At Groove Junction, the party never stops! Use color-swaps and soundblasts to maneuver through a selection of tricky rhythm-based levels. When you're done, pick out your favourite copyright free song and make your own level! Share your level with others in the comments, and load up any levels you cross paths with to give them a try! You never know who or what you'll find passing through Groove Junction!

Custom Level Sharing

If you made any custom levels in the game, we'd love to see them shared in the comments so everyone can try them! All someone needs to play your level is the text data created by the 'Create Chart' option in the editor as well as an mp3 file of the song you used. We recommend using a service like Pastebin to share the text. For the mp3, you can either provide an online link to the mp3, or give the artists + song name so other players can find it on their own. PLEASE DON'T SHARE LINKS TO mp3s OF COPYRIGHTED SONGS! WE MAY HAVE TO DELETE YOUR COMMENT IF YOU DO!


Level Editor + Custom Level Loader

Leaderboard Integration

3 musical masterpieces created in 10 days for VimJam 4!


Use mouse to navigate menus, keyboard controls during gameplay.

Play the Tutorial by pressing the Play Game button for further instructions.

Press the Help button in Level Editor for further instructions.

Thanks for playing! Developed by Joey Meffen & Nick Birtch


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We made a short custom level to show off what kind of things you can expect from our level editor!

MP3 used: Background Loop Melodic Techno #03

Song chart:

You can either play this level (Level Select -> Custom Levels), or even open it up in the level editor and edit it yourself!