Sunita V I T H A L R A O Magre
Dr.Sunita Vithalrao Magre,M.Sc(Zoology),M.Ed.SET,PhD(Education) working as Professor in Education at Department of Education, University of Mumbai, India. She has a rich teaching experience of 27 years. 110 research as well as conceptual papers published in Souvenir /Journals/Books at National and International level. She is committee member in various committees of various Universities, worked in different capacities for various Examinations conducted by state and National Bodies. She has authored 11 books and 12 conference proceedings and Self Study Material at graduate and post graduate level. She has conducted various Workshops, Seminars, FDP, Refresher Courses, Symposium, and Conferences at State, National and International level for Teacher Educators, Research scholars, graduate & post graduate learners.
Her excellence in Research is showcased as 2 PDF, 25 students are awarded PhD,18 students are awarded M.Phil. under her guideship and has successfully completed 2 Research Projects funded by the UGC and Maharashtra state Commission for women (MSCW). Her credentials in publication are seen as the Editor of Sanshodhan Chetana UGC Approved Journal. Approved No.63299, Convenor and Reviewer of various publications.
She has received the most promising Prof, Indira Parikh Award for 50 Women in Education Leaders in Asia at World Education Congress on “Sustainable Development Goals Quality Education for All” on 5th July 2018 and is also the recipient of Dr. Bute Prize for
the Merit in the subject of Entomology year 1993-94(M.SC.) at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad.
Her excellence in Research is showcased as 2 PDF, 25 students are awarded PhD,18 students are awarded M.Phil. under her guideship and has successfully completed 2 Research Projects funded by the UGC and Maharashtra state Commission for women (MSCW). Her credentials in publication are seen as the Editor of Sanshodhan Chetana UGC Approved Journal. Approved No.63299, Convenor and Reviewer of various publications.
She has received the most promising Prof, Indira Parikh Award for 50 Women in Education Leaders in Asia at World Education Congress on “Sustainable Development Goals Quality Education for All” on 5th July 2018 and is also the recipient of Dr. Bute Prize for
the Merit in the subject of Entomology year 1993-94(M.SC.) at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad.
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Videos by Sunita V I T H A L R A O Magre
Cyber Bullying ,Types of Cyber Bullying ,Preventions about Cyber Bullying and the Role of Observer, Educators and Parents.
About National Crime Prevention Council and Research Statistics about Cyber Bullying
Papers by Sunita V I T H A L R A O Magre
differentiated instruction on students’ conceptual
understanding of Fractions based on Gardner’s
multiple intelligence (MI) theory then to move
toward developing their own thinking strategies for
mastery through practice and problem solving.
Multiple Intelligence theory can be adapted to any
other mathematical concept or skill. The subjects of
this study were a small group of grade V students in
private school. Each student started by learning the
content in the areas they were strong in, and then
using that knowledge to help them overcome the
more challenging concepts. They then worked
together with students from all of the intelligence
strengths to show a greater understanding of the
content. Result show after instructions that all these
intelligences can be used throughout the mathematics
curriculum which enable students to understand it as
an exciting way of symbolizing content used around
awareness about peace education as well as dimensions of peace education conflict resolution, non-violence, human rights and national integration. Teachers from education faculty are more aware about peace education than the other three faculties
functions as a deterrent to violence. According to the developmental theory of aggressive style, social intelligence has varying relationships with different types of aggressiveness, with indirect aggression having stronger ties than vocal aggression and physical violence having the weakest. More social intelligence is needed to combat more complex types of hostility. The aim of the study was to Study the Social Intelligence of Secondary School Students in Relation to their Empathy. To compare Social Intelligence of secondary school student on the basis of Gender,
Medium of instruction, Types of School, Geographical area. To compare empathy of Secondary School student on the basis of Gender, Medium of instruction, Types of School, Geographical area. To study the relationship between social intelligence and empathy on the basis of Gender,
Medium of instruction, Types of School, Geographical area. The current study included 704 students, both boys and girls, from a Thane District Marathi and English-medium school that is associated with the S.S.C. Board. To choose the sample for the study, the researcher used the
stratified random sampling technique. The tools used were: Social intelligence test by Dr. N.K. Chadha (Delhi) And Ms. Usha Ganeshan (Delhi) and Empathy scale by C. G scale Venkatesh Murthy. Major findings of the study showed that There was significant difference in social intelligence of secondary school students based on gender, medium of instruction, types of school and Geographical area. There was significant difference in social intelligence of secondary school students based on gender, medium of instruction, types of school and Geographical area. There was significant relationship in social intelligence and empathy of Secondary school student based on gender, medium of instruction, types of school and Geographical area.
college students and 75 students were randomly chosen as the sample for the present study. The present study results find out that, from the data of students' reflect that behaviour, conflict resolution and communication
skill cognitive, emotional, and behaviour patterns are mostly affected from the structure of discrimination based on caste, gender, economic condition and age.
Keywords: conflict resolution skill, communication skill and peace education
Marathi medium school, having SSC board. In the present study, Researcher has employed the Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent-Groups Design of Experimental method. Findings indicated that : There was significant difference in the post-test scores of experimental group and control group with respect to Metacognitive Awareness. Therefore, the significant relationship was found in Constructivist Approach with Metacognitive Awareness of the students. At the end some
suggestions are given to teachers based on the present study.
upon their ability to order decimal numbers and carry out additive operations. It was then extended to cover the density of number property, and the application of multiplicative operations to situations involving decimals. In doing so, three areas of cognitive conflict were
encountered by students, the belief that longer decimal numbers are larger than shorter ones (irrespective of the actual digits), that multiplication always makes numbers bigger, and that division always makes numbers smaller.The use of a microgenetic approach yielded data was able to be presented that provides details of the environment surrounding the moments where new learning was constructed. The characteristics of this environment include the use of physical artifacts and situational contexts
involving measurement that precipitate student discussion and reflection.
The methodology allowed for the collection of evidence regarding the highly complex nature of the learning, with evidence of 'folding back' toofcompetingearl schema. The discussion presents reasons as to why the pedagogical approach that was employed facilitated
learning.One of the main findings was that the use of challenging problems situated in measurement contexts that involved direct student participation promoted the extension and/or reorganization of student schema with regard to decimal numbers
%yaaMcyaat ivaivaQa kÝXalyaaMcaa ivakasa hÜtÜ va%yaMacao jaIvana gaitmaana haot Asato.saamaaijak gauNaaMcaa ivakasa¸
naagairk%va va raYT/Iya%va AaiNa caair~yasaMvaQa-na yaa sava- baabaIMcaa ivakasa ivaVaqyaa-MmaQyao iSaxaNaaWaroca haot
Asatao.vyai@tgat tsaoca samaaja ivakasaat iSaxaNa mah%vaacaI BaUimaka bajaavato.%yaasaazI ivaVaqyaa-Mnaa Xaalaoya
jaIvanaat %yaaMcyaa kuTuMbaakDUna yaÜgya to pazbaL imaLNao KUp AavaXyak Asato¸ yaasaazI palakaMcaI saamaaijak Aaiqak pirisqatI ivaVaqyaa-caa iXaxaNa p`vaah zrivaNaara mah%vaacaa GaTk zrtܸ AaiNa Aaja yaacao ica~ Aaja AapNaasa
phavayaasa imaLtoº caaMgalaI Aaiqa-k prIisqatI Asalaolyaa palakaMcyaa maulaaMnaa iXaxaNaacyaa caaMgalyaa saMQaI ]plabQa
hÜtat tXaa [tr ivaVaqyaa-Mnaa %yaa imaLt naahIt¸mhNaUna p`stut saMXaÜQanaat rajya maMDLaXaI salagnaIt maaQyaimak
XaaLaMmaQaIla ivaVaqyaa-McaI saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI¸ saMpadna p`orNaa AaiNa XaOxaiNak saMpadna yaatIla
sahsaMbaMQaaMcaa AByaasa kolaolaa Aahoº saMXaÜQana namaunyaat naMdurbaar ijalhyaatIla maaQyaimak XaaLaMmaQaIla 493
ivaVaqyaa-Mcaa samaavaoXa hÜta¸ yaat 189 maulao AaiNa 304 maulaIMcaa samaavaoXa hÜtaº sadr saMXaÜQanaat vaNa-naa%mak saMXaÜQana
pQdtIcaa ]pyaÜga kolaolaa Aahoº p`aPt maahItIcao ivaXlaoYaNa krNyaasaazI koMid`ya p`vaR<aI va ivacalanaXaIlatocaI pirmaaNao
tsaoca 'TI' pirixaka¸ sahsaMbaMQa gauNak¸ yaa saaMi#yakI tM~aMcaa vaapr kolaa hÜtaºsaMXaÜQanaaAMtI Asao AaZLUna Aalao
kI¸ ]cca saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI va inamna saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI AsaNaaáyaa ivaVaqyaa-Mcyaa XaOxaiNak
saMpadnaat¸ saMpadna p`orNaot laxaiNaya frk Aahoº tsaoca ]cca saMpadna p`orNaa va inamna saMpadna p`orNaa AsaNaaáyaa
ivaVaqyaa-Mcyaa XaOxaiNak saMpadnaat laxaiNaya frk AaZLUna Aalaaº
Cyber Bullying ,Types of Cyber Bullying ,Preventions about Cyber Bullying and the Role of Observer, Educators and Parents.
About National Crime Prevention Council and Research Statistics about Cyber Bullying
differentiated instruction on students’ conceptual
understanding of Fractions based on Gardner’s
multiple intelligence (MI) theory then to move
toward developing their own thinking strategies for
mastery through practice and problem solving.
Multiple Intelligence theory can be adapted to any
other mathematical concept or skill. The subjects of
this study were a small group of grade V students in
private school. Each student started by learning the
content in the areas they were strong in, and then
using that knowledge to help them overcome the
more challenging concepts. They then worked
together with students from all of the intelligence
strengths to show a greater understanding of the
content. Result show after instructions that all these
intelligences can be used throughout the mathematics
curriculum which enable students to understand it as
an exciting way of symbolizing content used around
awareness about peace education as well as dimensions of peace education conflict resolution, non-violence, human rights and national integration. Teachers from education faculty are more aware about peace education than the other three faculties
functions as a deterrent to violence. According to the developmental theory of aggressive style, social intelligence has varying relationships with different types of aggressiveness, with indirect aggression having stronger ties than vocal aggression and physical violence having the weakest. More social intelligence is needed to combat more complex types of hostility. The aim of the study was to Study the Social Intelligence of Secondary School Students in Relation to their Empathy. To compare Social Intelligence of secondary school student on the basis of Gender,
Medium of instruction, Types of School, Geographical area. To compare empathy of Secondary School student on the basis of Gender, Medium of instruction, Types of School, Geographical area. To study the relationship between social intelligence and empathy on the basis of Gender,
Medium of instruction, Types of School, Geographical area. The current study included 704 students, both boys and girls, from a Thane District Marathi and English-medium school that is associated with the S.S.C. Board. To choose the sample for the study, the researcher used the
stratified random sampling technique. The tools used were: Social intelligence test by Dr. N.K. Chadha (Delhi) And Ms. Usha Ganeshan (Delhi) and Empathy scale by C. G scale Venkatesh Murthy. Major findings of the study showed that There was significant difference in social intelligence of secondary school students based on gender, medium of instruction, types of school and Geographical area. There was significant difference in social intelligence of secondary school students based on gender, medium of instruction, types of school and Geographical area. There was significant relationship in social intelligence and empathy of Secondary school student based on gender, medium of instruction, types of school and Geographical area.
college students and 75 students were randomly chosen as the sample for the present study. The present study results find out that, from the data of students' reflect that behaviour, conflict resolution and communication
skill cognitive, emotional, and behaviour patterns are mostly affected from the structure of discrimination based on caste, gender, economic condition and age.
Keywords: conflict resolution skill, communication skill and peace education
Marathi medium school, having SSC board. In the present study, Researcher has employed the Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent-Groups Design of Experimental method. Findings indicated that : There was significant difference in the post-test scores of experimental group and control group with respect to Metacognitive Awareness. Therefore, the significant relationship was found in Constructivist Approach with Metacognitive Awareness of the students. At the end some
suggestions are given to teachers based on the present study.
upon their ability to order decimal numbers and carry out additive operations. It was then extended to cover the density of number property, and the application of multiplicative operations to situations involving decimals. In doing so, three areas of cognitive conflict were
encountered by students, the belief that longer decimal numbers are larger than shorter ones (irrespective of the actual digits), that multiplication always makes numbers bigger, and that division always makes numbers smaller.The use of a microgenetic approach yielded data was able to be presented that provides details of the environment surrounding the moments where new learning was constructed. The characteristics of this environment include the use of physical artifacts and situational contexts
involving measurement that precipitate student discussion and reflection.
The methodology allowed for the collection of evidence regarding the highly complex nature of the learning, with evidence of 'folding back' toofcompetingearl schema. The discussion presents reasons as to why the pedagogical approach that was employed facilitated
learning.One of the main findings was that the use of challenging problems situated in measurement contexts that involved direct student participation promoted the extension and/or reorganization of student schema with regard to decimal numbers
%yaaMcyaat ivaivaQa kÝXalyaaMcaa ivakasa hÜtÜ va%yaMacao jaIvana gaitmaana haot Asato.saamaaijak gauNaaMcaa ivakasa¸
naagairk%va va raYT/Iya%va AaiNa caair~yasaMvaQa-na yaa sava- baabaIMcaa ivakasa ivaVaqyaa-MmaQyao iSaxaNaaWaroca haot
Asatao.vyai@tgat tsaoca samaaja ivakasaat iSaxaNa mah%vaacaI BaUimaka bajaavato.%yaasaazI ivaVaqyaa-Mnaa Xaalaoya
jaIvanaat %yaaMcyaa kuTuMbaakDUna yaÜgya to pazbaL imaLNao KUp AavaXyak Asato¸ yaasaazI palakaMcaI saamaaijak Aaiqak pirisqatI ivaVaqyaa-caa iXaxaNa p`vaah zrivaNaara mah%vaacaa GaTk zrtܸ AaiNa Aaja yaacao ica~ Aaja AapNaasa
phavayaasa imaLtoº caaMgalaI Aaiqa-k prIisqatI Asalaolyaa palakaMcyaa maulaaMnaa iXaxaNaacyaa caaMgalyaa saMQaI ]plabQa
hÜtat tXaa [tr ivaVaqyaa-Mnaa %yaa imaLt naahIt¸mhNaUna p`stut saMXaÜQanaat rajya maMDLaXaI salagnaIt maaQyaimak
XaaLaMmaQaIla ivaVaqyaa-McaI saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI¸ saMpadna p`orNaa AaiNa XaOxaiNak saMpadna yaatIla
sahsaMbaMQaaMcaa AByaasa kolaolaa Aahoº saMXaÜQana namaunyaat naMdurbaar ijalhyaatIla maaQyaimak XaaLaMmaQaIla 493
ivaVaqyaa-Mcaa samaavaoXa hÜta¸ yaat 189 maulao AaiNa 304 maulaIMcaa samaavaoXa hÜtaº sadr saMXaÜQanaat vaNa-naa%mak saMXaÜQana
pQdtIcaa ]pyaÜga kolaolaa Aahoº p`aPt maahItIcao ivaXlaoYaNa krNyaasaazI koMid`ya p`vaR<aI va ivacalanaXaIlatocaI pirmaaNao
tsaoca 'TI' pirixaka¸ sahsaMbaMQa gauNak¸ yaa saaMi#yakI tM~aMcaa vaapr kolaa hÜtaºsaMXaÜQanaaAMtI Asao AaZLUna Aalao
kI¸ ]cca saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI va inamna saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI AsaNaaáyaa ivaVaqyaa-Mcyaa XaOxaiNak
saMpadnaat¸ saMpadna p`orNaot laxaiNaya frk Aahoº tsaoca ]cca saMpadna p`orNaa va inamna saMpadna p`orNaa AsaNaaáyaa
ivaVaqyaa-Mcyaa XaOxaiNak saMpadnaat laxaiNaya frk AaZLUna Aalaaº
%yaaMcyaat ivaivaQa kÝXalyaaMcaa ivakasa hÜtÜ va%yaMacao jaIvana gaitmaana haot Asato.saamaaijak gauNaaMcaa ivakasa¸
naagairk%va va raYT/Iya%va AaiNa caair~yasaMvaQa-na yaa sava- baabaIMcaa ivakasa ivaVaqyaa-MmaQyao iSaxaNaaWaroca haot
Asatao.vyai@tgat tsaoca samaaja ivakasaat iSaxaNa mah%vaacaI BaUimaka bajaavato.%yaasaazI ivaVaqyaa-Mnaa Xaalaoya
jaIvanaat %yaaMcyaa kuTuMbaakDUna yaÜgya to pazbaL imaLNao KUp AavaXyak Asato¸ yaasaazI palakaMcaI saamaaijak Aaiqak pirisqatI ivaVaqyaa-caa iXaxaNa p`vaah zrivaNaara mah%vaacaa GaTk zrtܸ AaiNa Aaja yaacao ica~ Aaja AapNaasa
phavayaasa imaLtoº caaMgalaI Aaiqa-k prIisqatI Asalaolyaa palakaMcyaa maulaaMnaa iXaxaNaacyaa caaMgalyaa saMQaI ]plabQa
hÜtat tXaa [tr ivaVaqyaa-Mnaa %yaa imaLt naahIt¸mhNaUna p`stut saMXaÜQanaat rajya maMDLaXaI salagnaIt maaQyaimak
XaaLaMmaQaIla ivaVaqyaa-McaI saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI¸ saMpadna p`orNaa AaiNa XaOxaiNak saMpadna yaatIla
sahsaMbaMQaaMcaa AByaasa kolaolaa Aahoº saMXaÜQana namaunyaat naMdurbaar ijalhyaatIla maaQyaimak XaaLaMmaQaIla 493
ivaVaqyaa-Mcaa samaavaoXa hÜta¸ yaat 189 maulao AaiNa 304 maulaIMcaa samaavaoXa hÜtaº sadr saMXaÜQanaat vaNa-naa%mak saMXaÜQana
pQdtIcaa ]pyaÜga kolaolaa Aahoº p`aPt maahItIcao ivaXlaoYaNa krNyaasaazI koMid`ya p`vaR<aI va ivacalanaXaIlatocaI pirmaaNao
tsaoca 'TI' pirixaka¸ sahsaMbaMQa gauNak¸ yaa saaMi#yakI tM~aMcaa vaapr kolaa hÜtaºsaMXaÜQanaaAMtI Asao AaZLUna Aalao
kI¸ ]cca saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI va inamna saamaaijak Aaiqa-k pirisqatI AsaNaaáyaa ivaVaqyaa-Mcyaa XaOxaiNak
saMpadnaat¸ saMpadna p`orNaot laxaiNaya frk Aahoº tsaoca ]cca saMpadna p`orNaa va inamna saMpadna p`orNaa AsaNaaáyaa
ivaVaqyaa-Mcyaa XaOxaiNak saMpadnaat laxaiNaya frk AaZLUna Aalaa
conducted on the secondary school students of Mumbai and Thane. The survey conducted was validated and the study confirmed that none of the variables had significant relationship with the academic achievement of students. The results thus interpreted were that the factors did not necessarily affect the academic achievement of secondary school students. Further, the researcher correlated the factors, it was found that there was significant relationship between the factors where one factor increases the other factor too increased.
Keywords: Academic achievement, Parents attitude, Student’s attitude, Peers attitude and Teacher’s attitude
more complete learning process. the finding of research is that the internship program is a significant way to train the student teachers about real life classroom experiences. It gives them an opportunity to integrate theory and practice, plan and deliver lessons properly, critically analyse their own and peers teaching styles and improve their performances on the constructive feedback given by teacher educator supervisors. With the help of this program they developed an understanding of role and responsibilities of professional teachers. It also helps them to understand different aspects of Teacher Education Institutions and improve their skills and abilities in teaching profession.