Papers by Gülden YÜKSEL

Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi
This article analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s Lighthousekeeping (2004) within the concept of memory ... more This article analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s Lighthousekeeping (2004) within the concept of memory through a close textual analysis and explores how memory plays a role in shaping an individual’s identity and how body and spaces form memory. An individual as a spatial temporal being perceives the world through sensory perceptions of her/his body and forms her/his body and spatial memories through this interaction. The recollections of these memories, pleasant or painful, affect the present. This study also highlights the effectiveness of recreations and reinterpretations of the past on an individual’s existence, and investigates how spatial and body memories are important in recollections of the events that have psychological impacts on an individual’s identity and existence, and how the past, namely memories, functions for the self-realization. This article dwells on the function of the past through storytelling in the construction of identity by referring to body and space in Lighth...

This article analyzes Jeanette Winterson's Lighthousekeeping (2004) within the concept of memory ... more This article analyzes Jeanette Winterson's Lighthousekeeping (2004) within the concept of memory through a close textual analysis and explores how memory plays a role in shaping an individual's identity and how body and spaces form memory. An individual as a spatial temporal being perceives the world through sensory perceptions of her/his body and forms her/his body and spatial memories through this interaction. The recollections of these memories, pleasant or painful, affect the present. This study also highlights the effectiveness of recreations and reinterpretations of the past on an individual's existence, and investigates how spatial and body memories are important in recollections of the events that have psychological impacts on an individual's identity and existence, and how the past, namely memories, functions for the self-realization. This article dwells on the function of the past through storytelling in the construction of identity by referring to body and space in Lighthousekeeping. The lighthouse and stories function to form spatial and body memory that shape identity and shed light on psychology and existence by exploring the relationship between mother and daughter and the role of body in establishing this relationship.

This thesis analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion (1987), Written on the Body (1992) and Ligh... more This thesis analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion (1987), Written on the Body (1992) and Lighthousekeeping (2004) within the concept of memory through a close textual analysis. Framed by theoretical background referring to philosophers such as John Locke, Henri Bergson, Thomas Reid, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Edward S. Casey, this thesis explores how memory plays a role in shaping an individual’s identity and how body and spaces form memory. An individual as a spatial temporal being perceives the world through sensory perceptions of her/his body and forms her/his body and spatial memories through this interaction. The recollections of these memories, pleasant or painful, affect the present. This study also highlights the effectiveness of recreations and reinterpretations of the past on an individual’s existence, and how voluntary and involuntary memory function to rediscover the past. This study investigates how spatial and body memories are important in recollections of the even...

Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Feb 1, 2021
This thesis analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion (1987), Written on the Body (1992) and Ligh... more This thesis analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion (1987), Written on the Body (1992) and Lighthousekeeping (2004) within the concept of memory through a close textual analysis. Framed by theoretical background referring to philosophers such as John Locke, Henri Bergson, Thomas Reid, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Edward S. Casey, this thesis explores how memory plays a role in shaping an individual’s identity and how body and spaces form memory. An individual as a spatial temporal being perceives the world through sensory perceptions of her/his body and forms her/his body and spatial memories through this interaction. The recollections of these memories, pleasant or painful, affect the present. This study also highlights the effectiveness of recreations and reinterpretations of the past on an individual’s existence, and how voluntary and involuntary memory function to rediscover the past. This study investigates how spatial and body memories are important in recollections of the events that have psychological impacts on an individual’s identity and existence, and how the past, namely memories, functions for the self-realization. This thesis examines the selected novels by focusing on the relationship between memory and identity, memory and body, memory and space. Key words: memory, identity, body, space, Jeanette Winterson

Idil Journal of Art and Language, 2016
The aim of this study is to discuss anxiety and identity issues pertaining to ethnic roots and he... more The aim of this study is to discuss anxiety and identity issues pertaining to ethnic roots and heritage in Americanized life in Amy Tan's The Bonesetter's Daughter. To express ethnic anxiety and identity, Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer, uses different stories of different characters mainly based on the mother and daughter relationship rather than focusing upon one story in her fiction. The tradition of storytelling is important for ethnic writers in order to attain their ethnic identity since stories enable those who are not able to experience past learn their culture, heritage and past. This study focuses on how the totality of individuality is split due to ethnic anxiety and how a diasporic mother functions to restore that totality by making her daught er understand her worth and reconcile with her Chinese culture and ethnic identity. The connection between mother and daughter is important to lessen ethnic anxiety. M other functions as a transmission of heritage and culture and daughter reproduces culture in the light of mother.

Brokeback Mountain, written by Annie Proulx, depicts the lives of two gay men; Ennis and Jack. Th... more Brokeback Mountain, written by Annie Proulx, depicts the lives of two gay men; Ennis and Jack. This study intends to discuss and refer to homosexual concepts by taking the nature as a primary concept in order to shed light both on the characters’ love affair in nature and their alienated selves in civilization. It focuses upon two powers in the lives of people; nature versus civilization. Nature presents an egalitarian attitude destroying all restrictions, definitions, distinctions and classifications. Hence it stands for their free queer space as an opposition to the socially constructed traditional gender roles while civilization stands for their forced heterosexual space and idea of being stuck in the closet. The reason for being stuck in the closet is related to the fact that gay people are accepted as “ ‘foreigners’ in their own culture and are reminded of this fact at every opportunity” (Jay&Young, 1992, p.21). Homosexuality is seen as an attack on the ideal classifications of...
SÖYLEM Filoloji Dergisi
In the light of psychoanalytic criticism, this paper is to discuss distorted reality which stems ... more In the light of psychoanalytic criticism, this paper is to discuss distorted reality which stems from psychological disorders of the characters, their fragmented minds due to their impotency to form a strong neuroplasticity of brain in Psycho and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Both films illustrate the outcomes of a neurotic mind, split personality and derealization of the external world and being alienated from reality, which results in reproduction of reality through dreams, hallucinations and illusions. These dreams, hallucinations and illusions are a kind of defense to their guilt and inability to face reality and overcome trauma. Reality is manipulated due to their impotency to achieve to discover their true selves. Real self is distorted into fragmentations causing multiple personality disorder and schizoid cases.

The aim of this study is to discuss anxiety and identity issues pertaining to ethnic roots and he... more The aim of this study is to discuss anxiety and identity issues pertaining to ethnic roots and heritage in Americanized life in Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter. To express ethnic anxiety and identity, Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer, uses differentstories of different characters mainly based on the mother and daughter relationship rather than focusing upon one story in her fiction. The tradition of storytelling is
important for ethnic writers in order to attain their ethnic identity since stories enable those who are not able to experience past learn their culture, heritage and past. This study focuses on how the totality of individuality is split due to ethnic anxiety and how a diasporic mother functions to restore that totality by making her daught er understand
her worth and reconcile with her Chinese culture and ethnic identity. The connection between mother and daughter is important to lessen ethnic anxiety. Mother functions as a transmission of heritage and culture and daughter reproduces culture in the light of mother.
Keywords: Ethnic, Anxiety, Identity, Heritage, Culture, Amy Tan, The
Bonesetter’s Daughter, Mother, Daughter.

Brokeback Mountain, written by Annie Proulx, depicts the lives of two gay men; Ennis and Jack. Th... more Brokeback Mountain, written by Annie Proulx, depicts the lives of two gay men; Ennis and Jack. This study intends to discuss and refer to homosexual concepts by taking the nature as a primary concept in order to shed light both on the characters’ love affair in nature and their alienated selves in civilization. It focuses upon two powers in the lives of people; nature versus civilization. Nature presents an egalitarian attitude destroying all restrictions, definitions, distinctions and classifications. Hence it stands for their free queer space as an opposition to the socially constructed traditional gender roles while civilization stands for their forced heterosexual space and idea of being stuck in the closet. The reason for being stuck in the closet is related to the fact that gay people are accepted as “ ‘foreigners’ in their own culture and are reminded of this fact at every opportunity” (Jay&Young, 1992, p.21). Homosexuality is seen as an attack on the ideal classifications of the patriarchal ideology and heteronormative qualities. Key Words: Trans-corperality, body, nature, heteronormativity, civilization.

INQUIS is an online, biannual, blind peer-reviewed journal which offers graduate students in the ... more INQUIS is an online, biannual, blind peer-reviewed journal which offers graduate students in the field of literatures in English a chance to make their research known internationally. Considering that literary studies as a field of scholarly study has undergone tremendous changes and challenges, both the practice and theory of literary studies certainly need a thorough scrutiny under the light of new perspectives, new approaches, new interpretations as well as new insights. By including the works of graduate researchers, the journal primarily aims to promote dialogue and to serve as an international forum for young academics and researchers where they can share their ideas and contribute globally to the discussions on studies of literatures in English. The journal is devoted to encouraging critical and scholarly studies of contemporary literatures in English as well as canonical works with a contemporary perspective and related interdisciplinary studies which may be extended, but not limited, to:
British-American literatures
Critical Theory
Cultural Studies
Gender Studies
Adaptation Studies
Commonwealth literatures
Colonial / Postcolonial Studies
Poetry Studies
Drama Studies
Novel Studies
Short Story
Travel literature
The 1st issue of Inquis Journal is online! Please visit Recent Issue to access the articles.
Books by Gülden YÜKSEL

Kitabevi, 2020
Uykusu adl› roman›nda belle¤ini yitirmifl M. adl› karakterin trende yaflad›¤› ilginç olaylarla an... more Uykusu adl› roman›nda belle¤ini yitirmifl M. adl› karakterin trende yaflad›¤› ilginç olaylarla an›lar›n› hat›rlayarak kendini bulma sürecini anlat›r. Ad›n›, nerede ve hangi zamanda oldu¤unu hat›rlamayan M. da¤›n›k bir odada uyan›r. Buldu¤u tek fley sar› bir zarf›n içindeki tren biletidir ve bir de bavul. Metaforik olarak tren yolculu¤u insan›n kendisine, kendi ben-li¤inin keflfine yapm›fl oldu¤u yolculu¤u ifade eder ve M. an›lar›n› hat›rlad›kça roman›n sonunda kendi geçmifline yolculuk yapt›¤›n› fark edecektir. Geçmiflin bütün olumsuzluklar›n›, ac›lar›n› ve yükünü omuzlar›nda hisseden M. nin trendeki yolculu¤u hem geçmifle hem de olas› gelece¤e yap›lan bir yolculuktur. Yolculuk boyunca M. geçmiflin bir yük mü yoksa kiflinin benli-¤ini ve kimli¤ini oluflturan bir süreç mi oldu¤unu sorgularken jest ve mimikler önemli bir yer tutar. Jest ve mimikler duygular›n etkili bir flekilde sözsüz olarak d›fla vurumudur ve yüz bu ifadelerin iletilmesinde etkin bir role sahiptir. Breton, yüzün iletiflimdeki rolünü flu cümlelerle aç›klar:
Yayınlanan makalelerin içeriğinden (kaynakların ve alıntıların doğruluğundan, ileri sürülen görüş... more Yayınlanan makalelerin içeriğinden (kaynakların ve alıntıların doğruluğundan, ileri sürülen görüşlerden ve telif hakkı olan çizelge, resim ve diğer görsellerden) yazarlar sorumludur.
Thesis Chapters by Gülden YÜKSEL

PhD Thesis, 2021
This thesis analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion (1987), Written on the Body (1992) and Ligh... more This thesis analyzes Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion (1987), Written on the Body (1992) and Lighthousekeeping (2004) within the concept of memory through a close textual analysis. Framed by theoretical background referring to philosophers such as John Locke, Henri Bergson, Thomas Reid, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Edward S. Casey, this thesis explores how memory plays a role in shaping an individual’s identity and how body and spaces form memory. An individual as a spatial temporal being perceives the world through sensory perceptions of her/his body and forms her/his body and spatial memories through this interaction. The recollections of these memories, pleasant or painful, affect the present. This study also highlights the effectiveness of recreations and reinterpretations of the past on an individual’s existence, and how voluntary and involuntary memory function to rediscover the past. This study investigates how spatial and body memories are important in recollections of the events that have psychological impacts on an individual’s identity and existence, and how the past, namely memories, functions for the self-realization. This thesis examines the selected novels by focusing on the relationship between memory and identity, memory and body, memory and space.
Key words: memory, identity, body, space, Jeanette Winterson
Papers by Gülden YÜKSEL
important for ethnic writers in order to attain their ethnic identity since stories enable those who are not able to experience past learn their culture, heritage and past. This study focuses on how the totality of individuality is split due to ethnic anxiety and how a diasporic mother functions to restore that totality by making her daught er understand
her worth and reconcile with her Chinese culture and ethnic identity. The connection between mother and daughter is important to lessen ethnic anxiety. Mother functions as a transmission of heritage and culture and daughter reproduces culture in the light of mother.
Keywords: Ethnic, Anxiety, Identity, Heritage, Culture, Amy Tan, The
Bonesetter’s Daughter, Mother, Daughter.
British-American literatures
Critical Theory
Cultural Studies
Gender Studies
Adaptation Studies
Commonwealth literatures
Colonial / Postcolonial Studies
Poetry Studies
Drama Studies
Novel Studies
Short Story
Travel literature
Books by Gülden YÜKSEL
Thesis Chapters by Gülden YÜKSEL
Key words: memory, identity, body, space, Jeanette Winterson
important for ethnic writers in order to attain their ethnic identity since stories enable those who are not able to experience past learn their culture, heritage and past. This study focuses on how the totality of individuality is split due to ethnic anxiety and how a diasporic mother functions to restore that totality by making her daught er understand
her worth and reconcile with her Chinese culture and ethnic identity. The connection between mother and daughter is important to lessen ethnic anxiety. Mother functions as a transmission of heritage and culture and daughter reproduces culture in the light of mother.
Keywords: Ethnic, Anxiety, Identity, Heritage, Culture, Amy Tan, The
Bonesetter’s Daughter, Mother, Daughter.
British-American literatures
Critical Theory
Cultural Studies
Gender Studies
Adaptation Studies
Commonwealth literatures
Colonial / Postcolonial Studies
Poetry Studies
Drama Studies
Novel Studies
Short Story
Travel literature
Key words: memory, identity, body, space, Jeanette Winterson