increase and has transformed into a troubling case for many people to cause mass paranoia, it is necessary to be psychologically prepared to face the new normal era. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between crisis mental health emergency and psychological first aid with the psychological readiness of the community. The design of this study was a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. A sample of 521 respondents was taken using a convenience sampling technique which was carried out by the study in July 2020. The independent variables of the study were mental health emergency and psychological first aid, while the dependent variable was the psychological readiness of the community. The instruments used were a crisis mental health emergency questionnaire, psychological first aid and Social Psychological Survey of COVID-19. The data were analyzed using the SPSS version 22.0 statistic tested by Spearman rho. The res...

Jurnal Ners, 2021
Introduction: Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a health problem that is still a health eme... more Introduction: Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a health problem that is still a health emergency in the world and causes mental health crisis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the mental health crisis of COVID-19 infection on the island of Java.Methods: A cross sectional study between June-July 2020 in Java Island, Indonesia with 1.218 respondents selected using convenience sampling. The independent variable were demographic, individual internal, psychological factors and the dependent was mental health crisis. Data was measured by demographic information, knowledge and attitude questionnaires, depression anxiety stress score, the brief 28-item COPE Inventory, questionnaire on problem faces and crisis mental health emergencies. Analysis data is conducted by chi square and multivariate logistic regression.Results: The relation of demographic, individual internal and psychological factors were significant to crisis mental health and P <0.05...
Papers by Diah Priyantini